Select the type of cross section formed when a triangular pyramid is cut parallel to its base.

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Select the type of cross section formed when a triangular pyramid is cut parallel to its base.
+117947 Melody moderator

Select the type of cross section formed when a triangular pyramid is cut parallel to its base.
+36440 ElectricPavlov

Select the type of cross section formed when a triangular pyramid is cut parallel to its base.
+33175 Alan moderator

Select the type of cross section formed when a triangular pyramid is cut parallel to its base.
+13968 asinus moderator

Select the type of cross section formed when a triangular pyramid is cut parallel to its base.
+3836 Probolobo

Select the type of cross section formed when a triangular pyramid is cut parallel to its base.
+2467 BuilderBoi

Select the type of cross section formed when a triangular pyramid is cut parallel to its base.
+2415 GingerAle

Select the type of cross section formed when a triangular pyramid is cut parallel to its base.
+1975 saseflower

Select the type of cross section formed when a triangular pyramid is cut parallel to its base.
+1224 CubeyThePenguin

Select the type of cross section formed when a triangular pyramid is cut parallel to its base.
+892 proyaop

Select the type of cross section formed when a triangular pyramid is cut parallel to its base.
+745 ilovepuppies1880