Who does belly ask to the ball

This article, “who does Belly end up with,” contains spoilers regarding the Amazon original series The Summer I Turned Pretty season 1.

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The Summer I Turned Pretty centers on fifteen-year-old Belly (Isabel Conklin), who is spending the summer at Cousins Beach. Her one wish for this summer is to kiss Conrad. Conrad has been the love of her life for as long as she can remember. He’s her first crush, her teenage infatuation. Throughout the seven episode run she attempts to win over this moody teen and then other romantic interests, in the hopes of finding her one true love. But who does Belly end up with?

The Summer I Turned Pretty season 1 – who does Belly end up with?

When Belly arrives at the summer house, she realizes that Conrad is acting differently. He encapsulates teenage angst and smokes marijuana, yet she is still attracted to him. They all comment on how much Belly has grown up, with many people complimenting her on her appearance. She hopes that this summer, she can catch his eye and have Conrad fall madly in love with her. Yet things don’t get off to a great start. At the bonfire party, she sees that Conrad has hooked up with Nicole, so Belly moves on instantaneously.

Her first boyfriend of the summer comes in the form of Cam, the kindest of souls. This marine biology student kisses Belly on her very first night at Cousins Beach, at that infamous bonfire party. The next day he invites her out on a date to the drive-in cinema where they kiss again. Cam may be a safe bet, but he’s extremely kind and thoughtful. He hopes Belly will invite him to the debutante ball, but she always hesitates to ask. Possibly hoping Conrad will change his mind and also concerned that there is no real spark between her and Cam. This is what eventually ends their relationship, with Belly breaking up with Cam by the sea.

Whilst Cam and Belly were dating, she clearly still had eyes for Conrad. It’s an odd dynamic between these two, who have an unspoken bond, but manage to upset one another or never get their timings quite right. They argue after the drive-in date and Conrad refuses to give Belly a birthday present. Tensions are high, until Belly gets drunk at the Fourth of July celebrations and flirts with him while he showers. Later that day they meet by the water and share a romantic moment as the fireworks go off overhead. They are about to kiss, but Jeremiah stops them, firing his own firework dangerously close to the couple.

This brings Jeremiah into the fray, who secretly had feelings for Belly all along. After witnessing them nearly kiss, Jeremiah ups his game and starts to show Belly his true feelings. This starts a love triangle between the warring brothers. It gets rather messy from this point onwards, with both Jeremiah and Conrad going hot and cold in equal measures. Jeremiah dances with Belly at the waltz training and then kisses her whilst night swimming. Conrad enjoys his time with Belly too, they’re victorious at the volleyball tournament and he asks her to the ball, but again, everything turns complicated, especially with Nicole involved.

In the end, Jeremiah gets the debutante ball invitation, but squanders his opportunity and misses the final dance. Conrad steps in and they share another romantic moment together. In the final shot of the series, Conrad and Belly kiss by the beach. It would appear she has chosen Conrad, her first love, over Jeremiah. Now that Conrad is single and Nicole has swiftly moved on, the couple can be properly together for the first time. Belly got what she wanted all along and Conrad finally realized that Belly was the one for him.

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Who takes Belly to the debutante ball?

Jeremiah is invited to the debutante ball by Belly, but then disappears during the waltz, so Conrad replaces him. In the end, Belly chooses Conrad to be her one true love, with the final shot showing the couple kissing on the beach.

Does Belly ask Cam to the ball?

Only… Belly doesn't have a partner. Thanks to her drunken antics, she doesn't have a partner and she hasn't asked Cam to the Ball either.

Does Belly end up with Conrad or Jeremiah?

The series ends with Belly marrying Conrad, and the couple starting a new life together. Jeremiah "Jere" Fisher: At the outset of the series, he is the "golden" boy, the one who appears to be untainted in the eyes of everyone. He is a good friend to Belly and a loving brother to Conrad.

Who dies in The Summer I Turned Pretty?

In the show, Susannah is alive at the end of season one with her diagnosis hanging over the family. Susannah was reluctant to face another gruelling round of chemotherapy but her sons begged her to reconsider. In Han's books, Susannah does die and passes away between the first and second novels.