Why is gum good for school?

Brain Power

Gum chewing in the classroom is becoming more popular for its ability to reduce stress, improve alertness, relieve anxiety and increase memory.


Did you know that people have been chewing gum for over 5000 years? It’s true however, the first type of gum made from tree resin was unfortunately not very tasty. In 1848 John Curtis invented and sold the first packaged gum which he called, “The State of the Main Pure Spruce”.  In 1893 William Wrigley who sold soap and scouring products at the time saw the potential in chewing gum and introduced Wrigley Spearmint gum to the world.

The Proof Is In The Pudding

Studies have been done to prove that gum chewing in the classroom has had many positive effects on students.  Let’s take a look at the findings.

The L.A. Times reports a study done at Baylor College of Medicine in 2009.  Sponsored by the Wrigley Science Institute, the findings are conclusive to the positive effects of gum chewing in the classroom.  One hundred and eight students ages 13-16 were assigned to either chew gum during math class, while doing math homework and during tests or to refrain from chewing gum during the same activities. After 14 weeks, the group of students who chewed gum saw a 3% increase in standardized math test scores and received a significantly better final math grade compared to the students who did not chew gum.  The study also concluded that the students who chewed gum required fewer breaks, kept a longer attention span and sat quieter for a longer period of time than those who did not chew gum.

Cardiff University’s study in 2010 proved that chewing gum provided greater alertness, better heart rate, improved reaction times and higher attention span in students.

Dr. Kenneth Allen a professor at NYU’s College of dentistry proved that chewing gum helps to release insulin into the bloodstream which affects how well your memory works.

In 2009 a study at Louisiana State University showed that by chewing sugar-free gum people were less likely to snack.  The study had 115 people chew gum for 3 hours in a day.  The same 115 people were asked not to chew gum the next day. People were offered sweet snacks on both days.  People took far fewer snacks on the day that they chewed gum. It has also been shown in other studies that people will reduce their snack intake by 65 calories if they chewed gum that day.

Interesting Gum Facts

  • 65% of athletes chew gum to relieve stress before or during a game.
  • Metabolism increases by 20% when chewing gum (medical news today.com).
  • Chewing gum can improve memory by 40%.


Some drawbacks of chewing gum in the classroom include distracting other students, bubble blowing, loud chewing and or smacking of the gum while chewing.  Teachers also find ABC gum under tables or chairs. Besides being gross, it can also become a hygiene problem.


The positive effects of chewing gum in the classroom seem to outweigh the negative. More schools should allow their students to chew gum during specific activities at school.  It seems that chewing gum can increase test performance, alertness, and overall brain power.

Gum is not allowed at my school and you will get in huge trouble if you are caught chewing it. I think this is a mistake.

When I am at home and I am working on my homework I often chew gum. Personally, chewing gum helps me. It gives my subconscious something to do while I focus on my work.

Gum should be allowed at school because it has been proven to help kids focus and become better students.

Chewing gum helps your memory improve and it also helps you focus while you?re studying. Chewing gum helps to relieve stress and relax.

Three of the biggest reasons gum is not allowed at school are because teachers think it?s rude, distracting and messy.

I disagree with their opinions. Many people also believe gum is horrible for your teeth.

Gum has been scientifically proven to help kids focus better and to improve their memory. Dr. Kenneth Allen, a professor at NYU?s College of Dentistry, has done research and proved that chewing gum can help you in school.

The United States is not the only country studying the effects of gum chewing. Psychologists in the United Kingdom have also proven that chewing gum helps your memory and studying. This is due to the fact that chewing gum helps to release insulin into the bloodstream which affects how well your memory works.

Gum might be helpful for people with ADD or ADHD. The simple chewing motion can help you relax when taking a test in school.

In fact, according to a Wrigley gum study, 65 percent of athletes chew gum to help relieve stress before or during a game.

Most teachers say that gum is too messy and will end up underneath the desk, but I disagree. Students often put gum underneath a desk instead of being caught throwing it away.

If gum were allowed people might throw it away rather than being sneaky. Some students may put it under the desk or on the floor just to be rebellious, but if they had the privilege to chew gum at school they might be more respectful.

At the very least all teachers could give gum chewing in class a try. Most often the silent sound of gum being chewed is barely noticeable. Sure the pop of bubble gum can be a bit louder, but all you have to do is tell the students not to blow bubbles. They should respect the rules because after all they are being allowed to chew gum. Perhaps if you are going to an assembly or presentation, then gum should not be allowed out of politeness for the guest speaker.

There are people who say that gum is terrible for your teeth, but there is also sugar-free gum and gum that helps whiten your teeth. While they are not necessarily healthy, they are better then most regular gum.

My orthodontist actually told me to get sugar-free gum and put it on my braces so the metal wouldn?t cut my mouth.

Some gums have even been given the American Dental Association?s Seal of Approval.

If you can?t get sugar-free gum or ADA-approved gum, why not try peppermint flavored gum? Studies have shown that peppermint flavored anything can help reduce the tendency to make small careless mistakes.

Gum might help you relax when studying before a test. Then during the test you might find it easier to remember the answers. Chewing gum may also help you focus during the test.

Those are just three ways gum can help you in school, and they aren?t the only ways.

So talk to your teachers and persuade your principal to allow students to be able to chew gum in class.

Until then keep on chewing!

How does gum help you in school?

Chewing gum can help them focus. In the article Students Should be Able to Chew Gum at School it says, “The mere act of chewing helps keep distractions away.” Chewing gum basically helps a kid focus on what they are doing. All of the distractions are put to the side. Students may actually get their work done!

Should gum be in schools?

Conclusion. The positive effects of chewing gum in the classroom seem to outweigh the negative. More schools should allow their students to chew gum during specific activities at school. It seems that chewing gum can increase test performance, alertness, and overall brain power.

Should gum be allowed in school pros?

Students should be allowed to chew gum in school because it helps you stay focused, improve concentration, and increases oral and physical health. Chewing Gum can help you stay focused and become more alert.

Is chewing gum good for learning?

Recent research has demonstrated chewing gum can enhance various cognitive processes associated with learning, but most studies have used cognitive functioning tasks (e.g., selective attention and working memory) as outcomes.