What are the responsibilities of a pedestrian?


  • Be focused and aware of your surroundings
  • Assume that the drivers near you may not be paying attention
  • Know where you can jump out of the way
  • Be extra vigilant if you are senior, have a disability, are a child, and/or are under the influence of medication, street drugs or alcohol
  • Watch out for the silent hybrid and electric cars, if you are able


  • Be aware that drivers do drive on and park on sidewalks
  • Know that drivers park in driveways and block sidewalks, often forcing pedestrians to walk into the street to get around them
  • Be alert to engine noise or backup lights on cars when in parking lots and near on-street parking spaces
  • If your only choice is to walk in the street, go out of your way to find a sidewalk or crossing, or as a last resort, walk facing traffic
  • Using a power chair/scooter in the street is neither legal nor safe


  • Try to catch a driver’s eye, if you are able
  • Cross only at intersections, and when you have the light
  • Stand clear of buses, hedges, parked cars, or other obstacles before crossing so drivers can see you
  • Look/listen left, right and left again before crossing a street
  • Check pedestrian signals against what the traffic is actually doing
  • Wearing headphones, talking/texting or other distractions when crossing a street take away from your safety
  • Assume the drivers turning right on red or left are not going to slow down
  • Be aware that drivers who stop may block the crosswalk
  • When crossing multiple lanes, be sure traffic has stopped in each lane before you cross it


  • Remember that driving at night, into the dawn or twilight, fog, rain or on ice are difficult driving conditions, and decrease the chances of your being seen
  • Carry a flashlight, but do not shine it into a driver’s eyes
  • Be visible by wearing light colored or reflective clothing
  • Cross the street in a well-lit area


Streets are used by people driving everything from 18-wheelers to bicycles, and by pedestrians crossings streets. Children, seniors and people with disabilities are at the most risk.


About one-third of all collisions with pedestrians at intersections result from violations and errors made by drivers when they turn their vehicles

  • Pedestrians have the right-of-way over turning vehicles
  • Georgia law requires turning cars to stop for pedestrians, even on green lights 

Left Turns

  • Left-turning drivers need to watch for pedestrians using the crosswalk
  • If a pedestrian is on the half of the road onto which the driver will be turning—or if a pedestrian is approaching and within one lane of that half of the road, the driver needs to remain stopped
  • Drivers should never turn left onto their half of the road in front of a pedestrian crossing
  • Do not block the crosswalk when stopped at a red light; this puts pedestrians at risk, forcing them to walk around the blocking vehicle
  • Drivers should not pull into the intersection until the pedestrian has cleared the half of the road onto which they will be turning

Right Turns

  • Drivers are required to remain stopped until pedestrians have cleared the half of the road onto which the driver will be turning; the flashing “DON’T WALK” sign is designed to give pedestrians time to finish crossing the street
  • At most intersections, the solid green light begins at the same time as the “WALK” symbol

Right Turns on Red

Drivers turning right on red are a frequent cause of pedestrian injury

  • Before turning right on red, drivers must come to a full and complete stop before the stop bar or crosswalk
  • Drivers waiting to turn right on red need to look to their passenger side, where a pedestrian could be walking in front of the car


  • Crosswalks exist on all four corners of intersections, whether or not they are marked by painted lines
  • Crosswalks can also exist midblock if they are marked
  • Pedestrians have the right-of-way over vehicles in crosswalks
  • Drivers need to stop behind the crosswalk, not in it, so pedestrians can get by the vehicle safely
  • Drivers are still required to stop and stay stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the street when the pedestrian is on the same half of the road as they are, whether the intersection has traffic signals or not
  • Drivers are required to stop when a pedestrian is approaching and within one lane of the half of the road on which the vehicle is traveling or onto which the vehicle is turning
  • Drivers are not to overtake and pass a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk
  • When stopping at a crosswalk on a multi-lane road, drivers should stop 30 feet before the crosswalk so visibility is not blocked for the driver in the next lane
  • On one-way streets, drivers in all lanes must stop and remain stopped until the pedestrian has finished crossing the street


  • When exiting or entering a driveway, alley, or parking garage, a driver must stop before the sidewalk area and yield to pedestrians on the sidewalk
  • Drivers waiting to turn left into a driveway need to yield not just to oncoming traffic, but also to pedestrians on the sidewalk


  • Pedestrians who use guide dogs or white canes are either blind or seriously visually impaired; they cannot see vehicles, look a driver in the eye or notice a silent hybrid or electric car
  • Pedestrians who are deaf or hard of hearing may use a white cane with a second strip of red at the bottom; they cannot hear a driver’s approach, horn or verbal warning
  • Pedestrians with mobility impairments may use walkers, canes, service dogs or just walk slowly
  • Pedestrians may also have hidden disabilities or medical conditions that are not obvious but can exhibit when under stress, such as crossing streets. Many more pedestrians are using service dogs. These dogs do not relieve drivers of their responsibilities. Service dogs and their handlers are considered one being, and injuring or killing a service dog carries heavy penalties under the law
  • Pedestrians can also be children. Young children do not understand what a car could do to them. They are also often focused on what they are doing, rather than a car


  • The faster a person drives, the more likely they are to be involved in a wreck, and the more likely injuries to a pedestrian will be serious or fatal. Even going 20 mph can result in fatalities


  • Talking, texting, listening to loud music or speech, putting on make-up, reading, turning around or reaching down in your seat, driving while emotional or under the influence of medications causing drowsiness, street drugs or alcohol are all serious distractions


  • If the pedestrian or vehicle occupant is injured, call 911
  • Leaving the scene can result in death for critically injured pedestrians
  • Leaving the scene can also result in felony charges for hit-and-run driver

The roads are out there for all of us to use, whether by car, by feet, or other mobility options. Be mindful, be safe, and be courteous to your fellow humans!

