Which geographic feature encouraged expansion of civilization in north africa?

Which geographic feature encouraged expansion of civilization in north africa? a) atlas mountains b) fertile lands in the niger river valley c) sahara desert d) rich land on the mediterranean coast

D) Rich land on the Mediterranean coast

The correct answer is – D) Rich land on the Mediterranean coast. The Mediterranean coast of North Africa has always been attractive for the people because of its rich land, as well as its access to the sea through which trade was able to be performed with ease. Apart from the native populations of North Africa that had established empires in this region, it was very attractive for any other empire to conquer it, with the likes of the Phoenicians that were setting up colonies, the Macedon Empire, Roman Empire, Arab Empire/Islamic Caliphates, Ottoman Empire etc.

> la jirafa: the giraffe > el loro: the parrot > la tortuga: the turtle > el cerdo: the pig > la vaca: the cow > la araña: the spider > el tiburón: the shark > la langosta: the lobster hope that !

martin luther believed that selling indulgences was wrong and gave people a license to sin. the roman catholic church used the practice of indulgences to raise money for major building projects.

What geographic feature covers most of North Africa?

The Sahara is the worlds largest hot desert, covering 8.5 million square kilometers (3.3 million square miles), about the size of the South American country of Brazil. Defining Africa's northern bulge, the Sahara makes up 25 percent of the continent.

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C) Himalaya Mountains Which geographic feature would have most likely hindered the expansion of the Guptas into what is modern-day China?