What was the main benefit that labor unions?

Certain occupations, states, and ethnicities have higher rates of unionization than others, demonstrating widespread differences.

An Overview of Unions, 2020

Unionization rates vary among employment categories. For instance, in 2020, 34.8% of public sector workers (or 7.2 million people) were union members, while only 6.3% of private sector workers (or 7.1 million people) were unionized.

Protective services had the highest unionization rate among occupational groups in 2020, at 36.6% of workers, followed by education, training, and library (35.9%) and construction and extraction (17.7%). Occupational groups with the lowest unionization rates were farming, fishing, and forestry (2.6%); sales (3.2%); and food preparation and service (3.4%). Public sector union rates were divided between local governments (41.7%), state governments (29.4%), and the federal government (25.6%). The unionization rate for full time workers was 11.8%, while the rate for part time workers was 5.8%.

Among states, Hawaii and New York had the highest unionization rates, at 23.7% and 22%, respectively. The states with the lowest unionization rates were South Carolina (2.9%) and North Carolina (3.1%).

Unionization rates among men and women were similar, at 11% and 10.5%, respectively. Unionization rates were highest among Black individuals (12.3%), followed by white (10.7%), Hispanic (9.8%), and Asian workers (8.9%). The breakdown of unionization rates by age category is as follows: 45-54 (13.2%), 55-64 (13%), 35-44 (12.2%), 25-34 (9.8%), 65 and over (9%), and 16-24 (4.4%).

How Labor Unions Work

Labor unions primarily work by collective bargaining, a tactic that involves gathering a group of workers to negotiate with business owners about pay and working conditions. Labor unions can threaten to go on strike if employers don’t consider their demands, giving workers an advantage.

Historically, workers had few employment options and were forced to work in poor conditions for little pay because employers had easy access to a large labor pool. Today, labor unions can negotiate wages, working hours, vacation time, and even job responsibilities.

The Pros and Cons of Unions

Labor unions thrive in some sectors and not in others due to complex factors.

The Benefits of Labor Unions

Union workers typically earn higher wages than nonunion workers. In 2020, nonunion workers’ median weekly earnings were 84% of union workers’ median weekly earnings — $958 versus $1,144.

In addition, union workers have access to better benefits. In March 2019, 94% of union workers had access to retirement benefits through their employers, compared with 67% of nonunion workers.

Other benefits include better working conditions, greater job security, and greater upward mobility.

The Drawbacks of Labor Unions

Labor unions charge dues to pay the salaries of union leaders and workers during a strike. And unfortunately, some unions spend union dues on six-figure salaries for leaders and luxurious headquarters.

Other drawbacks of labor union membership include less autonomy, workplace tension, and slower advancement.

Pros and Cons of Teachers Unions

Teachers unions provide members with legal protection, advice, support, and guidance. Members also qualify for discount programs, including life insurance benefits, credit card opportunities, and mortgage assistance.

The drawbacks of teachers unions include expensive union fees, lack of compensation for teacher participation in union activities, potential disruption in education for students, and lack of taxpayer representation during the negotiation process.

Pros and Cons of Nursing Unions

Nursing unions counter potentially misleading public statements made by healthcare providers during negotiations. However, their actions may be ineffective, and the public may disapprove of nurse strikes.

Pros and Cons of Unions for Employers

Though employers know they have access to a stable and well-trained workforce, they may struggle to reward exceptional employee performance due to labor contracts. Additionally, while labor contracts allow employers to predict future operational costs accurately, unions decrease business competition by raising wages and benefits.

Employer and Union Rights and Freedoms

The National Labor Relations Act grants employees the right to organize, join, or assist a labor union for collective bargaining purposes — or refrain from these activities — without fear of retaliation.

Employer and Labor Union Conduct: What’s Illegal

Employers may not threaten to fire workers or remove their benefits if they join or vote for a union or engage in protected activity. In addition, it’s illegal for employers to threaten to close the workplace indefinitely if employees unionize or to promise benefits to employees who don’t support unions.

Labor unions, on the other hand, may not threaten employees with the possibility of losing their jobs if they don’t support the union. Furthermore, they may not punish an employee for not being a union member, even if they’ve paid or offered to pay the initiation fee and periodic fees.

The Decision to Join a Union

Union membership can offer great benefits to workers in certain industries. Those who do join a union should take the time to research the rules and requirements of becoming a member to reap the full benefits of unionization.


