What happens if a dog eats deli meat?

Deli meat like turkey, pastrami, sausages, salami, and ham don’t just taste good, they also have a meaty, savory smell that dogs love.  It’s no surprise that just a whiff will get them running towards you for a taste.

You may have wondered can dogs eat deli meat?  This article will answer that question, explain the potential hazards of feeding deli meat to your dog, as well as provide an alternative recipe.

Yes, dogs can eat deli meat in small quantities, but it’s not recommended.  Although deli meat is not toxic to dogs, the fat content, sodium content, flavoring and calories can long term be potentially hazardous for your dog’s health when fed too regularly. 

If you plan on feeding deli meat to your dog as an occasional treat, go for the lower sodium options like turkey breast or chicken breast.

Potential Hazards of Feeding Your Dog Deli Meat

Like bacon, deli meats are typically high in fat, preservatives, and other ingredients that should not be a regular part of any dog’s diet. In particular, these are your most crucial concerns about giving your dog deli meat: 


According to the AAFCO, the diet of a typical adult dog should contain at least 5.5% of fat. Although that’s a minimum, going way beyond this standard could cause serious health issues like obesity and heart disease.

Since some deli meats are higher in fat, dogs that frequently consume them could suffer in the long run.  Additionally, consuming too much fat can also lead to some more immediate health risks.

For example, your dog could suffer from pancreatitis, which is painful and could quickly become a chronic condition. A high-fat diet also makes dogs more prone to an emergency and potentially fatal condition called acute gastric dilation-volvulus (GDV).

Sodium & Nitrates

Sodium and nitrates are used both as preservatives and to give deli meats their salty and savory flavor. Healthy dogs can tolerate these in small quantities.

In fact, some dog food manufacturers use minuscule amounts of nitrates or sodium nitrite to guarantee freshness. However, this can cause serious problems for dogs in high doses.

As with humans, a high sodium diet puts your dog at a higher risk of hypertension, kidney failure, and heart disease. It can also lead to a condition called hypernatremia, which is a potentially life-threatening electrolyte imbalance.

Flavoring & Spices

Deli meat is usually blended with several flavorings and spices. In fact, many are made with ingredients that are toxic to dogs, including garlic and onions. Consumption of high enough doses could lead to gastrointestinal problems, anemia, and lethargy.


Treats should make up no more than 10% of a dog’s daily calorie requirement.

According to the National Research Council, a healthy and active adult dog weighing about 70 pounds (like Labradors and German Shepherds) should consume approximately 1,740 calories per day. That means their daily calories from treats should be limited to 174.

The problem is that for a dog, deli meat can have more extra calories than they need to consume regularly depending on the size of your dog.  Of course, a larger dog will be able to safely consume more deli meat than a smaller dog.

For example, a breakfast sausage could contain 330 calories while a ham contains about 60 calories. Frequently treating your dog with these processed meats could quickly lead to unwanted weight gain.

Deli Meat Alternatives for Dogs

You can make meaty dog treats as a deli meat alternative that won’t pose the same health concerns as the human versions. Among your best options is beef jerky, which you can make in large batches and store for weeks.

Homemade Beef Jerky Dog Treat Recipe

This beef jerky is something you can easily make at home as long as you have an oven with a low-temperature setting (ideally around 130°F) or a dehydrator.

What happens if a dog eats deli meat?


  • 1-pound Ground Beef – If your local butcher will oblige, you can use a mixture of lean beef, organ meats, and ground-up bones. Otherwise, the regular lean ground beef you can get from the grocery should be fine.

Cooking Instructions:

  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Place the meat on the sheet and roll it out to approximately 1/8th of an inch thick.
  • Use a knife to score a grid pattern onto the flattened meat, so it’s easy to break off into smaller sizes later on.
  • Place the baking sheet of meat in the oven and dehydrate at 130°F (or the lowest possible setting on your oven). It could take up to 8 hours.
  • Pour out any rendered grease or drippings.
  • Break the sheet of meat into smaller pieces.
  • Place the pieces back on the baking sheet and place it back into the oven until completely dry. This step could take 4-5 hours.
  • Let the pieces cool completely away from your dog’s reach.


