When caring for a suspected head neck or spinal injury in the water proper manual in-line stabilization is?

  • Activate the EAP.
  • Safely enter the water.
  • Perform a rescue providing manual in-line stabilization.
  • Check for responsiveness and breathing.
  • Remove the victim from the water using the appropriate spinal back boarding procedure.

If you suspect someone has a spinal injury:


Call 911 or emergency medical help. Keep the person still. Place heavy towels or rolled sheets on both sides of the neck or hold the head and neck to prevent movement. Avoid moving the head or neck.

What do you do when caring for a guest with suspected spinal injury sitting or standing in ankle deep water?

If you suspect a spinal injury in deep water, you should first turn the victim from a prone to a supine position. Then float the victim to shallow water, where you can then immobilize him/her onto an appropriate SID.

When entering the water to rescue a victim with a possible head neck and spinal injury which entry should you use?

by using a slide-in entry rather than a compact or stride jump. If you use a running entry, slow down before reaching the victim. 3. Perform a rescue providing manual in-line stabilization Move the victim to safety.

How do you care for a spinal cord injury patient?

  1. Maintaining your ability to breathe.
  2. Preventing shock.
  3. Immobilizing your neck to prevent further spinal cord damage.
  4. Avoiding possible complications, such as stool or urine retention, respiratory or cardiovascular difficulty, and formation of deep vein blood clots in the extremities.

How do you move someone with a suspected spinal injury?

Do not move the person if you think he or she may have a spinal injury unless there is an immediate threat to his or her life, such as a fire. If there is immediate danger, keep the person’s head and neck supported and in a straight line while you move him or her to a safe place.

What does CARE stand for in lifeguarding?

CARE. Confidence, Alertness, Responsiveness, Empathy. EAP. Emergency, Action, Plan.

What are the key principles to consider when managing a suspected aquatic spinal injury?

The principles of Airway, Breathing and Circulation always take precedence over any suspected injury. their rescue.

When a victim in the water is suspected of having a head neck or back injury which of the following techniques should be used to assist the victim while in the water?

Have someone call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number immediately. If the person is in the water and breathing, use an in-line stabilization technique to minimize movement of the head, neck and spine and keep the person’s face out of the water.

What is spinal motion restriction?

Spinal motion restriction is defined as attempting to maintain the spine in anatomic alignment and minimizing gross movement irrespective of adjuncts or devices. NREMT’s use of the term, spinal immobilization is defined as the use of adjuncts (i.e cervical collar, long board, etc.)

What is the RID factor?

RID = Recognition, Intrusion, Distraction. These 3 factors are why drownings occur when a lifeguard is on duty. It is a lifeguard’s primary responsibility to prevent injuries first and respind to injuries second.

What is the nursing management of spinal cord injury?

Nursing care planning and goals for patients with spinal cord injuries include: maximizing respiratory function, preventing injury to the spinal cord, promote mobility and/or independence, prevent or minimize complications, support psychological adjustment of patient and/or SO, and providing information about the …

Which of the following are examples of signs and symptoms for a suspected spinal cord injury?

  • Extreme back pain or pressure in your neck, head or back.
  • Weakness, incoordination or paralysis in any part of your body.
  • Numbness, tingling or loss of sensation in your hands, fingers, feet or toes.
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control.
  • Difficulty with balance and walking.

What are the six questions you should answer when checking the scene?

  • Is the scene safe?
  • What happened?
  • How many victims are there?
  • Are bystanders available to help?

In what position is a patient with suspected spine injury placed?

Place the unconscious patient in recovery position supporting neck and spine in a neutral position at all times to prevent twisting or bending movements. Maintain a clear and open airway.

What is the first step in caring for a responsive victim with signs and symptoms of a brain injury?

Apply firm pressure to the wound with sterile gauze or a clean cloth. But don’t apply direct pressure to the wound if you suspect a skull fracture. Watch for changes in breathing and alertness. If the person shows no signs of circulation — no breathing, coughing or movement — begin CPR.

What is preventative lifeguarding?

A focus of preventive lifeguarding is to intervene quickly to stop potentially. dangerous behaviors that could result in an emergency. This may include. redirecting a child to shallower water, stopping a group of teens from having breath- holding contests or stopping swimmers from.

