What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article which costs him 880

What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article which costs him 880

Let the market price of the article be Rs.x

given that Discount % = 12%

then selling price (S.P) = market  price (M.P) - discount (D)

⇒ S.P = x - 12% of x

What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article which costs him 880

⇒ S.P =

What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article which costs him 880

⇒ S.P =

What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article which costs him 880

⇒ S..P =

What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article which costs him 880

he is still gaining profit 

∴ cost price (C.P) =

What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article which costs him 880

What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article which costs him 880

What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article which costs him 880

⇒ x = 1250 Rs.

∴ market price of the article is Rs. 1250.

What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article which costs him 880





Question 1 0 2 What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article that costs him Rs. 600 to gain 20 %, after allowing a discount of 10 % ?

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