What is the angle between the OML and the plane of the IR for the Parietoacanthial waters projection?

The occipitomental (OM) or Waters view is an angled PA radiograph of the skull, with the patient gazing slightly upwards.

It can be used to assess for facial fractures, as well as for acute sinusitis. In general, radiographs of the skull and facial bones are rapidly becoming obsolete, being replaced by much more sensitive CT scans.

  • the patient is erect facing the upright detector 
  • the chin is raised until the mento-mandibular line (MML) is perpendicular to the receptor (OML will be 37° from receptor)
  • ensure patient's head is straight
  • posteroanterior projection
  • centering point
    • the beam is exiting at the acanthion 
  • collimation
    • superior to the skin margins
    • inferior to include the most inferior aspects of the skull
    • lateral to include the skin margin
  • orientation  
  • detector size
  • exposure
  • SID
  • grid
    • yes (this can vary departmentally)
  • the petrous ridge should be inferior to the maxillary sinuses
  • assess for rotation via the assessments of the coronoid process symmetry
  • generally, the base of the mandible and the occiput will be superimposed
  • learn your skull positioning lines, it makes for reading position guides a lot easier
  • guarantee that the patient is not 'hunched' over when they are being examined. This can cause an artifact from the shoulders and the patient is more likely to be rotated; it is best to move the chair up close to the detector so they are sitting up straight for the image
  • use a side marker and regularly place in PA. Skulls can get tricky with figuring out which side is which. Many vendors tend to 'flip' images to make them appear AP

This view was first described by Charles A. Waters and C. W. Waldron, American radiologists in 1915 3.

  • 1. Berry. Diagnostic Radiology. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. ISBN:8180616363. Read it at Google Books - Find it at Amazon
  • 2. John Lampignano, Leslie E. Kendrick. Bontrager's Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy. (2017) ISBN: 9780323399661
  • 3. Waters CA, Waldron CW. Roentgenology of the accessory nasal sinuses describing a modification of the occipito-frontal position. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1915 Feb;2:633-39.

What is the angle between the OML and the plane of the IR for a well positioned Waters(Parietoacanthial) projection? What line is perpendicular to the IR?A.) 15 degreeB.) 37 degreeC.) 30 degreeD.) MMLE.) AML