What is the suggested safe distance a vessel should stay from a diver-down flag?


APPROPRIATELY. Stay within 300 feet (90 meters) of the diver down flag or buoy in open water and 100 feet (30 meters) when diving in rivers, inlets or navigation channels. Aim to surface within 150 feet (45 meters) of the dive flag.

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Scuba divers or snorkelers must display a diver-down flag that marks their diving area. The flag must be displayed whenever someone is diving below the surface. Vessels should stay as far away from a diver-down flag as is reasonable and prudent for the circumstances. The suggested safe distance is 100 yards.

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How far away from a dive flag must you remain while operating a vessel 1 point?

Vessels must stay at least 150 feet away from the flag unless directly involved in supporting the diver. Scuba divers and snorkelers should not place a flag in an area already occupied by other boaters or where their diving operation will impede the normal flow of waterway traffic.

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How many feet from a diver-down flag must all vessels in open water weighs must attempt to stay?

Divers must make reasonable efforts to stay within 300 feet of a divers-down flag on open waters (all waterways other than rivers, inlets, or navigation channels) and within 100 feet of a flag within rivers, inlets, or navigation channels.

View complete answer on floridabywater.com

How long after 2 dives can I fly?

Waiting the correct amount of time before flying will reduce the nitrogen in your blood. As a general rule it is recommended to wait 24 hours before flying after doing any type of diving. This rule covers all types of dives and adds extra time as a safeguard for peace of mind.

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Scuba Tech Tips: Dive Flags and Floats - S05E02

What does the blue-and-white dive flag mean?

Alfa Flag: A blue-and-white International Code Flag A (or Alfa flag), at least 3.3 feet (one meter) high and visible from all directions, is required and must be displayed on vessels whenever these vessels are restricted in their ability to maneuver by the diving operation.

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Does every diver need a flag?

Federal law requires that scuba divers or snorkelers on federally controlled waters display the Alfa diver-down flag to mark their diving area.

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Is water 400 times denser than air?

1: Water is 400 times denser than air. 2: Water is 800 times denser than air. 3: Sound travels about four times faster underwater.

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What is an Alpha dive flag?

Description. The Alpha Dive Flag is a must have for any spearo to ensure your safety in the water. The flag is intended to be attached to a flag pole on your float, and gives additional visibility to the float and consequently your location in the water.

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What should you do when you see a displayed diver down flag while boating?

Divers or snorkelers must stay within 100 feet of their flag. Vessels not engaged in diving operations must stay at least 100 feet away from a displayed diver-down flag.

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What does a black flag on a boat mean?

Ships carrying passengers infested with the plague flew a yellow and black checked flag to warn other vessels against approaching. The plague flag flown over infested ships in port. Despite popular belief, the black flag was actually a more welcoming site than the red flag to other vessels.

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What does a red Marine flag mean?

Down. The red flag with white diagonal stripe, while not international, is commonly used to indicate a diver in the water. Many states now require this flag. It is usually exhibited on a float to mark the diver's approximate location whereas the "A" flag should be used on the vessel.

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What are the 2 types of dive flags?

Locally recognized – There are two recognized dive flags – a red flag with a white diagonal stripe, and the blue-and-white pennant tail Alpha flag. Know which flag to fly in your local area. Staff or pole – If on a float, your flag needs to be high enough on a staff so vessels can see it above waves or chop.

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What should you not do after diving?

Here's our rundown of the top things we should NOT do after diving.

  1. Fly. ...
  2. Travel to altitude. ...
  3. Exercise. ...
  4. Get a massage. ...
  5. Take a hot bath or shower. ...
  6. Drink alcohol. ...
  7. Forget to log your dives and take care of your gear.

View complete answer on master-divers.com

How many dives can you do in a day?

How Many Scuba Dives Can You Do In A Day? Technically there is no specified limit on the number of times that you can dive in one day. The number of times that you can safely scuba dive in one day is dependent on how much nitrogen your body will take in. Nitrogen is harmful to divers.

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What altitude is safe after diving?

So the standard advice rings true: don't fly or go beyond 300 meters or 1,000 feet for at least 24 hours after your last dive. And if you're planning to dive in mountain lakes above 1,000 feet enroll in an altitude-diving course.

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What does a white flag mean on a boat?

If a diving operation takes place from aboard a pleasure craft, Code flag Alpha or flag A (white and blue) from the International Code of signals which means “I have a diver in the water, keep well clear and at low speed” must be displayed.

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What does orange flag mean on boat?

State law requires that boats towing person(s) on water skis or similar devices carry and use an orange or red skier-down flag, at least 12 × 12 inches in size, whenever the towed person(s) or associated equipment is down in the water.

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What does a yellow flag on a boat mean?

Medical Definition of quarantine flag

: a yellow flag hoisted by all ships to request pratique on entering a harbor, by a ship to show that it has contagious or infectious disease aboard, or by a ship that has been quarantined. — called also yellow flag, yellow jack.

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What does code flag Q mean?

At sea) your lights are out or burning badly. Q - my vessel is healthy and I request free practique. R - the way is off my ship. You may feel you way past me. S - my engines are going full speed astern.

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What does a blue flag mean in sailing?

If you are an individual boat owner and you wish to make particular efforts towards a better environment, you can sign our Code of Conduct, and become part of our network. You will receive a Blue Flag for your boat, to show that you respect those rules, and that you are a proud lover of our oceans and coastline.

View complete answer on blueflag.global

What does the P flag mean in sailing?

running late, you will see the previous two flags and the AP signal. That's a red and white pennant, which is also called the Answering Pennant. AP comes down, it signifies one minute until the class flag is raised. The class flag is the one which is so designated by the Sailing Instructions.

