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The three phases and nine steps of scale development and validation.

ActivityPurposeHow to explore or estimate?References
Which data recording method would be best used to measure the time between when a cue was delivered?
Step 1: Identification of Domain and Item Generation: Selecting Which Items to Ask
Domain identificationTo specify the boundaries of the domain and facilitate item generation1.1 Specify the purpose of the domain 1.2 Confirm that there are no existing instruments1.3 Describe the domain and provide preliminary conceptual definition

1.4 Specify the dimensions of the domain if they exist a priori

1.5 Define each dimension
(1–4), (25)
Item generationTo identify appropriate questions that fit the identified domain1.6 Deductive methods: literature review and assessment of existing scales
1.7 Inductive methods: exploratory research methodologies including focus group discussions and interviews
(2–5), (24–41)
Which data recording method would be best used to measure the time between when a cue was delivered?
Step 2: Content Validity: Assessing if the Items Adequately Measure the Domain of Interest
Evaluation by expertsTo evaluate each of the items constituting the domain for content relevance, representativeness, and technical quality2.1 Quantify assessments of 5-7 expert judges using formalized scaling and statistical procedures including content validity ratio, content validity index, or Cohen's coefficient alpha
2.2 Conduct Delphi method with expert judges
(1–5), (24, 42–48)
Evaluation by target populationTo evaluate each item constituting the domain for representativeness of actual experience from target population2.3 Conduct cognitive interviews with end users of scale items to evaluate face validity(20, 25)
Which data recording method would be best used to measure the time between when a cue was delivered?
Step 3: Pre-testing Questions: Ensuring the Questions and Answers Are Meaningful
Cognitive interviewsTo assess the extent to which questions reflect the domain of interest and that answers produce valid measurements3.1 Administer draft questions to 5–15 interviewees in 2–3 rounds while allowing respondents to verbalize the mental process entailed in providing answers(49–54)
Which data recording method would be best used to measure the time between when a cue was delivered?
Step 4: Survey Administration and Sample Size: Gathering Enough Data from the Right People
Survey administrationTo collect data with minimum measurement errors4.1 Administer potential scale items on a sample that reflects range of target population using paper or device(55–58)
Establishing the sample sizeTo ensure the availability of sufficient data for scale development4.2 Recommended sample size is 10 respondents per survey item and/or 200-300 observations(29, 59–65)
Determining the type of data to useTo ensure the availability of data for scale development and validation4.3 Use cross-sectional data for exploratory factor analysis
4.4 Use data from a second time point, at least 3 months later in a longitudinal dataset, or an independent sample for test of dimensionality (Step 7)
Which data recording method would be best used to measure the time between when a cue was delivered?
Step 5: Item Reduction: Ensuring Your Scale Is Parsimonious
Item difficulty indexTo determine the proportion of correct answers given per item (CTT) To determine the probability of a particular examinee correctly answering a given item (IRT)5.1 Proportion can be calculated for CTT and item difficulty parameter estimated for IRT using statistical packages(1, 2, 66–68)
Item discrimination testTo determine the degree to which an item or set of test questions are measuring a unitary attribute (CTT) To determine how steeply the probability of correct response changes as ability increases (IRT)5.2 Estimate biserial correlations or item discrimination parameter using statistical packages(69–75)
Inter-item and item-total correlationsTo determine the correlations between scale items, as well as the correlations between each item and sum score of scale items5.3 Estimate inter-item/item communalities, item-total, and adjusted item-total correlations using statistical packages(1, 2, 68, 76)
Distractor efficiency analysisTo determine the distribution of incorrect options and how they contribute to the quality of items5.4 Estimate distractor analysis using statistical packages(77–80)
Deleting or imputing missing casesTo ensure the availability of complete cases for scale development5.5 Delete items with many cases that are permanently missing, or use multiple imputation or full information maximum likelihood for imputation of data(81–84)
Which data recording method would be best used to measure the time between when a cue was delivered?
Step 6: Extraction of Factors: Exploring the Number of Latent Constructs that Fit Your Observed Data
Factor analysisTo determine the optimal number of factors or domains that fit a set of items6.1 Use scree plots, exploratory factor analysis, parallel analysis, minimum average partial procedure, and/or the Hull method(2–4), (85–90)
Which data recording method would be best used to measure the time between when a cue was delivered?
Step 7: Tests of Dimensionality: Testing if Latent Constructs Are as Hypothesized
Test dimensionalityTo address queries on the latent structure of scale items and their underlying relationships. i.e., to validate whether the previous hypothetical structure fits the items7.1 Estimate independent cluster model—confirmatory factor analysis, cf. Table 27.2 Estimate bifactor models to eliminate ambiguity about the type of dimensionality—unidimensionality, bidimensionality, or multi-dimensionality

7.3 Estimate measurement invariance to determine whether hypothesized factor and dimension is congruent across groups or multiple samples

Score scale itemsTo create scale scores for substantive analysis including reliability and validity of scale7.4. calculate scale scores using an unweighted approach, which includes summing standardized item scores and raw item scores, or computing the mean for raw item scores
7.5. Calculate scale scores by using a weighted approach, which includes creating factor scores via confirmatory factor analysis or structural equation models
Which data recording method would be best used to measure the time between when a cue was delivered?
Step 8: Tests of Reliability: Establishing if Responses Are Consistent When Repeated
Calculate reliability statisticsTo assess the internal consistency of the scale. i.e., the degree to which the set of items in the scale co-vary, relative to their sum score8.1 Estimate using Cronbach's alpha
8.2. Other tests such as Raykov's rho, ordinal alpha, and Revelle's beta can be used to assess scale reliability
Test–retest reliabilityTo assess the degree to which the participant's performance is repeatable; i.e., how consistent their scores are across time8.3 Estimate the strength of the relationship between scale items over two or three time points; variety of measures possible(1, 2, 124, 125)
Which data recording method would be best used to measure the time between when a cue was delivered?
Step 9: Tests of Validity: Ensuring You Measure the Latent Dimension You Intended
Criterion validity
Predictive validityTo determine if scores predict future outcomes9.1 Use bivariate and multivariable regression; stronger and significant associations or causal effects suggest greater predictive validity(1, 2, 31)
Concurrent validityTo determine the extent to which scale scores have a stronger relationship with criterion measurements made near the time of administration9.2 Estimate the association between scale scores and “gold standard” of scale measurement; stronger significant association in Pearson product-moment correlation suggests support for concurrent validity(2)
Construct validity
Convergent validityTo examine if the same concept measured in different ways yields similar results9.3 Estimate the relationship between scale scores and similar constructs using multi-trait multi-method matrix, latent variable modeling, or Pearson product-moment coefficient; higher/stronger correlation coefficients suggest support for convergent validity(2, 37, 126)
Discriminant validityTo examine if the concept measured is different from some other concept9.4 Estimate the relationship between scale scores and distinct constructs using multi-trait multi-method matrix, latent variable modeling, or Pearson product-moment coefficient; lower/weaker correlation coefficients suggest support for discriminant validity(2, 37, 126)
Differentiation by “known groups”To examine if the concept measured behaves as expected in relation to “known groups”9.5 Select known binary variables based on theoretical and empirical knowledge and determine the distribution of the scale scores over the known groups; use t-tests if binary, ANOVA if multiple groups(2, 126)
Correlation analysisTo determine the relationship between existing measures or variables and newly developed scale scores9.6 Correlate scale scores and existing measures or, preferably, use linear regression, intraclass correlation coefficient, and analysis of standard deviations of the differences between scores(2, 127, 128)