What is the least number by which 825 must be multiplied in order to produce a multiple of 715

Last Updated On 23-10-2022 - By Sara

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Answer Key : (c) -

HCF(825, 715) = 55  \  Reqd number =

What is the least number by which 825 must be multiplied in order to produce a multiple of 715

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What is the least number by which 825 must be multiplied in order to produce a multiple of 715

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What is the least number by which 825 must be multiplied in order to produce a multiple of 715

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What is the least number by which $$825$$ must be multiplied in order to produce a multiple of $$715 ?$$

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

$$825=3\times5\times5\times 11$$


In the factor of both numbers, $$13$$ is not common. 

Hence, the least number by which $$825$$ must be multiplied in order to produce a multiple of $$715=13.$$

First of All, we find the factors of 825 and 715. Factors of, 825 = 5*5*3*11. Factors of, 715 = 5*11*13. See, the factors of 825, you will find it has all factor which is in the factors of 715 except 13. So, 825 must be multiplied by 13 in order to produce a multiple of 715. Would you get it, @Daulat?