What time of day is best to rattle in bucks?

I am often asked the question of when is the best time to "RATTLE" for whitetail bucks. I have rattled in bucks from September through January. The style of rattling is largely dependent on the phase of the rut at the given time. Some of my best rattling experiences have been the first week of October in Michigan. I have successfully rattled in bucks in Canada, Texas, Mexico, Ohio as well. In my 30 plus years of rattling whitetails I have learned some tricks that work year after year. Some of these tricks just might work for you too.

Things to remember, deer have 3 important senses that they use the most, smell, hearing and sight. More often than not you need to trigger 2 of the senses to get either a positive or negative response. Trigger either sight or hearing and the deer will use its sense of smell to reinforce its other senses. So it makes sense to be as scent free as possible, and the use of an attractant scent as well. Use non-rutting buck urine during the early pre-rut period. Buck Stops Guide Grade Scents #GG150 or Supreme buck urine #1502 are good choices.

During this pre-rut period bucks have shed their velvet and are establishing the pecking order. These early season rattling sessions are a soft tine tickling affair. I have had my best success in rattling in grassy fields about 45 minutes after daylight and the last 90 minutes of daylight. Most of my sessions are done "BLIND" meaning I have no deer in sight. I lightly click the antler tines together for 10-15 seconds pause a couple seconds and start over again for another 10-15 seconds. I will repeat this of up to 5 minutes. I am always scanning the area for movement. Lots of times a buck will respond before you finish the sequence. You will see manly 1 1/2 years bucks during this pre-rut period.

The peak rut period requires a different approach you will need to be more aggressive and louder in your rattling sessions. I tend to move in to the woods and wood lines during this period, I also start using the estrus doe urines like the very popular 200 Proof #1401. Hot scrape area are a prime setup spot during the rut. I will always start a semi light blind rattle just before daylight unless I can hear deer moving nearby. If I have not seen any movement after the first 30 minute of daylight I will launch in to an aggressive "LOUD" rattling session. These sessions will last 2-3 minutes, a few rutting grunts from your favorite grunt call helps as well. I will repeat the sessions every 30 minutes or so. I often issue a series of grunts between sessions. This is the period when I rattle in my biggest bucks.

Rattling when you have a buck in sight is a hit or miss thing for me. I will just click the antler together just loud enough for him to hear them, you then have to play off of the way he acts. Grunt calls really help during this situation. If he shows no interest I will rattle once after I no long see him, and then play the waiting game. In the morning wait at least 1 hour after you have seen a good buck leave, they tend to sneak back in from downwind. Play your cards right and you just may shoot a buck of a life time.

I always want a buck to know where I am hunting at. I just don't want the buck to know what I am. This is where Buck Stop's scents come in to play. Fooling his nose is 3/4 of the battle.

Advanced methods include using a decoy or two near a hot scrape. I only use this method a couple times a year where I place a standing buck over a bedded doe, with the use of scents, grunts calls and rattling antlers. I normally use this when I start see big bucks moving during the day searching out does. NOTE: Never use this method during gun season.

Good luck this season. Put a little noise in to your hunt.

Brian Johansen

Deer Calls for Rattling in Bucks During the Rut

November marks the unofficial start to the rut in many parts of the country. Deer hunters build anticipation all year long for these few weeks. Deer hunting the rut gives you a chance at scoring a mature whitetail that may only have been seen on the occasional Bushnell trail camera photo. A buck’s primal instincts kick in full force in the early weeks of November, which has these heavyweights coming out of the shadows. With the right deer calls, you may very well be able to get one into bow range. 

Rattling in bucks is one of the most productive calls for deer you can have in your arsenal during the rut. Deer calling with a set of antlers or a rattle bag to mimic the sound of two bucks in conflict can work throughout the course of a hunting season. Early in the season, bucks are less aggressive and more curious. As the phases of the rut start, bucks begin to build aggression as they search for does and defend any of those they have already found in heat. This is when to rattle for whitetails if you want to call in dominant bucks. To start, there are two different options when it comes to rattling deer calls. 

Options for Rattling in Bucks

Basically, rattling comes down to making a loud crashing sound to mimic two bucks connecting horns. Most anything can be banged together to create a similar sound, but the difference between getting a buck interested and spooking him is a good deer call. Rattling for whitetails has to sound authentic and loud enough in order for it to work. When it comes to rattling deer calls, you have two options. 

Synthetic Antlers 

Even though real deer antlers for rattling are as close as you can come to the sounds of bucks fighting, synthetic antlers are not that far off and have several advantages. Synthetic antlers are anything other than real antlers used as deer calls for rattling. These can include replica antlers and rattle bags like the Bone Collector Bag-o-BonesBy adding or removing the synthetic tines from the non-slip rubber bag, you can increase or decrease the sound and aggression. The advantages to synthetic antlers are, that in most cases, they produce good quality sounds but are more versatile in the woods than a set of real antlers. 

