What is the difference between non-governmental organization and international non-governmental organization?

International Organizations: Introduction

There are two types of international organizations: governmental and non-governmental.

  • International governmental organizations (or IGOs) are associations of states established by a treaty to pursue the common aims of their member states. An intergovernmental organization has a legal personality separate from its member states, and can enter into legally binding agreements with other IGOs or with other states. The United Nations and the Organization of American States are examples of international governmental organizations.
  • The other category of international organization is the non-governmental organization (or NGO). NGOs are made up of private citizens. NGOs do not enter into treaties or other international agreements. The World Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace and Amnesty International are examples of non-governmental organizations.

What is the difference between non-governmental organization and international non-governmental organization?

There are many types of nonprofit organizations that exist for the main purpose of making the world a better place. The designation between an NGO vs nonprofit tells a lot about where the organization is based or provides aid. While an NGO is likely to also be classified as a nonprofit, the reverse is not always the case.

If you’re looking for opportunities to help benefit the greater good, then opportunities at NGOs or nonprofit organizations would be a great place to start. Here, we will outline what makes the two types of selfless businesses different.

What is the difference between non-governmental organization and international non-governmental organization?

What is an NGO?

NGO stands for non-governmental organization.

The term and business type was created in 1945, with the inception of the United Nations.

As the name implies, the organization is not part of the government, but they do still help provide humanitarian aid and advocate for social change. They may also operate in the same areas that government agencies do, but they are not part of the government.

NGOs can exist at the local, national, or international level. In most cases, they either operate internationally or are based in the US, but provide services across borders.

For example, the Salvation Army and American Red Cross are NGOs that are headquartered in the US, but can be found providing services across the world.

There are also NGOs that are international, like the United Nations and Amnesty International, for example.

NGO Duties

NGOs are geared towards helping benefit society at large and may do so across sectors and practices, such as:

  • Managing emerging health crises (i.e. coronavirus, HIV/AIDS, etc.)
  • Promoting health education (i.e. waste disposal and good hygiene)
  • Developing social institutions (i.e. schools and roads)
  • Securing women’s equality (i.e. boosting literacy and offering counseling)
  • Dealing with community issues (i.e. crime, prostitution, etc.)

What is an NPO?

A nonprofit organization refers to a business that does not distribute its profits to owners or shareholders. Instead, the profits get reinvested into the business to manage expenses, meet its social goals, and pay staff.

Nonprofit organizations have the mission to help a specific cause or community.

Nonprofits may operate on a small-scale, like within a community, or on a broader scale, like nationwide.

For example, there are nonprofit organizations that are very big in scale, such as hospitals and universities. In fact, the University of the People (UoPeople) is a nonprofit organization that provides quality and affordable, tuition-free, online education to students around the world.

Nonprofit Duties

NPOs exist to serve a variety of causes and issues. For example, they may:

  • Support scientific research
  • Provide literacy and educational programs
  • Prevent animal cruelty
  • Aid in stopping child abuse
  • Promote sports programs


When comparing an NGO vs NPO, it’s useful to know that most NGOs are also nonprofits. However, only some nonprofits are NGOs. A nonprofit can be an NGO when it operates across borders. An example of this case is Doctors Without Borders.

NGOs tend to be classified within two groups:

  • Operational NGO: Geared towards making small changes through specific projects
  • Campaigning NGO: Aimed at influencing political systems to usher in large changes

Similarities of NGOs and NPOs

There are many similarities between NGOs and NPOs.

Both have the goal to better society.

Additionally, both can operate at whatever scale they so wish, whether it be locally or nationally (or in the cases of NGOs, often internationally).

NGOs and NPOs both have the opportunity to receive aid from the government through grants and receive tax-exempt donations.

How NGOs Operate

NGOs receive funding much like NPOs. They may call on private donations, loans, grants, membership dues, and the sale of services to stay in business.

While it’s possible to receive government aid and funding, governments do not get to influence NGOs’ decision-making, hence the term “non-governmental” organization.

Like NPOs, NGOs can receive tax exemptions by applying as a 503(c) type of business with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This is true for US-based NGOs, not internationally-based NGOs.

What is the difference between non-governmental organization and international non-governmental organization?

