What is the most popular dance in argentina

Tango is a partner dance and social dance that originated in the 1880s along the Río de la Plata, the natural border between Argentina and Uruguay. It was born in the impoverished port areas of these countries, in neighborhoods which had predominantly African descendants.

What is the most famous dance in Argentina?

Tango is one of the most well-known types of dances in the world, and Argentina is famously the home to tango.

Dancing in Uruguay: Tango, Candombe, and Milonga

  • Tango. The most popular dance in Uruguay is the tango, and Montevideo has long refuted Buenos Aires’ claims as the birthplace of the iconic dance.
  • Milonga.
  • Candombe.

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What is Argentina and Uruguay dance?

Argentina and Uruguay finally agree – it does take two to tango. For years, the two countries have vied over which created the dance that’s considered the closest thing to canoodling on two feet. Uruguay claims the tango was invented in Montevideo.

What is the national dance of Uruguay?

performance in Uruguay
The candombe is a folk dance performed at Carnival mainly by Uruguayans of African ancestry. The guitar is the preferred musical instrument; and, in a popular contest called the payada, two singers, each with a guitar, take turns improvising verses to the same tune.

What’s a famous dance in Argentina?

Tango is a partner dance, and social dance that originated in the 1880s along the Río de la Plata, the natural border between Argentina and Uruguay.

What are some famous dances in Argentina?

We take a look at some of the best traditional dances in Argentina to get that body moving.

  • Tango. No mention of dancing in Argentina would be complete without celebrating tango, a dance that has made it far beyond Argentine borders.
  • Malambo.
  • Cumbia.
  • Chacarera.
  • Zamba.
  • Murga.
  • Cuarteto.

What is the most famous dance in Colombia?

Cumbia is Colombia’s national dance, one of its most representative rhythms and the source and inspiration behind much of the country’s popular music. Cumbia has been with Colombia from the beginning but, thanks to bands like Bomba Estereo, it’s once again emerging onto the international stage.

Is Tango from Uruguay?

Tango is originally ‘made in Uruguay‘ – although the Argentinians, from the other side of the River Plate, surely will claim that t h e m brought up this erotic and sensual music and dance.It sounds more like classical music.

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Where can I dance tango in Montevideo?

Joventango. Located right inside Montevideo’s cultural center Mercado de la Abundancia, Joventango is the city’s number one stop for all things tango.

Buenos Aires
Tango is one of the most famous and influential dances in the world. Originating in Buenos Aires in the 18th century, tango brought together working class European immigrants, indigenous Argentinians and former slaves.

Who is the most famous tango dancer?

El Cachafaz
The man broadly recognized as the most notable Tango dancer is El Cachafaz. He was actually one of the first Tango dancers, and practiced in the brothels. He left Buenos Aires and danced all over the world, making heaps of money along the way.

What does the tango dance symbolize?

The tango dance is usually performed by a man and a woman, expressing an element of romance in their synchronized movements. Originally, the tango was performed only by women, but once it spread beyond Buenos Aires, it developed into a dance for couples.

What does El candombe mean in English?

pertaining to blacks
The word candombe comes from a Kikongo word meaning “pertaining to blacks,” and was originally used in Buenos Aires to refer to dancing societies formed by members of the African diaspora and their descendants. It came to refer to the dance style in general, and the term was adopted in Uruguay as well.

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What sports are played in Uruguay?

Rugby union

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Jazz. Jazz is the most popular style of dance among dancers. Jazz combines all dance styles in a high energetic dance that is without conventional boundaries. It has been influenced by ballet, modern, tap, hip-hop, African dance and many more styles.

What is national dance of Argentina?

Zamba is a traditional dance of Argentina. It is a style of Argentine music and Argentine folk dance. Zamba is very different from its homophone, the samba – musically, rhythmically, temperamentally, in the steps of the dance and in its costume.

Argentine dance is a popular dance style practiced throughout the world. Argentine dance is characterized by traditional rural dances. Several Argentine dances originated in Argentina and are still performed in the country today, with the most popular being the Argentine Tango.

What cultures dance tango?

The Argentine Tango originated in the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Montevideo, Uruguay, in the late 19th century. The roots of this dance lie in African candombe, Cuban habanera as well as waltzes and polkas. It was a popular dance among European immigrants, former slaves and the working and lower classes.

