What causes the breast to be small?

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Breasts come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. There is no right or wrong. For some people, however, large breasts can get in the way of daily life.

There is some evidence that large bra cup sizes are related to shoulder and neck pain. People may also want to reduce their breast size for cosmetic or psychological reasons.

Genetics, body weight, and age can affect breast size. Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, medications, or thyroid issues can also have an impact.

In this article, we look at a range of natural methods people can try that may decrease breast size or the appearance of breast size.

There are some natural options that may reduce breast size without surgery. Breasts contain mostly fat, so strategies that reduce overall body fat may work well.

The right method for reducing breast size depends on a person’s overall health and the reason for large breasts, which could include hormonal conditions or obesity.

People concerned about breast health may wish to see their doctor before making significant lifestyle changes.

The following natural remedies may help reduce breast size:

The breasts are mostly made up of adipose tissue, or fat. Losing body fat can reduce a person’s breast size.

People can lose body fat by using up more calories than they eat, and by eating a healthful diet. A low-calorie, highly nutritious diet can indirectly help to shrink breast tissue.

Focus on eating nutrient-dense foods that are low in calories. Fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, such as salmon, and lean meats, such as grilled chicken, can help a person feel full while still supporting healthy weight loss.

People who are breastfeeding or pregnant should talk to a doctor or midwife before trying to lose weight.

Like diet, exercise can help a person lose body fat, which might also help reduce breast size over time.

Many people mistakenly believe that targeted exercises can burn fat in a specific area. While push-ups and other chest exercises will tone the arm and chest muscles, they will not directly remove fat from the breasts themselves. The key is to burn fat throughout the body.

Cardiovascular exercises that increase a person’s heart rate are highly effective at burning fat. Depending on health and fitness factors, people can try running, swimming, or taking brisk walks.

Share on PinterestFlaxseed may help reduce estrogen levels.

Estrogen plays a key role in the development of breast tissue. So countering excess estrogen could reduce breast size, especially in people with hormonal imbalances.

Hormonal contraceptives contain estrogen and progesterone and can make a person’s breasts grow bigger. The effect usually goes away again once the person stops taking the medication.

Learn more about how birth control can increase breast size here.

Some research suggests that a person can reduce their body estrogen levels through dietary changes.

For instance, animal studies suggest that flaxseed supplements may help regulate estrogen levels by reducing estrogen expression in the ovaries. Flaxseed may also protect the heart, reduce the risk of cancer, and prevent inflammation.

There is, however, little evidence about natural remedies to reduce estrogen in the body. People may wish to talk to their doctor about estrogen-lowering medication.

Binding involves wrapping material tightly around the breasts to flatten them. It will not shrink breast tissue or prevent the breasts from growing, but binding can help the breasts look smaller and may make a person feel more comfortable. Talk to a doctor about the safest way to use a binder.

People can find binders in online stores.

A bra cannot permanently change breast size, but minimizer bras can create the illusion of smaller breasts. These bras change the breast shape to make the breasts look flatter and higher on the chest.

Some minimizer bras also offer more supportive straps, which may reduce back and neck pain.

Finding a supportive, well-fitting bra can significantly improve a person’s comfort levels. Many stores offer free bra-fitting services. Simply changing bras can reduce some of the pain associated with large breasts.

A person’s breasts tend to grow during pregnancy and remain large while they are breastfeeding. The increase in size is especially noticeable in the first few weeks after giving birth, as breast milk supply is still regulating itself.

Along with milk production and hormonal effects, people also put on body fat during pregnancy, some of which gets deposited in the breast tissue.

Many people find that their breasts slowly shrink as they lose pregnancy weight, and others find that their breasts remain slightly larger after having a baby.

People can try the above methods to reduce breast size during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Talk to a doctor about any concerns that arise.

Large breasts can be an inconvenience or a source of significant pain. Certain natural methods can help a person reduce their breast size, such as losing weight and eating a healthful diet. Wearing specific bras and binders can reduce the appearance of the breast.

When natural remedies do not help, a person can consider speaking to their doctor about breast reduction surgery. A small-scale 2012 survey of people who had breast reduction surgery found that over 95 percent said they were satisfied with their results.

Talking about breast size can be an emotional topic because of social and cultural ideas about the meaning of breasts and how people should feel about their own breasts. Doctors understand the challenges that people with very large breasts often face and can help. People struggling with breast size issues should talk to a trusted provider.