Bizfluent, “Advantages & Disadvantages of Unions for Employers”

Future of Working, “15 Teacher Unions Pros and Cons”

Health Research Funding, “8 Pros and Cons of a Nursing Labor Union”

Money Crashers, “Labor Unions in the United States — How They Work, Pros and Cons”

National Labor Relations Board, “Employer/Union Rights and Obligations”

ThoughtCo., “Pros and Cons of Joining a Teachers Union”

USAFacts, “In 2020, the Number of Unionized Workers Dropped, While the Share of Union Members Increased”

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Union Members — 2021

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Union Workers More Likely Than Nonunion Workers to Have Retirement Benefits in 2019”

Unions are voluntary associations of workers formed to improve the negotiating leverage of their members through collective bargaining.

Workers and employers need each other to create economic value, but often disagree about how that value should be apportioned. Because owners of capital are typically much wealthier and often more powerful than individual suppliers of labor, such disagreements have historically tended to resolve in favor of capital.

Unions rose as an effort to correct this imbalance in leverage, and they played a key economic role for much of the 20th century. More recently the power of unions has declined, though the tight labor market in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic aided high-profile unionization drives in services.

  • Unions are worker groups formed to negotiate pay and working conditions with employers.
  • Collective bargaining helps employees increase their leverage in contract negotiations.
  • Half of union members in the U.S. are public employees like teachers and firefighters.
  • Union members tend to earn more than non-union workers, in the U.S. and globally
  • 27 U.S. states bar unions from requiring workers covered by their collective bargaining agreements to pay union dues.

Labor unions are voluntary, democratic associations of workers. Trade unions are organized for a specific trade or occupation, while industrial unions represent workers in a particular industry. National unions can have many local chapters.

U.S. workers can elect a union as their collective bargaining agent under the provisions of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).

Collective bargaining is a negotiation in which a union and an employer or group or employers set pay and other working conditions for the union's members.

Unions dissatisfied with collective bargaining results may call a strike under certain conditions, just as employers can lock out their workers. The NLRA defines and prohibits "unfair labor practices" by unions as well as management and requires both sides to bargain in good faith. The NLRA's terms are enforced by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

Unions may also engage in politics. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is a federation of 57 labor unions promoting laws and policies on behalf of union members.

The proportion of workers in the national labor force covered by collective bargaining varies widely by country, from well over 50% in much of western Europe to less than 10% in many developing countries. In the U.S., the proportion of union workers has dropped from about 35% in the mid 1950s and 20% in 1983 to little more than 10% of the workforce as of 2021.

Half of the union members in the U.S. worked in the public sector, where more than a third of the workforce was unionized, compared with about 6% in the private sector. Teachers, police officers and firefighters are among public employees most likely to belong to a union.

As manufacturing employment that once served as the mainstay of union membership has declined, organizing efforts have extended into the service and professional industries where unions have previously lacked a foothold. In 2022, unionization drives succeeded in organizing workers at some Amazon.com (AMZN) warehouses, Starbucks (SBUX) coffee shops, and in The New York Times Company's (NYT) technology operations.

The share of the U.S. working population who were members of unions in 2021.

In the U.S., industry groups often oppose unions and their legislative goals. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce says its goal on union issues is to "fight back against the one-sided, anti-employer agenda of special interest organizations." The business group is strongly opposed to legislation providing additional protections for union organizers.

In 27 U.S. states, "right to work" laws allow non-union members to obtain the benefits of collective bargaining by unions without paying union dues. The laws serve to undermine union financing and organizing.

Employers hostile to unions often assert a union could not secure better pay and working conditions than what they already provide for workers.

In China, independent labor unions are illegal while official ones are controlled by a government-backed union not known for advocating on behalf of workers.

Union wages are generally higher than non-union wages globally. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, full-time union members had median weekly earnings of $1,169 in 2021, versus $975 for those who were not union members. There is also evidence unions increase the pay of non-union workers.

Like any democratic institution, organized labor is focused on the needs of current union members. This focus can at times result in big increases in long-term costs for employers, both public and private.

It takes two sides to reach an economically unsustainable collective bargaining agreement, however. More often, collective bargaining leads to a compromise addressing the long-term economic needs of the employer as well as employees.

In 2021, a higher-paid unionized workforce turned into a competitive advantage for United Parcel Service Inc. (UPS) against non-union rival FedEx Corp. (FDX), resulting in lower employee turnover amid a labor shortage.

Unions have left their mark on the economy and continue to be a significant force shaping business and politics. Unions in a wide variety of industries, from heavy manufacturing to the government, help workers secure higher wages and better working conditions.