What annual payment will discharge a debt of Rs 50440 due in 3 years at 5% per annum compounded annually 1 point?


What annual payment will discharge a debt of Rs 50440 due in 3 years at 5% per annum compounded annually 1 point?

Hint: To solve this problem, we should know the basics of compound interest (such that it is compounded annually). This is given by the formula of total amount (A) as –A = $P{{(1+r)}^{t}}$Here, P = principal amount, r = interest rate (in decimals), t = time period (in years). We will use this to solve the problem.

Complete step-by-step answer:

Before solving the problem, let us introduce a few basic notions from the question in hand, which would help us to use the formula (A = $P{{(1+r)}^{t}}$) of compound interest effectively. Let the annual payment in consideration be x (thus, with reference to formula, x = principal amount). Since, the debt to be discharged is Rs 7620 in 3 years, we have,$\dfrac{x}{(1+r)}+\dfrac{x}{{{(1+r)}^{2}}}+\dfrac{x}{{{(1+r)}^{3}}}=7620$ -- (1)Here, each term represents the total amount paid for each year starting from the first year.Since, r = $16\dfrac{2}{3}%=\dfrac{50}{3}%=\dfrac{50}{300}=\dfrac{1}{6}$ (here, perform the conversion from percent to decimals).Thus, in (1), we have,$\dfrac{x}{\left( 1+\dfrac{1}{6} \right)}+\dfrac{x}{{{\left( 1+\dfrac{1}{6} \right)}^{2}}}+\dfrac{x}{{{\left( 1+\dfrac{1}{6} \right)}^{3}}}=7620$$\dfrac{6x}{7}+\dfrac{36x}{49}+\dfrac{216x}{343}=7620$$\dfrac{294x+252x+216x}{343}=7620$$\dfrac{762x}{343}=7620$x = 3430Thus, the annual payment that will discharge a debt of Rs 7620 due in 3 years at $16\dfrac{2}{3}%$ per annum interest is Rs 3430. Hence, the correct option is (c) 3430.Note: While solving this problem, one should know that interest gets compounded annually. Basically, the amount of interest increases every year. Thus, if the interest is x for the first year, the interest would be higher than x for the second year. Thus, the problem cannot be solved by directly multiplying 3 to the interest amount of the first year (however, this can be done for simple interest cases).

SSC CPO Admit Card Link for CR, NER, MPR Region & Application Status for CR, WR, NR, NER, ER, MPR, KKR, SR Regions active! The Staff Selection Commission had released the exam date for Paper I of the SSC CPO 2022. As per the notice, Paper I of the SSC CPO is scheduled to be held from 9th November to 11th November 2022. The candidates can check out the SSC CPO Exam Analysis to check the difficulty level and good attempts for each shift exam.

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