What are the responsibilities of a pedestrian?

Knowing your pedestrian rights and responsibilities can keep you and vehicles safe on the road.

Life as a pedestrian can be scary, with aggressive and distracted drivers sometimes making safe passage through populated areas feel precarious. Whether you are walking to school, work, or just around your community, you have the right as a pedestrian to enjoy safe and available walking spaces. However, similar to when you are driving, you have specific responsibilities as a pedestrian that help keep everyone on the roadways and sidewalks safe. Simons & Goldner has created a convenient guide to help you remember your legal pedestrian rights and responsibilities.

Pedestrian Rights

As a pedestrian, you have a right to use the road the same as anybody else, albeit in specific ways that have been designated for pedestrian use, whether that be sidewalks or crosswalks. You may walk on the road if there are no sidewalks, but you must be as close to the shoulder as possible, unless it is a freeway, which pedestrians are not allowed to walk on. 

Right of Way

When referring to pedestrian’s “right of way,” we are referring to the legal right of a pedestrian, in this instance, to proceed with precedence over others in a situation. When a pedestrian has “right of way” over a vehicle, that means if the car were to move and strike the pedestrian, the vehicle was legally at fault for the collision. 

When Pedestrians Have the Right of Way

  • On a sidewalk
  • At a crosswalk where the traffic signals are permitting pedestrians to walk. For instance, when the crosswalk shows a person walking or the sign “walk.”
  • At a crosswalk without traffic signals. For example, in many parking lots, there will be crosswalks for pedestrians from the store to the lot. There will often be signage indicating cars must stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. 
  • Furthermore, if a vehicle is stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross, the car behind them may not pass the stopped vehicle. 

Pedestrian Responsibilities

Pedestrians, as people sharing the road with drivers and bicyclists, must also abide by traffic laws. There are specific responsibilities pedestrians must adhere to for their safety as well as that of any drivers on the road. You must follow these laws as a pedestrian. If you do not, you could be liable if any incidents were to occur. 

  • You must use a sidewalk when one is present
  • You must use a marked crosswalk when one is present
  • You must obey the signals of a traffic control device when one is present at a crosswalk. If the signal starts flashing while you are crossing, you are permitted to continue crossing the street
  • When there is no crosswalk, you must yield the right of way to traffic when trying to cross the street. 
  • You must always yield the right of way to public safety vehicles (ambulances, police cruisers), and vehicles in a funeral procession
  • You are not permitted to walk on the freeway unless you’ve experienced an emergency or your vehicle has broken down. 
  • You are not permitted to solicit or hitch rides

Staying Safe on the Road

Despite the laws established to indicate pedestrian and vehicle right of way, many drivers are still prone to distracted or dangerous driving that can put you as a pedestrian at risk. There are a few things you can remember while out on the road that can help keep you safe. 

While Walking

  • If there is no sidewalk present on a road, walk in the opposite direction of traffic. The law requires this to help drivers see you and to help you see them
  • Avoid using your phone as much as possible. If you are looking at your phone, you are not aware of vehicles that may be coming towards you
  • If you are walking at night, wear light-colored or reflective clothing. You can also carry a flashlight or use the flashlight feature on your phone. These actions will help alert cars to your presence
  • Avoid walking near traffic if you are impaired or intoxicated in any way. 

While Crossing the Street

  • The classic advice is best: look both ways before crossing!
  • Do not assume that oncoming traffic will yield right of way when you’re in the crosswalk, or when you’re crossing the street to catch a bus or car. Make sure drivers are slowing down before you enter the street
  • Make your intentions known before crossing the street 
  • After starting to cross at an intersection, look over your shoulder for drivers who might be turning right without looking for pedestrians

What to Do if You’re Injured

You can follow the law to the letter and still be injured by a careless driver. If you, or someone with you, is injured in a pedestrian-car accident, make sure to seek medical attention right away. Document the accident and get contact information for all people involved and any witnesses. Record how it happened as you remember it, as soon as you can after the incident. You can contact an attorney, such as the ones available at Simons & Goldner, to discuss your options. You may be able to file a personal injury claim to help you pay for medical bills, lost wages, or other expenses resulting from your injuries. Knowing your pedestrian rights and responsibilities will help you prepare for any possible incidents. 

Let Simons & Goldner, P.A. Represent You

Simons & Goldner, P.A., located in Lutherville, MD, consists of two partners, Stevan G. Simons and Richard H. Goldner practicing primarily in personal injury, medical malpractice, Worker’s Compensation, and criminal law. The partners come with decades of experience assisting clients injured by the negligence of others or injured on the job. We serve clients in the Baltimore, Towson, Essex and Dundalk area and work closely with our clients to ensure that your case moves quickly and efficiently and that you get all the benefits to which you are entitled. 

Initial consultations are available by phone or in-person and are free of charge. Contact us now to schedule a consultation, or call us today at 410-296-3110. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for advice and updates.