When opening the airway of a patient with a suspected spinal injury you should?

If you think a person may have a spinal injury, do not attempt to move them until the emergency services reach you. If it’s necessary to open their airway, place your hands on either side of their head and gently lift their jaw with your fingertips to open the airway. Take care not to move their neck.

What does care mean in first aid?

Care. After checking the scene and calling for help, provide care until medical professionals arrive on the scene. Monitor the victims breathing. You may need to stop bleeding or perform CPR. Follow the circulation-airway-breathing of first aid.

What does CARE stand for in healthcare?

CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, formerly Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe) is a major international humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development projects.

Which of the following should you always suspect of having a head neck or spinal injury?

A head or spinal injury should be suspected if the mechanism of injury suggests an impact or blunt force to the head, neck or back. If a person appears to have a head injury, you should also suspect a spinal injury and vice versa.

When suspecting a victim has a head neck or back injury What entry should the lifeguard use to enter the pool?

Slide-in is the slowest of the four entries. This technique is used when a victim has a suspected head, neck, or spinal injury. Stride jump should only be used in water depth of five feet or more and the lifeguard should be no higher than three feet above ground.

What are the four core objectives in any rescue situation?

What are four core objectives in any rescue situation? entry, approach, rescue, removal and care provided. Use a rescue technique that is appropriate and effective for the situation. Provide an appropriate assessment, always treating life-threatening conditions first.

What do you do when caring for a guest with suspected spinal injury sitting or standing in ankle deep water?

If you suspect a spinal injury in deep water, you should first turn the victim from a prone to a supine position. Then float the victim to shallow water, where you can then immobilize him/her onto an appropriate SID.

How should an athlete with a suspected spinal injury be transported?

Moving athletes with suspected spinal injuries

The athlete should be moved the shortest possible distance to a safe position. At all stages of the move, the body should be controlled in such a way that the head, neck and spine are immobilised as one body part.

What are the incident management priorities with a casualty with a suspected spinal injury?

If you suspect someone has a spinal injury:

Call 911 or emergency medical help. Keep the person still. Place heavy towels or rolled sheets on both sides of the neck or hold the head and neck to prevent movement. Avoid moving the head or neck.

How do paramedics immobilize patients with spinal injuries?

The traditional ATLS teaching for adequate spinal immobilization of a patient in a major trauma situation is a well fitted hard collar with blocks and tape to secure the cervical spine in addition to a backboard to protect the rest of the spine. other devices currently in use are scoop stretcher and vacuum splint.

What is Brown Séquard syndrome?

Brown-Séquard syndrome is a rare spinal disorder that results from an injury to one side of the spinal cord in which the spinal cord is damaged but is not severed completely. It is usually caused by an injury to the spine in the region of the neck or back.

What circumstances would keep you from performing spinal motion restriction?

Distracting circumstances or injury (e.g., long bone fracture, degloving, or crush injuries, large burns, emotional distress, communication barrier, etc.) or any similar injury that impairs the patient’s ability to contribute to a reliable examination.

When performing spinal motion restriction on face down guest with a suspected spinal injury What must you do?

If you suspect a guest has suffered a spinal injury in the water, care for the injury by minimizing movement of the guest’s head, neck and back. This is known as Spinal Motion Restriction (SMR). Your initial SMR involves holding the guest in a position that keeps the guest’s head in-line with the body.

What does ABC stand for in lifeguarding?

ABC – Airway, breathing, and circulation

How do you assess for spinal injury?

In the emergency room, a doctor may be able to rule out a spinal cord injury by examination, testing for sensory function and movement, and by asking some questions about the accident.

What are the five regions of the spine?

As mentioned above, our vertebrae are numbered and divided into five regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx. Did you know? Only the top 24 bones are moveable. The vertebrae of the sacrum and coccyx are fused.

How do you take care of your spinal cord?

  1. Let your spine really rest while sleeping. …
  2. Exercise your core to strengthen abs and back muscles. …
  3. Your shoes need to support your spine. …
  4. Enjoy the benefits of massage. …
  5. Practice good ergonomics while sitting—and limit total sitting time.