  • You can store these deli meat alternatives at room temperature for up to three weeks. Keep them in the fridge if you want to store them longer.
  • If you have more than one rack in your oven, you can double-up the recipe to make the most out of the baking time.
  • You can also make homemade beef jerky dog treats using a dehydrator. Just make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions for drying up meat.

Final Thoughts

Although deli meat is not toxic and is not likely to pose any immediate danger in small portions, your dog is better off without it.

If you want to feed your dog deli meat, treat them in small amounts.  A small dog shouldn’t have more than one slice of deli meat once or twice a week and a larger dog shouldn’t have more than two slices once or twice a week.  Also make sure to go for the healthier options that are lower in sodium, calories, and fat.

Ultimately, it’s better for you to make a pet-friendly deli meat alternative or stick with equally tasty dog treats.

Can dogs eat deli meat? Yes, dogs can eat deli meat, but it is always best to ask first. Deli meats are not suitable for all dogs because of the potential hazards that they may cause. Dogs love to eat, and if you offer them something tasty to chew on, they will do it in a heartbeat.

This means if your dog finds a piece of turkey or ham from your sandwich at lunchtime, he will more than likely try and gobble down as much as possible.

While most people would think nothing of letting their dog have some deli meat from time to time, this could be potentially harmful to his health.

Further Reading: My dog ate meatloaf with onions in it What should I do?

What happens if a dog eats deli meat?
can dogs eat deli meat

What are The Benefits Of deli meat for dogs?

Deli meat for dogs is a good source of protein. While there are some concerns about the safety of deli meats, most veterinarians agree that your dog can have small quantities from time to time.

In fact, deli meats contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help promote healthy skin and coat in your canine companion. Omega-3s also contribute to brain function as well as bone strength.

There are so many benefits to feeding your dog deli meat. However, you must first ask yourself a few important questions before you decide if it is suitable for your pooch.

Can my dog eat deli meat? It’s up to you! Before you let your dog enjoy some delicious sliced turkey or ham from the delicatessen, consider both the positive and negative effects that it can have on your dog’s health.

What are The Side effects of deli meat for dogs?

The main problem with deli meats is that they are processed. This means there are a number of chemicals and preservatives added to the meat in order for it to last longer. Some of these chemicals can be potentially dangerous for your dog!

The USDA’s website published an article that said, “The U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) does not recommend pets consume deli meats because they may contain Listeria monocytogenes.”

Listeria monocytogenes infection has been reported in dogs that have consumed deli meats or other products made with uncooked or undercooked meat or poultry. Also, while it is normal for some fat to remain on cooked deli meats after production, it is possible for trichinella spiralis to be present in these meats.

This is a parasite that can affect both dogs and humans, and it has been found on raw or undercooked meat products such as deli meats.”

The USDA also states that “Listeria bacteria are mostly found in uncooked foods, but they can be introduced to other kinds of food through cross-contamination. For example, Listeria may get onto ready-to-eat foods if they touch an infected surface or utensil during preparation. The bacteria can also spread from one surface to another by contact with objects and people”.

“Listeriosis usually affects the gastrointestinal tract; however, it may infect any organ or tissue of the body (including the brain). Listeriosis is caused by eating food contaminated with the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes.

Despite the health risks associated with deli meats, it has been shown that most dogs can consume them without any side effects. Keep in mind that you should only offer your dog a very small portion and not more than once per week.

Further Reading: Can Dogs Eat Corned Beef?

Why is deli meat for dogs bad for my dog?

Deli meats are potentially dangerous for your dog because of the risk that they pose when it comes to parasitic infections or bacterial contamination. The USDA cautions that dogs should never consume raw meat, including deli meats.

Deli meats often contain sodium nitrite, which is added to cured meat products in order to kill bacteria and prevent foodborne illnesses. Unfortunately, sodium nitrite can be extremely harmful if ingested by your dog. It has even been known to be fatal in some cases!

Some signs of ingestion poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, coughing, fever, and disorientation. If you think your dog has eaten too much deli meat or any other product containing sodium nitrite, then contact your veterinarian immediately.

