What is faulty parallel structure sentence?

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Look out for faulty parallelism whenever you use one of the following constructions:

a and b
a, b, and c
a or b
a, b, or c
not only a but also b

The clauses or phrases joined by the conjunctions should have similar grammatical structures to ensure that your reader can follow the logic of your sentence and to avoid awkwardness. Consider the sentence,

My first-year philosophy professor was informative, lively, and a source of inspiration.

Notice that the first two phrases in the a, b, and c construction are adjectives, while the third is a noun phrase. This sentence suffers from faulty parallelism.

How to identify and repair faulty parallelism

To check whether the elements of a construction are in parallel, place boxes around them. Next, label the boxes.

My first-year philosophy professor was informativea, livelyb, and a source of inspirationc.

To repair the faulty parallelism here, you will have to change the elements a and b into noun phrases or the element c into an adjective. Always choose the simplest option. In this case it is easiest to change the final element, c, into an adjective:

My first-year philosophy professor was informativea, livelyb, and inspiringc.

Often faulty parallelism can be repaired by paying close attention to where you place your verbs. The faulty parallelism in the following sentence is easy to detect once you place boxes around the two elements of the not only but also construction:

My philosophy professor not only demonstrated how to reason persuasivelya but also how to avoid logical fallaciesb.

Note that element a begins with a verb but element b doesn’t. To repair the faulty parallelism, you can add a verb to the start of element b. However, since the same verb will work for both parts of the construction, the more elegant solution is to drag the verb demonstrated to the front of the whole construction:

My philosophy professor demonstrated not only how to reason persuasivelya but also how to avoid logical fallaciesb.

Problems with parallelism often arise from the careless use of clauses beginning with the subordinating conjunction that:

He warned me to revise my essaya and that I should pay close attention to parallel structuresb.

To repair the problem, choose either an infinitive (to + verb) or a that clause on both sides of the a and b construction. In this example, the infinitive provides the more elegant solution:

He warned me to revise my essaya and to pay close attention to parallel structuresb.


The use of components in a sentence that is grammatically the same or similar in their construction, sound, meaning, or meter is called as parallelism. As an academic writer, it is imperative to ensure that elements such as prepositions, words, and tenses agree with one another within sentences. When they do not, this is called faulty parallelism, and this can be the bane of even the most experienced writer. Often, parallel structures can be very subtle, so it is easy to slip up when it comes to identifying faulty parallelism. In this article, we will talk about what faulty parallelism is and the main types of errors associated with it. Parallelism errors are rather common in sentences containing a series, lists, or comparisons. Parallel structures help in ensuring clarity/readability, an economy of expression, and equality through logical connection within and between sentences. It also ensures that readers are able to grasp the right meaning of sentences, as a consequence of clarity.

What is Faulty Parallelism?

Faulty parallelism occurs when the items in the series of a sentence do not have the same grammatical structure.

Faulty Parallelism Example: I like to spend my winter holiday skating, skiing, and I also enjoy snowboarding.
Correcting Faulty Parallelism: I like to spend my winter holiday skating, skiing and snowboarding.

What are the Types of Faulty Parallelism?

There are five main types of faulty parallelism, as shown in the diagram. Let us discuss each one, with suitable examples.

Lists of Words That Do Not Match

Explanation: Whenever you make a list or a series of two or more things, be sure to check for this type of faulty parallelism.

Incorrect sentence: Strategy for developing speaking skills includes using minimal response, how to recognize scripts and using language to discuss language.

Correct sentence: Strategy for developing speaking skills includes using minimal response,  recognizing scripts and using language to discuss language.

In lists, you can also make the following type of error:

Incorrect sentence: John went on an Asia-Pacific trip to explore culture and heritage in Thailand, Japan, in Cambodia, and Indonesia.

Correct sentence:  John went on an Asia-Pacific trip to explore culture and heritage in Thailand, Japan, Cambodia, and Indonesia.

Uncoordinated Conjunctions

Explanation: Conjunctions are used to connect parts of a sentence. Their proper use helps to create a sentence flow, ensuring graceful, clear, and elegant sentences. However, when these conjunctions are uncoordinated or do not match, it results in faulty parallelism.

Incorrect sentence: Emma’s research highlights the importance of cell membrane and helps in improving drug uptake in the cell.

Correct sentence: Emma’s research highlights the importance of cell membrane and improves drug uptake in the cell.

Conjunctions That Do Not Correlate

Explanation: Correlating conjunctions are linked to each other in a specific manner. They must correlate for the sentence to be grammatically correct. If the first part of the sentence is A and the second is B, the following constructions may work:

  • Either A or B
  • Neither A nor B
  • Both A and B
  • Not only A but also B
  • Whether A or B

Incorrect sentence: The economist not only broke the code of honor but also was imparting false information to the committee.

Correct sentence: The economist not only broke the code of honor but also imparted false information to the committee.

What is faulty parallel structure sentence?

Comparisons/Contrasts Misusing “Than” or “As”

Explanation: This can be seen when using phrases such as “more than,” “as well as,” or “as much as” to compare two things. This is a very subtle kind of faulty parallelism that is easy to miss.

Incorrect sentence: Finasteride inhibits the 5α-reductase activity in the central nervous system as well as peripheral.

Correct sentence: Finasteride inhibits the 5α-reductase activity in the central as well as the peripheral nervous system.

Mismatching Function Words

Explanation: These words get their name because they serve functions. They ensure that the sentence moves and operates correctly. Using incorrect function words can cause a sentence to stop working properly, causing a faulty parallel construction. Some function words are prepositions, articles, and the infinitive.

Incorrect sentence: Some readers believe that Tolstoy is too verbose of a writer and his book War and Peace is not a great masterpiece.

(The first part of the sentence uses the introductory word “that” before “Tolstoy.” Therefore, the second subject, “his book” needs to be introduced by this same Function Word.)

Correct sentence: Some readers believe that Tolstoy is too verbose of a writer and that his book War and Peace is not a great masterpiece.

So, now you know just some of the sentence constructions that can result in faulty parallelism. Do keep these in mind when writing so that you avoid making such errors.

How to Avoid Faulty Parallelism?

  1. Words, phrases, and clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet), correlative conjunction (not only… but also, both… and, either… or, neither… nor), and comparative expression (as much as, more than, less than)  must have parallel grammatical construction.
  2. Words, phrases, and clauses in a series must have parallel grammatical construction.
  3. Phrases or items in a bulleted list must have parallel grammatical form.
