Why cant you exercise after liposuction

Liposuction is a great way to eliminate targeted areas of fat in order to achieve the toned, sculpted figure you desire. Many men and women find this to be a great way to put the finishing touches on their workout efforts and improve the appearance of regions that haven’t responded well to diet and exercise. In addition, many of our liposuction patients have indicated that their procedure has provided them with a new-found motivation to lead an active lifestyle in order to maintain their beautiful results.

While it is important to exercise regularly after liposuction, you will also need to be patient. It will take time for your body to heal after surgery, and you’ll need to refrain from exercise until your body has recovered. Dr. Chiaramonte will monitor your recovery and let you know when it is safe to resume your favorite athletic activities.

The Importance of Working Out after Liposuction

Why cant you exercise after liposuction
The fat cells removed during liposuction will never return. In this regard, the results of your procedure are permanent. However, it’s still possible to gain weight after liposuction if you don’t live an active, healthy lifestyle. If this occurs, the extra weight will be distributed among your remaining fat cells, which may result in unwanted changes to your figure.

To prevent this from happening, Dr. Chiaramonte recommends that you eat a balanced, healthy diet and exercise regularly after liposuction. If you currently live an active, healthy lifestyle, your best course of action is to keep doing what you’ve always done. For individuals who don’t currently eat well and exercise regularly, Dr. Chiaramonte recommends that you work with a nutritionist and a personal trainer in order to establish healthy habits moving forward.

Timeline for Resuming Exercise after Liposuction

The exact amount of time you’ll need to wait before resuming exercise varies from patient to patient. Factors impacting when you can start exercising include:

  • The size and location of the area(s) being treated
  • Your body’s innate healing ability
  • Your lifestyle and level of fitness prior to undergoing liposuction

It’s crucial that you wait until Dr. Chiaramonte clears you to resume working out. If you ramp up your activity level too soon, it may increase your risk of complications.

Tips for Safely Resuming Exercise

Dr. Chiaramonte encourages you to begin light walking as soon as you feel up to it. This should usually occur within the first few days of your recovery. Walking is an important way to promote blood flow and reduce your risk of blood clots. During this early time in your recovery, you’ll need to listen to your body. If you feel like you are pushing yourself to your limits, then stop.

You will most likely need to wait about 4 weeks before resuming strenuous exercise. Once you begin working out, you’ll need to take it easy. Start out slowly and keep your workouts at a very low intensity level. Dr. Chiaramonte recommends beginning with 25% of your normal exercise routine and gradually increasing the intensity as your body becomes stronger.

Keep the following tips in mind as you begin resuming exercise:

  • Aerobics – Aerobic exercise is an important component to a fitness regimen, and it will help you maintain a stable, healthy weight. You should wait approximately 4 weeks before resuming high-impact aerobic activities such as running. When you resume these activities, start off slowly and build up to a full workout as your body feels ready.
  • Resistance exercises – Weightlifting and other resistance exercises are also a great way to keep your body toned after liposuction. As with aerobics, you’ll need to wait until you are sufficiently healed before you can resume resistance exercises. Start off slowly and gradually build back to your full workout. In some instances, Dr. Chiaramonte may recommend waiting a little longer to work out the muscles in the treatment area to prevent complications.

Contact our Maryland Plastic Surgeon

Please contact Bella Cosmetic Surgery using the form on this page or 301-567-6767 today to schedule your liposuction consultation. We serve patients in Maryland, Washington DC and Northern Virginia.

Many men and women struggle with excess body fat. Are you unable to fully enjoy your body even after following a nutritious diet and exercise routine? When a healthy lifestyle fails to get rid of fat bulges, individuals can turn to liposuction. Liposuction can target different areas of the body that have stubborn pockets of fat. It is a versatile body-sculpting tool that plastic surgeons can utilize to give patients the physique they want after numerous hours spent at the gym haven't yielded results. Liposuction can create transformative results for patients, especially when performed by the right plastic surgeon.

The plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery offer body contouring and sculpting expertise to their patients in the Northern Virginia area. Liposuction, also known as lipo, can reduce pockets of unwanted fat to help create a more defined, toned appearance for both women and men. Healthy adults can benefit from this cosmetic procedure, yet what you do after your liposuction recovery is a crucial factor in maintaining your stunning results.

Is it okay to exercise during liposuction recovery?

Exercise plays a key role in maintaining liposuction results, but patients need to be cautious following their fat removal procedure on how and when they resume their regular routine. During your liposuction recovery, there will be specific guidelines provided by your surgeon at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery. The professional team will guide each patient through the process from start to finish. Medical studies have shown that light activity, such as walking, immediately after the procedure is beneficial. It helps minimize swelling and inflammation while reducing the risk of blood clots. However, strenuous exercising should be avoided for at least 4 6 weeks or until cleared by your plastic surgeon.

Is exercising after liposuction necessary?

Studies have shown that patients can keep fat off after their liposuction procedure by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some patients assume that liposuction is all they need. However, exercising will help maintain the body-contouring results patients see after their procedure. A lack of exercise or an unhealthy lifestyle after liposuction recovery will only increase the risk of unsightly fat returning. In most cases, patients find that it returns in other areas of the body that are even less flattering. In the months or even years after liposuction, staying active and following a balanced diet will help you maintain your fantastic results.

General guidelines on exercise after liposuction

Every patient responds differently to surgery. Listening to your body and being patient when resuming exercise are key components of having an easier liposuction recovery. Patients should generally only do light walking immediately following their procedure. Light activity has shown to increase blood circulation, reduce the risks of blood clots, and aid in the recovery process. A good rule when starting to exercise after surgery is to begin at 25 percent of your normal effort level while following the recovery guidelines provided by your surgeon.

Most surgeons recommend waiting 4 6 weeks after surgery before engaging in more strenuous activities like running or weightlifting. Aerobic or resistance training should be resumed at a much lower intensity level with a gradual build-up over several weeks.

It's important to remember that every liposuction recovery varies by patient and the number of areas treated. It is always recommended that patients use their common sense when pursuing a healthy balance of activity and exercise to get back on track. Pushing yourself too soon and not listening to your body will only create complications for your liposuction recovery. Being patient is a critical part of the healing process while also getting enough rest. Following these basic rules, listening to your surgeon, and gradually getting back to exercising will help you to feel normal again sooner rather than later.

Am I a good candidate for liposuction?

Northern Virginia women and men struggling with problem areas such as their upper arms, inner thighs, stomach, lower back, flanks, and "double chin" can turn to a liposuction procedure for contouring help. Non-smoking, healthy individuals who have maintained a good body weight are ideal candidates for liposuction. There are many benefits to this cosmetic procedure, and exercising after your liposuction recovery plays a key role in maintaining those fantastic results. While liposuction removes unwanted fat cells, the remaining cells can continue to grow if patients don’t stay at a healthy weight and exercise after their recovery period.

Liposuction can give your body the boost it needs. If you need body-contouring help and are considering a liposuction procedure, we invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Reston, VA. If you want to feel better about how you look and get rid of troublesome spots, liposuction can be the cosmetic solution for you. You may be even more motivated to exercise after your liposuction procedure, so you can keep enjoying your sleek, sculpted new look.