What is the best breakfast for high blood pressure?

The foods you eat may lower blood pressure as much as medication, reports Harvard Health Publications. Start your day with a breakfast filled with key nutrients known to help with blood pressure. Getting enough potassium is essential, as it lowers blood pressure and counteracts sodium. Whole grains and several phytochemicals fight high blood pressure, or hypertension. Calcium and magnesium are also dietary musts. Calcium lowers blood pressure, while magnesium helps regulate it.

Scrambled Egg Whites

Egg whites contain a group of amino acids dubbed RVPSL, which may lower blood pressure as well as some medications, according to emerging research presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in April 2013. As an added bonus, they deliver protein, which is an important element of a healthy breakfast, and they don't have any of the egg's fat. While adding any vegetables will boost the nutrients, be sure to include tomatoes and spinach. Tomatoes contribute potassium, and spinach supplies magnesium, potassium and calcium. Top your scrambled eggs with a touch of shredded, low-fat cheese to boost calcium.

Whole-Grain, Fruit-Filled Muffins

Eating three servings of whole-grain foods every day lowers blood pressure, according to research published in the October 2010 issue of the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition." Get your first serving of the day with muffins made from whole grains, such as whole-wheat, oats or wheat bran, and bananas, raisins or blueberries. Bananas and raisins provide potassium and magnesium. Blueberries are packed with flavonoids called anthocyanins that help reduce hypertension, as reported in August 2012 in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition." Pair whole-grain muffins with a glass of low-fat milk for calcium and protein.

Yogurt, Fruits and Nuts

An 8-ounce carton of plain, fat-free yogurt supplies nearly half of your daily calcium and about 10 percent of your recommended magnesium and potassium. While yogurt alone makes a quick breakfast, you'll boost its impact on your blood pressure by adding extra ingredients. Stir wheat germ into low-fat vanilla yogurt, spoon it over sliced apples, blueberries, strawberries or bananas and toss some walnuts or almonds on top. The nuts provide magnesium, apples and bananas contribute potassium and magnesium, and strawberries are as rich in anthocyanins as blueberries. Carry breakfast with you by rolling yogurt and any combination of fruits, nuts and oat granola inside a whole-grain tortilla.

Have a glass of soy milk on the side, or pour it over your favorite whole-grain cereal. Soy milk is a rich source of plant-based nutrients called isoflavones, which lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. For ready-to-eat cereals, enjoy raisin bran for potassium and shredded wheat for magnesium. Your morning glass of orange juice or tomato juice is a good choice for extra potassium. Don't forget simple everyday choices: A small whole-grain English muffin or a slice of whole-wheat toast topped with nut butter and sliced bananas contains the key nutrients for lowering blood pressure.

Every meal you eat counts, which is why you should focus on eating the right meals that will keep your heart healthy. High blood pressure or hypertension can be controlled with simple diet and lifestyle changes. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You should eat the healthiest foods during breakfast to ensure a better flow of energy throughout the day and low blood pressure. 

Starting your day with a filling breakfast is one good method to control high blood pressure. Here are some healthy breakfast options for you. 


What is the best breakfast for high blood pressure?
Oats for breakfast

Starting your day on a high level is the best fuel for your body. Oats are rich in fiber and low in sodium, that is why they are beneficial for high blood pressure. Oats are easy to prepare, it doesn’t take up to 30 minutes so you can happily have them for breakfast.

Also, you have to choose oatmeals that are low in sugar. You can make your oats more healthy by adding fruits, nuts, and honey. Overnight oats are a popular breakfast option. To make them, soak 1/2 cup of rolled oats and 1/2 cup of nut milk in a jar. In the morning, stir and add berries and granola.


What is the best breakfast for high blood pressure?
Bananas and Avocado

Yes, fruit contains sugar but it also has fiber and other vitamins and minerals that make it perfect for your breakfast. It’s a natural way to keep your heart healthy and to reduce hypertension. Fruits like bananas and oranges provide potassium which can help reduce blood pressure. 

Adding fruits to your cereal, oatmeal or even yogurt is one way of keeping your blood pressure in check. Spice up your breakfast with some berries, avocado, and bananas.


What is the best breakfast for high blood pressure?
Parfait with granola and berries

Another way to maintain your blood pressure and heart is by taking yogurt. Yogurt is rich in calcium, it’s better to stick with the plain and unsweetened yogurt. You can add your own flavors and textures to it by adding honey, granola, berries, bananas just to start your day with a good vibe and healthy breakfast. 


What is the best breakfast for high blood pressure?
Eggs for breakfast

Yes, I said eggs. Eggs are simple breakfasts that can be cooked in different ways. They’re the perfect breakfast for maintaining low blood pressure Egg whites are mostly protein while the yolks are the real nutritional power banks. Those yolks contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats. Eggs have been shown to help you feel full, keeping you filled for longer periods, and help to stabilize blood sugar and insulin. You can prepare scrambled eggs and add a little olive oil and vegetables to it.