Why gum should not be allowed in school Essay


  • Explain Why Gum Should Be Allowed In School

    Gum should be allowed in schools. In schools it is against the school rules to chew gum. Despite the teachers and staff see gum as messy and intolerable, they do not look at the benefits of chewing gum. For some students it can calm them ,help remember things and keep them on track. These are the reasons why gum should be allowed in schools. Studies show that gum chewing can help you stay focused for longer on tasks that require continuous monitoring. Kate Morgan a publisher of “The British Journal

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  • Why Should Schools Be Allowed To Chew Gum Essay

    Sherwood schools decided that students don’t have the right to chew gum. Thinking that the substance will cause a sticky mess and popping will cause a distraction, Sherwood banned chewing it. Chewing gum is helpful in many different ways. However, it can also be harmful to the people having to listen to the dreadful sound of the popping of your gum, while they are trying to work on their classroom assignments. Students with ADD and ADHD sometimes require to chew gum to actually get them to learn

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  • Why Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School

    ever wanted to chew gum in school so bad that you start chewing on an eraser? Well these are some of the reasons I think gum should be allowed in school. I think that chewing gum should be allowed in school. The first reason I believe chewing gum should be allowed in school is because it helps students focus more and become less distracted. If students have a test chewing gum can help you focus on your test. There is almost always a student in your class that distracts people. Gum will probably help

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  • Why We Should Be Allowed To Chew Gum In School

    Should gum be allowed to be consumed in schools? Do you want your school to be a sticky mess? UNHEALTHY SENTENCE. If students were given the coveted privilege to chew gum in class, do you expect trust them to not abuse it? Do you think students should be allowed to chew gum? Imagine reaching under a desk and feeling a squishy, wet substance. You then feel confused and you then decide to look underneath the desk, and find an atrocity, a chewed, wet, and greasy piece of gum! You then sprint to the

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  • Why We Should Be Allowed To Chew Gum In School

    you were in school and got an A on a test. Do you remember how great that felt? Imagine if students in your district could do that just by chewing gum. Statistics show that chewing gum before a test, improves your working, and episodic memory. Specific types of gum even clean your teeth and decrease cavities. There are many benefits to chewing gum. Therefore, students should be allowed to chew gum during school. Chewing gum can improve test scores. Chewing gum causes the heart

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  • Explain Why Schools Should Not Allow Students To Have Gum In School

    Schools should not allow students to have gum in school. These three reasons are why gum is not allowed in school. It goes under tables, it makes too much noise, and it makes people distracted. When gum goes under tables it is unsanitary and can get people sick. Two, it is disgusting and the gum has lots and lots of germs in it. Three, you can touch it by accident and you will need to wash your hands which will keeps you from your school work. That is why gum is not allowed in school. When

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  • The Sticky Situation of Chewing Gum in School

    should be allowed to chew gum in school? I think we should be allowed to because it helps with focusing on so many things. Research shows that chewing gum in school can help you concentrate, and remember things better. So many people say it shouldn’t be allowed in schools because of irresponsible students. They are scared that they will dispose the gum in the wrong places. The delicious treat that many people like to chew on is a great thing for schools everywhere! Students should be allowed to chew

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  • Should Gum Be Allowed At School?

    Should Gum be Allowed at School? You either love or hate the idea of chewing gum at school but have you thought of all of the evidence supporting it? Many different studies show the effects of gum on students, but each show a different result, leaving people’s opinions diverse. Some studies show that chewing gum helps test scores increase while teachers and students say it can be distracting and messy. Some students stick their gum under their tables or desks instead of taking the chance of getting

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  • Chewing Gum In School

    Have you ever needed something to chew on in school? I think that schools should allow kids to chew gum in class. I believe that kids at our school and in any school should be able to chew gum in class. The reasons for this are that chewing gum helps students get good grades and that chewing gum helps students stay focused and on task during work times in our daily school schedule. One reason that chewing gum should be allowed in every school is because it miraculously helps students score better

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  • Explain Why We Should Be Allowed To Chew Gum In Class

    We should be allowed to chew gum in class. There are at least three reasons as to why we should be allowed to chew gum in class. The first reason is that it can help some students focus. The second reason is it helps refresh the brain. The third and final reason is because not all students will stick it under their desks and wherever they please. My first reason as to why we should be allowed to chew gum is because it can help certain people focus better. The more focused you are the more accurate

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Why should students not chew gum in school?

The biggest reason teachers and administrators argue against gum chewing is because they think it is rude, distracting, and messy. If gum were allowed in school, students wouldn't feel the need to be sneaky and stick it on furniture.

Should gum not be allowed in school?

Students should not chew gum in class because it acts as a distraction to others, it is a health issue, and it is a safety issue. If students continue to disregard the rules, consequences will need to become more severe. Chewing gum acts as an incredible distraction to students and teachers.

Why chewing gum should not be allowed?

Chewing too much gum could cause problems such as jaw pain, headaches, diarrhea, and tooth decay. Chewing sugar-free gum can cause digestive symptoms in people with IBS.

What are the disadvantages of gum?

If you chew gum that contains sugar, you may be unknowingly contributing to the growth of cavities in your mouth. Bacteria feed on sugar to produce acid, so chewing gum with sugar may result in more bacteria and acid in your mouth. Without proper care, this can lead to cavities and tooth decay.