What is the best way for a man to douche?

Anal douching is the act of cleansing the anal canal and can be done in a variety of ways with a range of products. Many use anal douching to prepare for receptive anal intercourse, however, while it does help with cleaning the area, it is not strictly necessary for anal intercourse.

The anal canal is situated just beyond the rectum, its surface is lined by mucosa layer that amongst other functions, prevents the entry of infective agents such as bacteria into the underlying tissue. Another important structure of the anal canal are the anal sphincters, these muscles line both sides of the canal and maintain fecal continence (keeping your poop in).Tears in the mucosa layers can become infected very quickly, as these wounds further develop into abscesses, they ulcerate through the deeper layers of the anal canal and if the sphincters are damaged, can result in fecal incontinence. 

Overzealous cleansing – too hard or with harsh chemicals results in the mucosal lining of the anal canal to dry out. Dry tissue is “friable” meaning it breaks apart easily thus pre-disposing the anal canal to infection. Therefore, much like how scrubbing your hands with steel wool can give you blisters, anal douching is not entirely bad but must be done in a measured and safe way.

Is douching necessary for Anal intercourse?

No. Clearing your bowels before anal intercourse is useful in keeping your sheets clean and because most bowel movements are able to clear the rectum (the body’s poop storage pouch), gentle cleaning of the external anal canal will suffice in most cases. 

Not generally. Laxatives are designed to clear the entire colon which is approximately 1.5 m long. Generally, anal intercourse involves the anal canal (~4cm) and rectum (~15cm), which works out to approximately 20 cm of length or 10 inches (the law of averages would suggest that it enough space for most anal intercourse). A downside of using laxatives is that it can dehydrate you because it pulls water from your body into the colon to give “soften” the contents of the colon. 

Enemas for anal douching?

Enemas for emptying out the rectum and anal canal. It can be seen as a more focused means of cleaning out the area compared to Laxatives. There are however several concerns with enemas.

Firstly the solution used in the enemas can change the chemical balance in that area of your body. This can dry out the mucosa and predispose to damage. The tip of the enema should be soft and insert gently, this will prevent inadvertently tearing the mucosa with the tip of the enema. And lastly, do not share your enemas, studies have found that sharing enemas is a risk factor for the transmission of Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Is using water the best option to clean out your anus?

Yes. Water is generally pH neutral and is not as caustic to the mucosa as some of the chemicals in enemas. Again be careful when inserting anything into your anal canal!

Does over-douching cause you to poop?

Depending on how you do it but generally no. Douching itself is different from laxatives in that it only clears the poop in your anal canal and rectum. 

How long should anal cleansing take?

Anal cleansing should take about 5 – 10 minutes. Again, like washing your hands, overzealous washing can damage the tissue and make it friable. A good bowel moment and gentle washing if the area with water should suffice in getting the area clean.

Does anal douching increase the risk of HIV/ STDs?

Potentially. As mentioned, sharing enemas is a risk factor for contracting STDs even after washing the tip. Because most STDs infect by entering the body through a break in the mucosa, any damage to that layer either by overzealous washing changing the chemical balance of the tissue making friable or mechanical damage with a pointed enema tip create entry points for infective agents that cause STDs to enter the area. To further minimize the transmission of STDs during Anal Intercourse it is hence best to wear a condom.

Cleaning your bum is a topic few like talking about but everyone needs to know. It may seem straightforward, but it’s not — there’s potential for injury and damage if you aren’t careful.

We’ll share tips ranging from the right way to wipe to which things you should absolutely never use on or around your bum. Read on to learn how to keep yourself clean.

Tips for anal hygiene

Good anal hygiene requires comprehensive approach that also takes into consideration the foods and drinks you consume. Here are some basic tips:

  • Eat a fiber-rich diet involving fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain foods. These help to add bulk to your stool and prevent constipation. While you should introduce fiber slowly, aim to ultimately take in30 to 40 grams of fiberper day. If you have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), consult with your doctor about how much fiber you should consume.
  • Drink enough nonalcoholic fluids that your urine is pale yellow. Fluids help soften your stool, making it easier to pass.
  • Use soft toilet paper, and wipe gently after a bowel movement.
  • Allow the skin to air-dry after bathing.
  • Avoid wearing underwear that irritates the anal area, such as G-strings. Also, avoid using scented panty liners.
  • Wear undyed cotton underwear to avoid irritation.

The key is to keep the anal area clean, dry, and free of irritants.

What to know about anal douching (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Anal douching isn’t something you need to do every day, but there may be some circumstances where you need to feel very clean — like if you’re having receptive anal sex. If this is the case, you can consider anal douching.