You can also speak to your veterinarian about processed meats in general. They might have some helpful tips.

How To Feed deli meat To dogs?

If you have decided that your dog can handle deli meats, then remember to give it to them in moderation. Deli meats are high in fat and salt content which means they should only be given as a very occasional treat.

Deli meat is the perfect size for training treats, but do not forget to remove the fatty areas before you feed it to your dog. You should also avoid giving them any of the spices or seasonings used on the meat, as these could be harmful if consumed by your pet.

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What happens when a dog Eats deli meat?

As we have mentioned before, dogs can be given deli meats as treats but only in moderation. If your dog does eat deli meat, then they may experience vomiting and diarrhea, which could result in dehydration.

This would obviously depend on the quantity of meat consumed and how it has been prepared and seasoned, so if you suspect your dog has eaten some, then monitor them closely for signs of ill health such as those we mentioned above.

You should contact a veterinarian if you notice any alarming changes in your pet’s behavior or appetite. It is also worth mentioning that dogs who regularly consume deli meats might become more vulnerable to contracting listeriosis (see below).

It should be said that most effects of consuming too much sodium nitrite will be experienced by the owner and not their dog. However, this does not mean that your pet will be completely unaffected.

For example, if you feed your dog deli meats every day for a week, then they may form a tolerance to sodium nitrite, which can actually make them more sensitive over time (although this is still up for debate).

If you would like to learn more about how dogs process food, then we recommend consulting your veterinarian or reading further into the subject on reputable sites such as PetMD.

Further Reading: Can dogs eat raw deer meat?

My dog ate Too much deli meat. What should I do?

If you think that your dog has eaten too much deli meat, then the first thing to do is monitor them closely for signs of illness. Remember, dogs can get dehydrated very quickly, so if they have been vomiting or have diarrhea, then it is important to seek veterinary help right away. You should also talk to a vet before offering your pet any more deli meats in the future.

Even if your dog seems fine after eating deli meat, it is still best not to feed them this food regularly because they can build up a tolerance (see above).

It should also be noted that some people are allergic to sodium nitrite and may experience allergic reactions when consuming high levels of nitrates (although it is not common). If you notice any unusual changes in your dog’s behavior or appetite, then we recommend contacting a veterinarian as soon as possible.

How much deli meat should I feed my dog?

Dogs can be given deli meats as treats, but only in moderation. Too much sodium nitrite can make them ill, which is why it is best to stick to the recommended serving sizes.

Your pet should not eat more than 1 ounce of deli meat per pound of body weight every 5 days ( see below for more information on how much your dog should weigh before feeding them this treat). You could also use thinly sliced pieces if you want to feed them a larger quantity.

Further Reading: Can dogs eat pastrami

How often can I feed my dog deli meat?

You should avoid feeding your dog deli meats too often because they are high in fat and salt content. Your pet’s digestive system may lose its ability to cope with these kinds of foods if they eat them too often.

If you would like to feed your dog deli meats, then we recommend doing so no more than once a month. You could also use this food as a supplement to their regular diet rather than a replacement, but again, only do so occasionally and in moderation.

If you would like to learn more about how much food your pet should be eating every day, then it is best to consult a veterinarian or read further into the subject on reputable sites such as PetMD.

Can dogs eat turkey deli meat?

Dogs can eat turkey deli meat but only in small quantities. It is actually better if they are given chicken or beef deli meats because these meats have more protein and less fat than the others. This reduces the risk of your dog developing obesity or other health problems that may be exacerbated by eating deli meats.

It should also be noted that some dogs may develop intolerances to poultry which means it might not agree with their digestive system (although this is still up for debate). We recommend learning more about how much food your pet should be eating every day on reputable sites such as PetMD.

If you would like to feed your dog this food, then make sure you read all of the above guidelines before doing so ( especially regarding the quantities ).

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Can dogs eat cooked deli meat?

Cooked deli meats are okay for dogs to eat because they have been cooked at high temperatures, so there is no bacterial risk of them making your pet ill.