Updated Date:February 24, 2017 7:25 PM IST

By Chethana Prakasan

The development of breasts occurs during puberty and usually coincided with the onset of menstruation. It is a normal part of growth for women and girls and plays a major role in body image. Women tend to get worried and anxious about their breast size. Some girls think that their breasts are smaller while others are apprehensive about their larger size. The breast development is triggered by the release of estrogen hormone into the boy. With the development of the breasts, milk ducts also expand. Generally, the growth of breasts continue for five to six years from puberty. It can also change in size due to many reasons like weight gain and pregnancy. The development of breasts depends on many factors like nutrition and genetics. (ALSO READ Things your breasts say about your health: 7 things your breasts will tell you about your health)



The development of breasts gets delayed if your diet is poor. The hormones required for the proper development of the body will not be released if the body is deficient in nutrition. The growth of breast get stunted if you are underweight or lack vitamins and minerals. A healthier diet will help the body to develop properly.(ALSO READ Why breasts sore before period: Here's everything you should know about premenstrual breast swelling).

What causes the breasts to stop growing?

Breast development usually stops growing by the age of 17 or 18. It also depends on your genetic makeup. Your genes determines the size of your breasts and the time it will stop growing. Your breasts can also stop growing due to fluctuations in hormone levels. Hormone fluctuation can cause your breasts to grow after the age 18. Pregnancy is another factor that can cause growth of breasts. The growth of breast stops and shrinks after breastfeeding. Breasts size increases temporarily when you take birth control pills and it returns to the normal size and the growth stops when you go off it.(ALSO READ: How to increase breast size: 5 quick tips to enlarge your breasts without surgery).

Any rapid increase in the size of the breast can indicate an underlying condition like a tumor or a hormonal imbalance. It can also cause physical problems like back aches.

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Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on November 01, 2021

As we get older, our bodies change. You might see new lines on your face or notice that your joints ache more than they used to. You may also notice that your breasts are a different size or shape than they were when you were younger. 

Changes to your breasts are a normal part of aging. Changes in firmness or size are very common, especially after menopause. However, some changes can be a symptom of health problems, and it’s important to know when you should be concerned. 

Learn more about how breasts change as you age and when you should see a doctor about changes in your breasts. 

Breasts start forming while a baby is still developing. Milk ducts form as part of a baby's growth, though they won’t fully mature until much later in life. Once the hormone changes for puberty begin, breasts get bigger, and the mammary glands get ready to produce milk in the event of pregnancy.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding bring more changes to your breasts. Breasts grow larger, and your nipples increase in size and may get darker in color. The duct system starts producing milk for your newborn baby. These changes can cause stretch marks in your skin that remain on your breasts for the rest of your life.

As you enter menopause and your levels of estrogen start to decrease, your breasts change yet again. They might look and feel different than they did when you were younger.

There are some common changes that you can expect in your breasts as you get older. In general, changes to your breasts aren’t a health issue and are just part of the aging process. 

Size. Breasts can get smaller over time. As estrogen levels decrease, your breast tissue changes. The tissue in your breasts gets dehydrated and isn’t as elastic as it used to be. This can lead to a loss of volume, and your breasts may shrink as much as a cup size.

Shape. The estrogen-related changes that make breasts shrink can lead to your breasts sagging as well. When breast tissue weakens, the skin stretches, and gravity pulls them downward. You may notice these changes increase the space between breasts as well. 

Firmness. Your mammary glands decrease in size over time. Your breasts will seem more soft or fatty than their regular shape when this happens. Your breast will feel softer and be more likely to sag.‌

Nipple changes. You might notice that your nipples change as well. It’s common for nipples to become smaller, and the area around them, called the areola, almost vanishes.

Lumps. Older breasts may be more prone to lumps or bumps. Most of the time, the lumps are harmless cysts, but you should call your doctor to discuss any new lumps in your breasts. These lumps can be a sign of cancer.

Not all breast changes are part of the aging process. Some changes can be symptoms of health problems, including breast cancer. You should call your doctor if you notice any of the following changes to your breasts:

  • New lump in your breast or your armpit
  • New redness or flaky skin on your breast or nipple.
  • Thickening or swelling of your breast
  • Dimpling in your breast skin
  • Receding of the nipple
  • Nipple discharge
  • Breast pain

If you have any of these issues, your doctor may suggest that you have a mammogram to look for cancer. If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, your doctor can guide you through your treatment options.

You may not like the way your breasts look as you get older. You can help make your breasts look better under your clothes by getting supportive bras. Some stores have staff who can help you with fitting and get the right bra for your body.

Sometimes, improving your upper body fitness can help make breasts seem firmer. Talk to a trainer about exercises you can do to strengthen your chest, back, and shoulders muscles.

If you want a permanent option, you can talk to a plastic surgeon about a breast lift or breast implants. Both of these operations will change the size, firmness, and position of your breasts. Breast lifts and breast implants are surgeries. They come with a variety of risks, so tell your doctor about your overall health before deciding on either operation. 

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