What is Brazilian dance called?

samba, ballroom dance of Brazilian origin, popularized in western Europe and the United States in the early 1940s. Characterized by simple forward and backward steps and tilting, rocking body movements, it is danced to music in 4/4 time with syncopated rhythm.

Happy World Folklore Day! Well, not until 22 August, but in the meantime let’s talk about Argentine folklore. Whereas in Buenos Aires tango is predominant, as soon as you get out of the capital, folklore is all over the place. In the whole north of Argentina –but especially in the regions of Salta and Tucuman– traditional music and dances have a strong culture backing them and are very much alive today.

Numerous folklore dances are popular nowadays in Argentina. Most of them were influenced by the indigenous, the African slaves and the northern neighbours: Bolivia and Peru. “Influence” is an important word when it comes to folklore. Many of those we had the chance to see –whether in Argentina, Chile, Peru or Colombia– have clear similarities; whether it be in the steps, in the gestures, or in the outfit.

Living folklore

There would be much to say about the history and the meaning behind the dances of the Argentine folklore; and there are some very good articles about that, although most of those we found were in Spanish. What interests us particularly is how very much alive this folklore is even nowadays. 

During our 2 months in Argentina, we were hosted by no less than 3 people who were in love with folklore; they either danced it, sang it or played it with a music band. Later, in Colombia, we would have such luck again, and learn all about Colombian folklore with Robinson.

While tango is playing in most cafes and restaurants you stop at in Buenos Aires, the same can be said about folklore in the Northwest of Argentina. There’s also a lot of strepitous public dancing on the city squares, most particularly in Salta. Often, it’s a kind of street art to gather money; but sometimes you’ll see people simply rehearsing for an upcoming peña.

Peña is the name of a folklore dancing event or a disco where lovers of folklore practise and have fun. It refers therefore both to the event and to the location where it takes place.

Travelling to Buenos Aires? Prepare your visit with our extensive city guide.

The main 3 dances of the Argentine folklore

These 3 dances almost always come with live music provided by folklore bands. The typical instruments are guitars, accordion, drum and violin. Singing voice is optional but some pieces are sung too.

The outfits are typical gaucho clothes, since the dances were traditionally practised by gauchos, the Argentine country folk; long colourful dresses for the women, boots, large hats and sometimes whip for the men. During the dance, both often have a handkerchief, which is a very important element of most of the dances.

In Salta at carnival time (beginning of February) pop up the mythical carpas salteñas (literally meaning “tents of Salta”). Huge tents are put up, where zamba, together with modern rhythms (such as modern cumbia) is played and danced on all night long.

La Zamba

This is the dance that we’ve seen the most in the northwest of Argentina. It arrived from Lima in the XIXth century through Chile, digging roots in that country too under the name of cueca. It’s a pair dance where both dancers wave a handkerchief, playing games with it and with each other.

It’s a choreographed dance with exact positions and figures for men and women. Their order is strict and for experienced dancers, which figure comes next is obvious from the music; while for outsiders like us, it’s a complete mystery.

In Neuquén, our host Sole brought us to an informal peña in the hall of the Fine Arts Museum. We tried dancing zamba with more and less success despite the friendly reassurances from our fellow dancers.

Start dreaming: Our road trip through the Northwest of Argentina

What is the most popular dance in argentina
Children performing a folklore dance in Salta

La Chacarera

Sole danced chacarera with her dancing group and she mesmerised us with a performance.

This dance is considered the most typical Argentine folklore dance. People practise it widely, not only in Salta, but in all the area up north from Córdoba.

It originates in the Santiago del Estero province (north of Córdoba) and its influence on cultures stretches as far as to Bolivia. Chararera is also danced in pair with strict choreography but the dancers don’t touch each other. If there are more pairs, they form all together a set structure that either moves around or swap position.

El Gato

This dance is said to have originated even before 1820. It’s the dance of the Gaucho culture par excellence; thus people dance it to a lesser extent in Peru, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Lovers of Argentine folklore refer to it as the archetype of the native dances, combining aspects of all the others. At the same time, it has a simple choreography which leaves enough space to the personality of the dancers; the playful grace of the woman and the friendly games of the man.

Nowadays, we find several versions all over the North of Argentina, like Gato Porteño, Gato Cordobés, Gato polkeado, etc.

Videos to give you a better idea of these Argentine folklore dances



Have you ever tried the folkloric dance of any country?
Tell us about it and where it was in the comments below!

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