However, it should be noted that some people are allergic to sodium nitrite and may experience the symptoms of food poisoning when consuming this type of meat. If you notice any unusual changes in your dog’s behavior, then we recommend consulting a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Even if your dog seems fine after eating deli meats, it would be best not to give too much of this food due to the salt content (see above). You can use pieces of these meats as an occasional treat or supplement but avoid feeding them too often (we every 5 days).

Can dogs eat deli meat ham?

Dogs can eat deli meats that are ham-based, but you should still follow all of the above guidelines ( especially regarding the quantities ).

You also need to make sure that there is no added sodium nitrite in your dog’s serving size. We recommend consulting a veterinarian before feeding this food to your pet if they have any other health concerns or allergies. You should also only feed them ham deli meat occasionally and in moderation.

If you would like to see some tips on how much food your dog should be eating every day, then PetMD has great information on the subject.

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Can dogs eat roast beef deli meat?

Roast beef deli meat is okay for dogs to eat, but you should still follow all of the above guidelines ( especially regarding the quantities ).

You also need to make sure that there is no added sodium nitrite in your dog’s serving size. We recommend consulting a veterinarian before feeding this food to your pet if they have any other health concerns or allergies.

You should also only feed them roast beef deli meat occasionally and in moderation. If you would like to see some tips on how much food your dog should be eating every day, then PetMD has great information on the subject.

What deli meat can dogs eat?

Dogs can eat deli meats that are chicken, beef, or turkey-based, but you should still follow all of the above guidelines ( especially regarding the quantities ).

You also need to make sure that there is no added sodium nitrite in your dog’s serving size. We recommend consulting a veterinarian before feeding this food to your pet if they have any other health concerns or allergies.

You should also only feed them these deli meats occasionally and in moderation. If you would like to see some tips on how much food your dog should be eating every day, then PetMD has great information on the subject.

Further Reading: How to Cook Beef jerky for dogs Recipe 2021

Can dogs eat pastrami deli meat?

A small amount of pastrami deli meat is okay for dogs to eat, but you should still follow all of the above guidelines ( especially regarding the quantities ).

If you’re feeding your dog pastrami deli meat, be aware that there may be sodium nitrite in the condiment. If your pet has any additional health issues or allergies, we recommend consulting a veterinarian before giving them this food.

If you only feed them pastrami deli meat on rare occasions and in moderation, it’s reasonable to assume it’s high in salt (see above). If you want to learn how much food your dog should eat every day, PetMD has some excellent information.

What happens if a dog eats deli meat?
can dogs eat deli meat

What is can listeriosis can do to my pet?

Listeriosis is a serious infection that affects the gastrointestinal system and brain, but it can also lead to other problems such as abortion in pregnant dogs. It has been known to be fatal in both humans and animals, so if you suspect your dog might have eaten something containing Listeria, then contact a vet immediately.

Whilst this sounds bad enough, there are actually two forms of listeriosis: primary and secondary. Primary listeriosis comes from consuming food contaminated with the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, which causes an acute illness that can result in vomiting, diarrhea, or bloody mucus. It usually clears up without treatment, but it can be fatal if left untreated, so veterinary attention is imperative.

Secondary listeriosis is brought about when a dog contracts the bacterium Listeria via contact with another infected animal. Symptoms are usually much milder and may only result in loss of appetite, fever, or muscle pains. However, this form of listeriosis could also pose a risk to any unborn puppies because it often results in abortion.

It should also be said that even though listeriosis affects both humans and dogs alike, there are treatments out there that are specific for each species. This means that your best bet would be to consult a veterinarian immediately if you suspect your dog has contracted listeriosis.

Further Reading: Can dogs eat chicken tenders?

The Bottom line: Can Dogs Have Deli Meat?

Deli meat can be dangerous for your dogs if not handled properly, so it’s best to play it safe by never letting them have too much of it. Also, always watch out for the added ingredients in the deli meats that are specifically made for humans!

If your dog starts to experience symptoms such as lethargy, fever, loss of appetite, or depression, then take them to a vet immediately.

Further Reading: Is roast beef good for dogs