How NPOs Operate

NPOs receive their funding from different sources, which tend to include:

  • Donors
  • Membership duties and fees
  • Corporate contributions
  • Investments
  • Grants from foundations
  • Government contracts or grants
  • Loans
  • Tax revenue

The Bottom Line

When comparing NGO vs nonprofit, you can see that they have a lot in common. While both organizations aim to serve the public and promote positive social change, the main differentiator is that non-governmental organizations operate internationally.

Through the support of volunteers and donations, these entities exist and are able to meet their goals and help change the world for the better.

Form of non-governmental organization

An international non-governmental organization (INGO) is an organization which is independent of government involvement and extends the concept of a non-governmental organization (NGO) to an international scope.

NGOs are independent of governments and can be seen as two types: advocacy NGOs, which aim to influence governments with a specific goal, and operational NGOs, which provide services.[1] Examples of NGO mandates are environmental preservation, human rights promotions or the advancement of women. NGOs are typically not-for-profit, but receive funding from companies or membership fees.[2] Many large INGOs have components of operational projects and advocacy initiatives working together within individual countries.

The technical term "international organizations" describes intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and include groups such as the United Nations or the International Labour Organization, which are formed by treaties among sovereign states.[3] In contrast, INGOs are defined as "any internationally operating organization which is not established by inter-governmental agreement".[4]

An INGO may be founded by private philanthropy, such as the Carnegie, Rockefeller, Gates and Ford Foundations, or as an adjunct to existing international organizations, such as the Catholic or Lutheran churches. A surge in INGOs for economic development occurred during World War II, some of which would later become large organizations like SOS Children's Villages, Oxfam, Catholic Relief Services, Care International and Lutheran World Relief. The number of INGOs grew from 6,000 in 1990 to 26,000 in 1999, and a 2013 report estimated about 40,000.[5]

Except for incorporation under national laws, no current formal legal status exists for INGOs, which can lead to complications in international law.[5][dubious ]


In 1910, the Union of International Associations (UIA) were the first to suggest that a "super-national" status be given to international organizations with diplomatic intentions without governmental influence.[5] The International Law Association (ILA) modified this, adding that this "super-national" organizational status may be adopted[by whom?] for associations formed for no profit.[5]


The main focus of INGOs is to provide relief and developmental aid to developing countries. Health-related projects such as HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention and treatment, clean water, and malaria prevention—and education-related projects such as schools for girls and providing books—help to provide the social services that the country's government does not provide. International non-governmental organizations are some of the first responders to natural disasters, like hurricanes and floods, or crises that need emergency relief. Other organizations, like the International Justice Mission, are working to make judicial systems more effective and legitimate. Still others, such as those promoting micro-finance and education, directly impact citizens and communities by developing skills and human capital while encouraging citizen empowerment and community involvement.

NGOs, in general, account for over 15% of total international development aid, which is linked to economic development.[6] As of 2007, aid (partly contributed to by INGOs) over the past thirty years is estimated to have increased the annual growth rate of the bottom billion by one percent.[7]


Given they are usually supported by donations, a popular concern about INGOs is where the money goes and whether it is spent efficiently. High administrative costs can be an indication of inefficiency, enrichment of employees at the expense of beneficiaries, embezzlement or misdirection of funds to corrupt local officials or dictatorship.[8] Numerous attempts have been made to remedy the accountability of INGOs surrounding where and for what their money is being used.[9] Websites like Charity Navigator and GiveWell attempt to provide transparency as to how much goes to administrative costs, what activities money is spent on, whether more donations would be helpful, and how cost-effective the activities are compared to other charities or potential activities.

Another criticism is that many of the people benefiting from INGOs have no way to influence those activities and hold the organizations accountable.[10] (for example by threatening to withhold donations). Some charitable organizations solicit the participation of local communities to avoid problems related to intercultural competence, and avoid unintended consequences due to lack of buy-in or lack of knowledge about local conditions.

