What is the UK weather forecast for June?

The temperatures in London in June are usually low and can range between 11°C and 19°C.

You can expect about 3 to 8 days of rain in London during the month of June. It’s a good idea to bring along your umbrella so that you don’t get caught in poor weather.

Our weather forecast can give you a great sense of what weather to expect in London in June 2023.

If you’re planning to visit London in the near future, we highly recommend that you review the 14 day weather forecast for London before you arrive.

Click on a day for an hour by hour weather forecast

MonthTemperaturesRainy DaysDry DaysSnowy DaysRainfallWeatherMore details
January 7° / 3° 8 19 4 81 mm


London in January
February 8° / 3° 8 16 4 75 mm


London in February
March 10° / 4° 5 24 2 56 mm


London in March
April 14° / 6° 4 26 1 44 mm


London in April
May 16° / 8° 6 26 0 66 mm


London in May
June 19° / 11° 5 25 0 77 mm


London in June
July 22° / 14° 5 26 0 70 mm


London in July
August 21° / 14° 4 27 0 77 mm


London in August
September 19° / 12° 4 26 0 51 mm


London in September
October 15° / 10° 7 24 0 90 mm


London in October
November 11° / 6° 7 22 1 82 mm


London in November
December 8° / 4° 8 21 3 90 mm


London in December

What is the average temperature in London in June?

The average temperature in London in June is 11/19° C.

What is the chance of rain in London in June?

On average, there are 5 rainy days in London during June.

Weather wise, is June a good time to visit London?

The weather in London in June is good.

Can it snow in London in June?

On average, there are 0 snowy days in London in June.

Is 2022 going to be a hot summer in the UK?

The UK has had three major heatwaves during summer 2022, with the most recent between 11 and 14 August reaching highs of 34C. In July, England, Scotland and Wales all set temperature records, with a new UK maximum of 40.3C set in Lincolnshire on 19 July.

Is June 2022 hot IN UK?

After rising all week, with temperatures will be “well above average” today (Friday 17 June). Temperatures in many parts of the UK will exceed 30C, and may even reach up to 34C in some areas. The average June maximum temperature for the UK as a whole is 18C.

Will it be sunny in June UK?

How sunny is it in the UK in June? There are normally 7 hours of bright sunshine each day in London, UK in June - that's 40% of daylight hours.

Is June a warm month UK?

Beginning in June, summer is the warmest season in the UK due to the northern hemisphere being tilted towards the Sun.