What is the hardest song in all of Guitar Hero?

A select few games out there have had an impact quite like the one that Guitar Hero had during its prime. Chances are that if someone was a gamer and has a console in the 2000s, then they had to have played the hit music game from Activision at some point. With so many songs making up the soundtracks in the franchise, some are inevitably harder than others.

These songs were so hard that it pained many a player's fingers to the point that they might as well have been bleeding. If players were able to clear these 10 songs, let alone 100 percent them on expert, could call themselves true guitar heroes.

10 Cult Of Personality - Living Colour (Guitar Hero 3)

Cult of personality being played by character Pandora in Guitar Hero 3

The encore song of the seventh set of songs in the game's career mode, Cult of Personality is a taste of things to come in the next set of songs.

It is fast with few songs in between, its difficulty will catch most by surprise leading to failing the song the first time around. Like other songs on the list, use that star power wisely and when needed most in order to clear it.

9 Eruption - Van Halen (Guitar Hero: Van Halen)

Eruption being played by Eddie Van Halen in GH Van Halen

One of many games in the series to come out in 2009, most probably skipped this game due to a severe case of franchise fatigue. Those that did though were spared the agony of trying to clear this fast-paced song.

From the beginning, this song does not let up with notes popping up quicker than one can say "oh no." It thankfully is shorter than others on this list, making it all the more merciful and welcome after struggling to pass it.

8 Black Widow Of La Porte - John 5 (Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock)

Black Widow of La Porte being played in GH Warriors of Rock

Here is a song that will really test the endurance of the player. Those that have cleared this song from the last game in the series to use the classic controller will know the name of John 5.

Filled with notes that lie on opposite sides of the controller, like going from green to blue in rapid succession, it truly does hit the player like a black widow spider bite. Not reacting in time will lead to the player's doom.

One being played by character Pandora in GH 3

Though this song also appears in Guitar Hero: Metallica, the version in three is the hardest of the two. The most deceptive on this list, the song starts out pretty slow and easy compared to others, making the player let their guard down.

But then the solo kicks in and all of a sudden the player has to start strumming faster than they thought possible. It baits the player in with a false sense of security and then the next thing they know have to keep switching their hand from the buttons to the strummer like their life depends on it. Players will need more than one second of a break after the end of this one.

6 Jordan - Buckethead (Guitar Hero 2)

Jordan being played by character Izzy Sparks in GH2

An optional bonus song made just for the game, it was the hardest song in the series up to this point. Players will have to give it their all just like any of the other songs in the game.

It is basically like the hidden boss that is really hard of the series and with good reason. The song starts out fairly quickly and only picks up as the song goes on, especially during the solo. Buttons start flying down quickly requiring all of the player's focus. Mastering the controller is the best way of clearing this song and to feel like the Jordan of Guitar Hero players.

5 Sudden Death - Megadeth (Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock)

Sudden Death being performed as
the final boss song in GH WoR

The final song of a final boss that has different forms, that being the Demi-God of Rock. The toughest was without a doubt saved for last. The game's characters battle a monster as notes come at the players quicker than the two previous songs, also by Megadeth.

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The song is quick from the get-go forcing players to move quickly with their finger movements or else suffer a mega-death of rock music. The solo is the toughest part that will most likely get everyone. Players will have to remain calm and stick to what they know.

4 Raining Blood - Slayer (Guitar Hero 3)

Shot of the GH3 singer, singing Raining Blood with the drummer in the background

The hardest song out of the eighth set of songs in the game, the song starts out with a calm before the storm of raining blood comes in. Then the fast-paced tune that band Slayer was best known for kicks in with the chorus.

This is just the beginning though as the song only gets faster from here on out. Instead of enough raining blood to attract vampires, it is instead raining buttons as it requires quick and swift finger movements to get the timing just right in order to avoid a miss. Even missing just a few buttons is the difference between success and failure.

3 Fury Of The Storm - DragonForce (Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock)

Fury of the Storm being played in the music reveal trailer for GH WoR

The first appearance of Dragon Force on this list, it also will not be the last as well. A bonus song in the game, it is pedal to the absolute metal as soon as this song starts. Like the player is being thrown into the fury of a storm.

It is five minutes of nonstop concentration to hit as many notes as one can muster without failing. Use of star power is a must to stay in the game and failure is only a finger slip away in this storm of button prompts.

2 The Devil Went Down To Georgia - Cover Of The Charlie Daniels Band Song (Guitar Hero 3)

The Devil Went Down To Georgia being played by character Judy Nails in GH3

A cover of the classic country song, the tune is actually the theme of final boss Lou Devil but could be played by itself through DLC. Much like the fast pace of the original, the game's version is just as fast with even more sections thrown in.

The endurance of the player is tested in both the boss and standalone song that it could rival even the best boss fights from Nintendo. Players have to move their fingers back and forth constantly in a seemingly never-ending barrage of notes that only the best can truly master.

1 Through The Fire And Flames - DragonForce (Guitar Hero 3)

Through The Fire and Flames on expert in GH3

Not just the hardest song in any Guitar Hero 3, it is also one of the hardest levels in any game, period. The player is thrown into the fire (pun intended) straight from the get-go with having to move their strum hand up to where the buttons are.

It will test the endurance of any Guitar Hero player as it is around seven minutes of this nonstop with few moments of pause in the song. Only those that emerge from the flames of this song like a phoenix can call themselves a true Guitar Hero if they achieve the daunting task of clearing this song on expert with 100 percent completion.

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What is the hardest Guitar Hero level?

Hard (also known as Advanced in Guitar Hero Live) is the second hardest difficulty in the Guitar Hero series after Expert (except on drums where after Expert and Expert +).

What is the hardest song in Guitar Hero World Tour?

"Satch Boogie" is considered one of the hardest songs to FC in the GH series, and by far the hardest FC in Guitar Hero World Tour.

What is the worlds hardest song to play on guitar?

The Hardest Guitar Songs of All Time.
DragonForce. “Through the Fire and Flames”.
Jimi Hendrix. “Machine Gun”.
Guthrie Govan. “Waves”.
Michael Jackson ft. Eddie Van Halen. “Beat It”.
Allan Holdsworth. “Devil Take the Hindmost”.
Animals As Leaders. “CAFO”.
John Petrucci. “Damage Control”.
Paul Gilbert. “Technical Difficulties”.

What is the longest Guitar Hero song?

It appears in and is the longest song in Guitar Hero: Metallica, at eleven minutes and eighteen seconds, and it is the second longest song in the franchise, only exceeded by the live version of "Do You Feel Like We Do" by Peter Frampton in Guitar Hero 5.