In March 2015, the European Journal of International Relations criticized the impact of INGOs on government decision-making, claiming they are slowing integration of developing countries into the global economy.[11]

Notable international NGOs

Multiple interdisciplinary projects

  • ActionAid
  • ADRA
  • CARE
  • CRS
  • Danish Refugee Council
  • Islamic Relief
  • Koyamada International Foundation
  • Mercy Corps
  • Narayan Seva Sansthan
  • Oxfam
  • Save the Children
  • SOS Children's Villages
  • Tzu Chi Foundation
  • World Vision International
  • Plan International


  • Amref Health Africa
  • Doctors Without Borders
  • GAVI
  • The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Children and youth

  • Compassion International
  • International Federation of Catholic Parochial Youth Movements (FIMCAP)
  • Plan
  • Reggio Children Foundation
  • Save the Children International
  • SOS Children's Villages
  • World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)
  • World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)
  • World Vision International


  • European Association of History Educators
  • Junior Achievement
  • The Library Project
  • OpenmindProjects- INGO

Human rights

  • International Rescue Committee
  • Human Rights Watch
  • Amnesty International
  • Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
  • Friends of Peoples Close to Nature
  • Humanists International
  • International Christian Concern
  • International Federation for Human Rights
  • Survival International


  • Greenpeace
  • International POPs Elimination Network
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature
  • World Wide Fund for Nature
  • International Solar Alliance


  • Sister Cities International
  • World Federation of United Nations Associations


  • International Federation of Catholic Parochial Youth Movements (FIMCAP)
  • Lutheran World Relief

Space and technology


See also

  • European Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of International Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Foundation (non-profit)
  • International Non-Governmental Organisations Accountability Charter
  • Nonprofit organization
  • Think tank
  • World Polity Theory


  1. ^ IGO-NGO Cooperation." .https://guides.library.duke.edu/c.php?g=289595&p=1930435 (accessed February 19, 2020).
  2. ^ Goode, Walter, ed. (2007). Dictionary of trade policy terms. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521885065.
  3. ^ Appel, Benjamin J. (January 2018). "Intergovernmental Organizations and Democratic Victory in International Crises". The Journal of Politics. 80 (1): 274–287. doi:10.1086/694256.
  4. ^ Ahmed, Shamima; Potter, David M. (2006). NGOs in international politics. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press. ISBN 9781565493469. OCLC 732955747.
  5. ^ a b c d Ben-Ari, Rephael Harel (2013). The Legal Status of International Non-Governmental Organizations: Analysis of Past and Present Initiatives (1912-2012). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. ISBN 9789004254367.
  6. ^ "World Bank and NGOs." October 3, 2007.http://library.duke.edu/research/subject/guides/ngo_guide/igo_ngo_coop/ngo_wb.html[dead link] (accessed November 10, 2010).
  7. ^ Collier, Paul. 2007. The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. (p.100).
  8. ^ Collingwood, Vivien; Logister, Louis (April 2005). "State of the Art: Addressing the INGO 'Legitimacy Deficit'". Political Studies Review. 3 (2): 175–192. doi:10.1111/j.1478-9299.2005.00022.x.
  9. ^ Crack, Angela M. (2013-04-01). "INGO Accountability Deficits: The Imperatives for Further Reform". Globalizations. 10 (2): 293–308. doi:10.1080/14747731.2013.786253. ISSN 1474-7731.
  10. ^ Ebrahim, A.: 2003, 'Accountability in Practice: Mechanisms for NGOs', World Development 31(5), 813-829.
  11. ^ Pinheiro, Diogo; Chwieroth, Jeffrey M.; Hicks, Alexander (2014-05-21). "Do international non-governmental organizations inhibit globalization? The case of capital account liberalization in developing countries". European Journal of International Relations. 21 (1): 146–170. doi:10.1177/1354066114523656. ISSN 1354-0661.

Further reading

  • Atack Iain 1998. "Four Criteria of Development NGO Legitimacy," in World Development 27(5), pp. 855–864.
  • Collier, Paul 2007. "Aid to the Rescue?," in The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It, pp. 99–123. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Haugen, Gary; Boutros, Victor (2010). "And Justice for All: Enforcing Human Rights for the World's Poor". Foreign Affairs. 89 (3): 51–62.
  • Singer, Peter 2009. "How Can You Tell Which Charities Do It Best?," in The Life You Can Save, pp. 82–125. New York: Random House.

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