What is a game master

How Do We Define Professional?

What is a game master
What is a Professional Game Master?
What is a game master
Image by Katrina_S from Pixabay

What Makes a Game Master Worth Paying?

What is a game master

What Standards Set a Quality Professional GM Apart From the Crowd?

What is a game master
Image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay

[ geym-mas-ter, mah-ster ]

/ ˈgeɪm ˌmæs tər, ˌmɑ stər /

Games. Abbreviation: GM

  1. the person who organizes or directs the story or play in a tabletop game, as a role-playing game. Compare Dungeon Master.
  2. (in an MMORPG) an employee representative of the game developer who maintains a presence in the online game and may be called by players to resolve technical issues, enforce terms of service, etc.: If someone is being abusive or harassing you, just report him to a Game Master.


"Is" it time for a new quiz? "Are" you ready? Then prove your excellent skills on using "is" vs. "are."

IS and ARE are both forms of which verb?


First recorded in 2000–05

gamekeeper, gamelan, game law, game laws, gamely, Game Master, gameness, game of chance, game of skill, game park, game plan

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

  • When the game starts, there is only sand, a white ball, a flag indicating hole 1, and a “0” at the top of the screen.

  • And to tell the truth, she couldn't help wishing he could see, so he could make the game livelier.

    The Tale of Grandfather Mole|Arthur Scott Bailey

  • And with some expressions of mutual good-will and interest, master and man separated.

    The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, v. 2(of 2)|Charles Dickens

  • The "bad form" of telling a lie to the head-master is a later illustration of the same thing.

    Children's Ways|James Sully

  • Jean clung to his English nurse, who played the fascinating game of pretending to eat his hand.

    The Joyous Adventures of Aristide Pujol|William J. Locke

  • Two many-branched candelabra, holding wax lights, brilliantly illuminate the game.

    The Pit Town Coronet, Volume I (of 3)|Charles James Wills


keiretsunoun | [key-ret-soo ]SEE DEFINITION


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