What time of day is best to rattle in bucks?

Real Antlers

You can also use antlers from previous bucks you have harvested, scavenge for them in the winter by shed huntingor you can purchase them. Different sized antlers offer different sounds and can be more or less productive in different circumstances. Generally speaking, use large antler sets for the rut and stick to small antlers in the pre-rut and earlier in the season. 

If however, you want to avoid painful holes and gashes in your hands and fingers, take a look at your other options… 

Basic Rattling Techniques for Bucks

Rattling in bucks with either real or synthetic antlers can get as simple or as complex as you want. However, there are a few basic techniques to understand when rattling in bucks during the rut. 

  1. Wind Direction. Even in the heat of the rut, a mature buck is likely to approach your rattling call from downwind. Make sure you know the wind direction, have proper scent control and plan your setup appropriately or the calling is worthless. 
  1. Build Momentum. Start your rattling session off slow and quiet for two reasons. One, you do not want to spook any nearby bucks and two most buck sparring sessions do not start fast and furious but rather build up to a fierce brawl. 
  1. Realism WinsAs you go through rattling scenarios, use grunt calls and other deer calls to up the realism factor. Also, rotate your body as you are calling and scrape the ground to imitate the impression of bucks moving around. 
  1. Be Reasonable. Stick to calling sessions that start off slow and quietly and last for about a minute. Wait about five minutes and come back with a louder and more aggressive rattling session for about two to four minutes. Spread out rattling sessions about every hour so bucks have time to approach. 
  1. Stay Committed. If you are hunting the rut on a property that holds bucks, then stay committed to rattling. The best time to rattle for whitetails is from daybreak to mid-morning, but it is worth rattling on and off throughout the day. More than likely a passing buck will end up within earshot and sneak in to investigate. 
  1. Be Reasonable. Stick to calling sessions that start off slow and quietly and last for about a minute. Wait about five minutes and come back with a louder and more aggressive rattling session for about two to four minutes. Spread out rattling sessions about every hour so bucks have time to approach.
  1. Stay Committed. If you are hunting the rut on a property that holds bucks, then stay committed to rattling. The best time to rattle for whitetails is from daybreak to mid-morning, but it is worth rattling on and off throughout the day. More than likely a passing buck will end up within earshot and sneak in to investigate.

Successfully Rattling in Bucks

Calling in bucks depends on several factors. The first is timing. The optimal time for using rattling as a deer call is at the end of pre-rut and up to the peak breeding period of the rut in your area. Once a mature whitetail pairs with a hot doe, he will stay with her for several days and deer calls like rattling will be unlikely to draw him away. This is why as peak breeding hits, rattling is less effective than the days and weeks leading up to that time.

What time of day is best to rattle in bucks?

Breeding cycles contribute to how successful you are at rattling in bucks, but hunting pressure is another factor that contributes to bringing in bucks. The more pressure in an area the less likely a buck, especially a mature buck, is to come into a rattling session. In these situations, rattling may be more effective the week before the woods fill with hunters who are out for peak rut action or in states that open gun season during this time of the year. 

By far, your location has the biggest impact on how successful rattling will be. Obviously, if there are no bucks where you are hunting then any deer calls including rattling will be a waste of time. But location is more than hunting where there are bucks. The doe-to-buck ratio has a big impact on how well rattling will be, regardless of the time of year or hunting pressure. Rattling in areas with high doe numbers and fewer mature bucks make rattling inefficient. In areas with a high doe population, bucks do not have to compete as aggressively for breeding rights, which takes rattling out of the picture. This is one scenario where you should grunt for deer or try other calls (such as a doe bleat) instead. 

Bonus rattling tip for deer hunting the rut – Target active scrapes for rattling. Areas like these have obvious rut signals, meaning bucks are looking for a challenge. If you are limited in locations and your hunting areas do not have any scrapes yet, make mock scrapes loaded up with Code Blue® Screamin’ Heat Estrous. 

Rattling in bucks during the rut is one exciting way to close the distance on a mature whitetail. With rattling deer calls and a good understanding of the basics, chances are you might be able to entice that shooter buck close enough.

What time of day are most big bucks shot?

Early Morning and Late Afternoon No matter what the conditions, deer move best early of a morning and late of an afternoon. That's when they're wired to move most. It's when their eyesight is most effective.

How long should a rattling sequence be?

Try rattling for 30 seconds to a minute per sequence every hour during peak rut. Some hunters rattle from the ground in order to rustle leaves and create more commotion to make the sequence sound as real as possible. When deer truly fight, they thrash through brush, are vocal, and fill the woods with noise.

Is it good to rattle in the morning?

Compared to evenings, hunters on average have had better success rattling in the morning just an hour or so after daylight. Results from rattling can vary between populations, but as a general rule of thumb, rattling is more effective in the morning but is still viable during evening hours.