What is halfway between Jefferson City and Kansas City?

The halfway point between Kansas City, Missouri and Jefferson City, Missouri is:

Marshall, Missouri

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What is halfway between Jefferson City and Kansas City?

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The best city between Kansas City, MO and Jefferson City, MO to meet is Marshall, Missouri which is about 11 miles from the exact midpoint.

The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Marshall Junction, Missouri.

The closest zip code to the midpoint is 65333.

The exact latitude and longitude coordinates are 38° 58' 11" N and 93° 14' 46" W.

The total driving distance from Kansas City, MO to Jefferson City, MO is 157 miles or 253 kilometers.

Each person would then have to drive about 79 miles to meet in the middle.

It will take about 1 hour and 14 minutes for each driver to arrive at the meeting point.

For a flight, the straight line geographic midpoint coordinates are 38° 50' 39" N and 93° 22' 17" W.

The city at the geographic halfway point from Kansas City, MO to Jefferson City, MO is Houstonia, Missouri.

Halfway point calculator

Travelmath helps you figure out the midpoint between two locations based on the driving directions from each starting point. You can find the closest town that is an equal distance from two cities. Use this tool to determine the best city to meet, or to look for interesting stops along the way if you're planning a long road trip and you need to take a break or stay overnight. Search for hotels at the midpoint city to split up your drive, or explore other nearby cities and discover local towns on your trip. If you're meeting a friend halfway in-between, you can figure out how far each person has to drive and how long it will take to arrive at the center. Even if you're separated by water, you can still calculate the straight line geographic midpoint to determine the closest flight distance.

What city is halfway through Kansas?

When measured by that technique, the halfway point of the United States is in… you guessed it, Kansas! The little town of Lebanon is so small it's barely a blip on a map, but it's got the honor of being the Halfway Point of the Contiguous 48 States.

What is halfway between Kansas City and Missouri?

The halfway point between Kansas City, Missouri and St. Louis, Missouri is: Columbia, MO. Find a place to meet halfway. These two locations are 248 miles apart and the exact midpoint is 300 W Texas Ave, Columbia, MO 65202, USA.

What is the halfway point between Kansas City and Denver?

Halfway between Denver, CO and Kansas City, MO The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually WaKeeney, Kansas. The closest zip code to the midpoint is 67672. The exact latitude and longitude coordinates are 39° 1' 18" N and 99° 55' 32" W.

What city is halfway between Kansas City and Nashville?

The best city between Kansas City, MO and Nashville, TN to meet is Saint Louis, Missouri which is about 28 miles from the exact midpoint. The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually New Baden, Illinois. The closest zip code to the midpoint is 62266.