What is the meaning of it happens?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishhappenhap‧pen /ˈhæpən/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [intransitive]    1 HAPPENwhen something happens, there is an event, especially one that is not planned SYN occur  When did the accident happen?  It’s impossible to predict what will happen next.something/nothing/anything happens  Something terrible has happened.  She carried on as if nothing had happened.  This was bound to happen sooner or later.  This kind of thing happens all the time.  We’ll still be friends, whatever happens. 2 → something/anything/what happens to somebody/something3 → happen to do something4 → somebody/something happens to be something5 → as it happens/it just so happens6 → these things happen7 → whatever happened to somebody/sth? → accidents (will) happenTHESAURUShappen used especially when talking about events that have not been plannedWhen did the accident happen?Something terrible has happened!take place to happen – used especially when talking about events that have been planned or that have already happenedThe conference will take place on the 16th of June.The competition took place on Saturday 30th June.occur formal to happen – used especially when talking about events that have not been plannedThe incident occurred outside the police station at around 9 pm.there is/there are used when saying that a particular event happensThere was an earthquake about a week ago.There are strikes almost every year. come up to happen – used about problems, questions, or opportunitiesThere aren’t any jobs at the moment, but we’ll let you know if something comes up.This question often comes up when I’m talking to students.arise formal to happen unexpectedly – used about problems, arguments, or difficult situationsA dispute arose about who should receive the money.It is best to deal with the problem as soon as it arises.crop up to happen – used about problems or difficult situations, especially ones that are less serious, and can quickly be dealt withThe banks will contact their customers if a problem crops up.strike to happen suddenly and unexpectedly – used about very bad eventsThe hurricane struck at around 1 am.Disaster struck, and he lost all movement in his legs.turn out to happen in a particular wayLuckily, everything turned out well.How did it all turn out? → happen on/upon somebody/something→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushappen• You mustn't go there alone at night. Anything might happen!• He telephoned you just after you'd gone and I told him what had happened.• Instead of standing idly by or opposing change, the union should become actively involved in making change happen.• For some time there had been predictions of a major earthquake, and then on April 19,1906, it happened.• I want to make things up with her, but I don't think it's going to happen.• Look, when I turn the key, nothing happens.• We'd always feared that this might happen.• Look at what happened at Seattle, and the proposals of groups like Attac and Agir Ici.• The accident happened at two o'clock this afternoon.• At ninety-one it was bound to have happened before.• The accident happened early on Tuesday morning.• Whatever had happened, the experience had disturbed him.• Before I realised what was happening, the man had grabbed my bag and run off with it.• I couldn't understand what was happening to me and I began to sink deeper and deeper into the pit.• But what will happen when the holders of all those assets outnumber the buyers?• What's happened? Why are you crying?whatever happens• We'll be thinking about you, whatever happens.• And whatever happens, after May 3 they're predicting a mad scramble for one-way only tickets.• Such an inner object will always remain inviolate within us, whatever happens in reality.• He doesn't mind leaving his script and reacting to whatever happens on the night.• But whatever happens, the only certainty is that the crags will never change.• But whatever happens, the ward will retain an important place in training.• Anyway, I was brought up to believe that whatever happens to people is their own fault.• And Hannah, whatever happens, will always be one of their own.• But whatever happens, you must get into a good position for the start of the base leg.Origin happen (1300-1400) hap ( → HAPPY)

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What is the meaning of it happens?
What is the meaning of it happens?

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happenPresentithappenshappen> View MorePastit, theyhappenedPresent perfecttheyhave happenedithas happenedPast perfectit, theyhad happenedFutureit, theywill happenFuture perfectit, theywill have happened> View LessPresenttheyare happeningitis happening> View MorePasttheywere happeningitwas happeningPresent perfecttheyhave been happeningithas been happeningPast perfectit, theyhad been happeningFutureit, theywill be happeningFuture perfectit, theywill have been happening> View Less

What does it mean as it happens?

used to introduce something that is true by chance. As it happens, I know his brother.

How do you use as it happens in a sentence?

You use as it happens in order to introduce a statement, especially one that is rather surprising. He called Amy to see if she knew where his son was. As it happened, Amy did know.

What is the meaning of make it happen?

You need to make it happen!: You need to ensure that it happens, you need to do everything you can to facilitate it! idiom.

What is the full meaning of happened?

happen verb [I] (HAVE EXISTENCE) (of a situation or an event) to have existence or come into existence: No one knows exactly what happened but several people have been hurt. Anything could happen in the next half hour. A funny thing happened in the office today.