We aren’t necessarily condoning anal douching, but if you’re going to do it, there are some guidelines you can follow to do it safely:

Materials you’ll need

  • Fluid. Normal saline is the best option for rinsing out your bum. This is better than tap water, which can affect the balance of electrolytes, such as sodium, in your body.
  • Delivery method. You’ll need something sanitary to get the fluid from its container to your bum. One method is a Fleet’s enema. This is a pre-packaged enema that usually has a lubricated nozzle to prevent damage. If you don’t have one handy, an alternative is a bulb syringe. These are also similar to another option called an anal douche bulb, which adult stores may sell.
  • Lubricant. You’ll need a water-based lubricant to ease insertion for whatever delivery method you choose.

A note about water temperature

The inner lining of your rectum is very sensitive to temperature, so you can’t use the same temperature you would in a shower. The water should be lukewarm. When you place it on the inner portion of your wrist, it shouldn’t feel warm.

Steps to follow

  1. Apply lubricant to your delivery method. Some people also may insert a lubricated, gloved finger up their rectum before inserting a Fleet’s enema or bulb.
  2. Slowly, gently insert the delivery method into the rectum. Never force it or quickly insert it. Standing by the toilet with one leg on top of the toilet seat may be a good position to start.
  3. Release the liquid into your rectum slowly. Start with a small amount of water and attempt to hold the water in (if possible) for 10 to 15 minutes. If you can’t hold the water in, release it into the toilet.
  4. After 10 to 15 minutes, go to the bathroom to allow the water and stool to come out.

A gentle process with lubricated tools are needed to make this procedure as safe as possible.

The best way to wipe

Stool can be very irritating when it’s on your sensitive anal area. Careful wiping and cleansing of the anal area ensures you’re as comfortable as possible. Some best practices include the following:

  • Wipe front to back. This keeps you from introducing bacteria to your urinary tract.
  • Avoid using scented towelettes or other potentially damaging agents to wipe your bum.
  • Use soft toilet paper, unscented towelettes, or a soft, wet washcloth to wipe your bum.
  • Refrain from vigorous wiping, but instead use gentle motions to cleanse the bottom.
  • Cleanse with mild soap and lukewarm water, and dry your bottom with a soft cloth afterwards.

If your anal area is very irritated, you can apply a water-based cream to it to reduce irritation.

What not to do

Part of learning how to keep your bum clean is learning what not to do. Take it from all the people who’ve tried and injured themselves before. Don’t use any of these solutions at or around your bum to clean it:

  • alcohol
  • bleach
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • iodine
  • oil-based lubricants (they can irritate the rectum skin)
  • olive oil
  • talcum powder
  • witch hazel

Essentially, if it isn’t a gentle cleanser or warm water, it probably doesn’t have any business going near your rectum.

Why it might not feel clean

Itching, burning, or the sensation of general dirtiness in your anal area isn’t a comfy feeling.

If you experience significant anal itching or have a hard time feeling clean, you may have hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum that may be around the anal opening, called external hemorrhoids, or inside the anal opening, called internal hemorrhoids.

While hemorrhoids are often painless, some can bleed or make it hard to clean stool. Unless they’re very large, hemorrhoids are usually more an inconvenience than severe problem.

If you notice tenderness or even pain after a stool that was hard to pass, the cause may be an anal fissure. Anal fissures are tears in the anal canal, usually due to hard, dry stool passing through. Treatments include adding fiber and water to your diet so your stool is easier to pass and your skin can heal.

If you experience acute sudden pain around the anal area, accompanied by redness or feelings of fullness, you could have an anal abscess or fistula. This can indicate an infection of the skin or anal gland.

When to seek care

While occasional itching is possible when you haven’t wiped all the stool away, you should see a health professional if you experience consistent or severe pain or itching in your rectum.

You should seek emergency attention if you see significant bleeding from your rectum.

This blood may appear bright to dark red or even have a coffee-ground like appearance. While a few drops periodically may indicate hemorrhoidal bleeding, significant bleeding warrants a trip to the emergency room. Frequent bleeding, but smaller amounts, may warrant a trip to a medical professional.

The bottom line

When it comes to keeping your bum clean, gentle is best. Using soft toilet paper or dye-free cloths can help keep you clean and comfortable.

For the most part, you won’t need more than this. If you notice itching, bleeding, or other abnormalities, talk with your doctor.

How long should a man douche?

One person said that they allow 2 hours “before water to expel before play.” Another said that 15 – 30 minutes was sufficient, although most people said that you need at least an hour to complete a douching regimen and allow enough time for the water to exit your body before you leave the bathroom (or the close ...

How does a douche for men work?

Liquid, typically water, is inserted into the rectum by means of some tool. After some time, the water is expelled in the manner of a routine bowel movement, and, in the process, the rectum eliminates waste and is cleaned. Most people who use rectal douching do so with plain water.

Can a man use a douche?

Most participants reported douching frequently or always. On average, men reported douching about two hours prior to or one hour following intercourse. Average age of onset was late 20s. Most men who douched wanted to be clean or were encouraged to douche by their partners.