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Where do you mount a dive flag on a boat?

Many boaters fly their flag off of a staff or pole on the boat itself in a prominent position—ideally at the vessel's highest point. According to DAN, the flag should be at least 20 inches by 24 inches. Another option is to place your dive flag on a float or buoy in the water.

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Which of the following accurately describes the divers-down flag?

It is red with a white stripe running across it diagonally. It is used in the water to indicate scuba diving, and snorkeling activity close by. However, the other diver down flag to know is the blue and white Alpha Flag. This is internationally used to indicate that a boat or vessel has divers in the water.

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If the divers-down warning device is a divers-down flag, the flag must: Display the divers-down symbol on each face and… Have a wire stiffener or be otherwise constructed to ensure it remains fully unfurled and extended, even when there is no wind or breeze.

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What do you do when you see a diver-down flag?

Vessels should stay as far away from a diver-down flag as is reasonable and prudent for the circumstances. The suggested safe distance is 100 yards.

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What should you do when you see a displayed diver-down flag while boating?

Divers or snorkelers must stay within 100 feet of their flag. Vessels not engaged in diving operations must stay at least 100 feet away from a displayed diver-down flag.

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When you see a divers-down flag you must Florida?

Divers must make a reasonable effort to stay within 100 feet of the divers-down flag or buoy on rivers, inlets, and navigation channels. Similarly, any person operating a vessel must make a reasonable effort to stay more than 100 feet from the divers-down flag or buoy in these areas.

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When you see a diver-down flag You must not operate your vessel within how many feet of that flag?

Vessel operators must not operate at greater than “no wake speed” within 100 feet of a displayed diver-down flag. Divers must stay within 100 feet of a displayed diver-down flag while at or near the surface.

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Meet A Professional Poo Diver

When you see a red flag with a white diagonal stripe divers down flag device you must?

If you come across the red flag with white diagonal stripe, your best bet is to stay away. Divers could be performing their safety stop at very shallow depths, as little as 15 feet (5 meters) of water.

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Which of the following accurately describes a diver down flag?

It is red with a white stripe running across it diagonally. It is used in the water to indicate scuba diving, and snorkeling activity close by. However, the other diver down flag to know is the blue and white Alpha Flag. This is internationally used to indicate that a boat or vessel has divers in the water.

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When you see a red flag or buoy with a white diagonal stripe divers Down symbol you mus?

08. 34. When you see a red flag with a white diagonal strip (divers down flag), you must slow to idle speed if you come within 100 FT. of the flag in a channel and 300 FT.

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How many feet from a diver down flag must all vessels in open water weighs must attempt to stay?

Scuba divers or snorkelers may not dive within 50 feet of a vessel engaged in fishing, and they should display a diver-down flag that marks their diving area. Vessels must remain at least 50 feet away from the flag.

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What does it mean when you see this flag Aceboater?

If a diving operation takes place from aboard a pleasure craft, Code flag Alpha or flag A (white and blue) from the International Code of signals which means “I have a diver in the water, keep well clear and at low speed” must be displayed.

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What does a diver down flag look like?

Divers Flag: A rectangular red flag, at least 15 x 15 inches, with a white diagonal stripe is used to indicate the presence of a submerged diver in the area.

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What is a divers down signal?

Dive flags, also called diver down flags, are a simple way to let other vessels in the area know that there are divers nearby and below. That way, those other vessels are made aware to maintain a safe distance of at least 300 ft.

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How far must a vessel stay away from a displayed diver down flag quizlet?

Vessel operators must not operate within 50 yards of a displayed diver-down flag. Scuba divers and snorkelers should not place a flag in an area already occupied by other boaters or where their diving operation will impede the normal flow of waterway traffic.

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Why do divers use a flag?

What Is the Purpose of Flying a Dive Flag? Dive flags are used to alert boats and other watercraft that divers are in the area, possibly near the surface. Flying a dive flag should prevent accidental collisions between watercraft and ascending scuba divers.

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How many feet clear of a divers down flag on a river inlet or channel is the operator of a vessel is required to stay?

APPROPRIATELY. Stay within 300 feet (90 meters) of the diver down flag or buoy in open water and 100 feet (30 meters) when diving in rivers, inlets or navigation channels.

View complete answer on dan.org

What does a red flag with a white diagonal stripe mean on the water?

The red flag with the diagonal white stripe is the symbol that a diver is in the water and boaters operating nearby should be extra cautious.

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What color is the divers flag that is used to mark an area where people are snorkeling or scuba diving?

Divers Flag: A red flag with a white diagonal stripe indicates that people are scuba diving or snorkeling underwater in the vicinity of the flag.

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Who created the diver down flag?

In short, the flag was originally invented in the 1950's by a Denzel James Dockery from Michigan, who wanted a flag to keep boats at a safe distance from dive boats. He used a combination of the Navy's red 'Bravo flag' that was used to connote danger, and sewed a horizontal white stripe across it.

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What color are diver flags?

Divers Flag: A rectangular red flag with a white diagonal stripe must be displayed from a float during diving operations if on state waters.

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What does the blue and white dive flag mean?

Alfa Flag: A blue-and-white International Code Flag A (or Alfa flag), at least 3.3 feet (one meter) high and visible from all directions, is required and must be displayed on vessels whenever these vessels are restricted in their ability to maneuver by the diving operation.

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When you see a red buoy What should you do?

A type of red marker is the cone-shaped nun buoy. Red and green colors or lights are placed where a channel splits in two. If green is on top, keep the buoy on your left to continue along the preferred channel. If red is on top, keep the buoy on your right.

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