The nurse is assessing a preterm infant. to what does the infant’s level of maturation refer?

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Causes of hypoglycemia (15,19,42)

Prematurity or perinatal distressPrematurity, small for gestational age (SGA), perinatal events such as Asphyxia, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), sepsisTransient
SyndromesGrowth hormone deficiency, Turner syndrome, congenital hypopituitarism, Costello syndrome, Down’s syndrome, cortisol deficiency, congenital hypopituitarism, congenital adrenal hyperplasiaPersistent
Insulin excessInfant of diabetic mother, congenital hyperinsulinism, familial hyperinsulinism, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Sotos syndromeTransient/persistent
Metabolic disordersOrganic acidemias such as maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), glycogen storage disorders, hereditary fructose intolerance, galactosemia, fatty acid oxidation disordersPersistent
IatrogenicTocolytic administration in mother (beta adrenergic), hypothermia, asphyxiaTransient
Defects of glucose transportersGLUT 1 and GLUT 2 deficiencyPersistent