Why does my dog nudge me with his head

Dawn Kovell, an animal trainer and behaviorist form Marin Humane Society says interpreting dog nuzzling is all about context. For instance, when your dog meets a stranger, he will sniff at him and if he likes what he smells, he will nuzzle and rub his head against the person as an invitation of friendship. But when your dog nuzzles you, he could be doing it to establish ownership. Dogs have scent glands in their faces so when your dog nudges you with his head, he is marking you with his scent to signal other dogs to keep off.

Rooted in most dog lovers’ belief that their dogs can empathize with their emotions could be yet another explanation. According to an article featured in UK Daily mail, new proof uncovered by Jennifer Mayer and Dr Deborah Custance from the Department of Psychology at Goldsmith’s supports this belief. To test the hypothesis that dogs have empathy, the scientists exposed eighteen dogs to people and observed how the dogs reacted when those people were talking, pretending to cry or humming. They noted that the dogs could distinguish between humming and crying sounds and that most of them approached and touched the human participants while they were crying. The dogs also had a submissive demeanor, almost as though they were concerned and wanted to comfort the crying people. Moreover, the dogs were indiscriminate in their concern for all participants and did not distinguish between their owners or strangers. This, says Dr. Mayer, goes to show that the nuzzling action was not driven by a selfish want for pleasure because if they wanted attention or connection, they would have approached their owners and not strangers. It is therefore safe to say that your dog can nuzzle you because you exhibit negative emotions, but this empathy can also extend to others.

Roger Abrantes, an evolutionary biologist weighs in on this issue by saying that certain behaviors that dogs exhibit in puppyhood are vital to a dog’s survival hence they don’t disappear in later years. For instance, puppies lick their mothers’ mouths to trigger regurgitation which is how they get their daily sustenance. Much like licking, nuzzling is a pacifying behavior that in dog to dog interaction ensures their survival and wellbeing. Puppies nuzzle their mothers for comfort and when they grow up, they nuzzle their human owners. 

Dogs bump you with their noses constantly. To them, it is a form of communication, to you, it is a cold reminder of their need for attention. Dogs often do this to get your attention for a variety of reasons. They typically want to be petted, played with, walked, or given food.

What does dog nudging mean?

Nudging simply means that the dog wants something. This something could be food, protection, friendship, cuddles, or love. As always, assess the situation and understand the context first to get where your furry friend is coming from.

Why does my dog want me to pet him?

Dogs get a secure feeling when you touch them. They want to know if you still love them and ready to care for them. The best way to express these feelings is by petting them. … The chances for a dog to run away from the house or have mental problems is greatly reduced with constant petting, again just like human beings.

Why does my dog nudge me when I stop petting her?

Just as it can convey a submissive attitude, a dog nudge can also be a way of expressing dominance. … Well, when dogs are nudging to show dominance, they tend to do it a lot and do it to get things that they want from you.

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Why does my dog hip nudge me?

Other experts refer to hip nudging as pacifying behavior and a show of trust. When hip nudging is done to other dogs or your guests, it shows that your dog is relaxed and does not intend to attack.

Why do dogs nuzzle you?

Dogs and other animals have scent glands on their face and when they rub against you, they’re leaving their scent on you. This marks you as their territory, which means he really likes you. … If your dog decides you’re worthy of their love, you’ll get a nudge or nuzzle.

Why do dogs push blankets with their nose?

One such instinct comes from your pup’s wild ancestor’s habit of scratching at piles of leaves, dirt, or pine needles. The act of moving the materials around is to create a comfortable mound of bedding.

Rather than a gesture of affection, patting a pooch on the head can actually be perceived by the dog as threatening behaviour. Sarah Bartlett from The Hound Helpers Ltd told the Mirror: “The wrong way to approach a dog is to walk up to them head on and just lean straight over them and go down and [stroke them].”

Why do dogs like being drummed on?

It is a common appeasement signal. Appeasement behaviours function to reduce or get rid of some part of the interaction which they do not like without using overt aggression. It can also be a sign of affection from a very mouthy, licky dog.

What does a dog feel when you kiss them?

When you kiss your dog, you may notice that they jump up and try to lick you, which is your pooch’s sign of affection. they may also become excited and run around you with their tail wagging. … The body language that your dog uses when you kiss them will be an indicator that they know it is a sign of affection.

Why does my dog sit in my spot when I get up?

To Show Affection

For most dogs, stealing your seat is a sign of affection. By jumping into your spot, they’re taking a place that represents warmth and comfort. Your scent is familiar and safe, so your dog knows instinctively that any place you’ve been is likely familiar and safe, too.

Does this sound familiar? You’re relaxing on your couch and all of a sudden, Fido comes by and presses his head on your face and shoulders. Well, a dog communicates in many different ways, and pressing his head on you is one of the ways. What he is trying to communicate varies from dog to dog as they each have their own unique personalities. So, why do dogs press their head on you?

When a dog pushes his head on you, it is a gesture of affection, letting you know he loves and trusts you. He may try to seek attention from you if he feels bored. Other times, it could be him marking you with his scent to let others know you are his human.

Depending on the situation, there are still other purposes for this behavior. Below are 9 common reasons.       

Why Do Dogs Press Their Head On You?

09. Greeting

Different dogs greet differently. A dog may do a hip nudge, in other words, showing his bum to his owner as a form of greeting. Another may just simply lick. When your dog presses his head on you, it could very well be his way of greeting you. Your canine companion is stopping by to say, “Hello Hooman!” or “I miss ya! Glad your home!”.      

08. Marking You

A dog’s face contains scent glands, and when he presses his adorable face on you, it leaves behind his scent, which means he’s probably marking his territory. Your pooch is effectively telling other dogs that you’re his human. Although this marking behavior does mean he loves you, it can also be signs of asserting dominance, which is another reason listed below. Though it may not seem like a big deal, if your pooch is in fact trying to be the alpha, he may develop territorial and aggressive behaviors in the long run if not corrected. So it should not be encouraged or reinforced.   

07. Offering Support

On the other hand, dogs are capable of reading human emotions. If he senses you’re sad or depressed, he’ll nudge his head on you to offer support. It is his way of comforting you and telling you that he is there for you. Maybe, he did something he’s not supposed to, and is trying to ask for forgiveness. Regardless, you should definitely take up his act of kindness as it will only solidify the strong bond the two of you already share. 

06. In Need Of Something 

Perhaps Fido needs you for something so he decides to press his head on you to alert you to his request. Maybe it’s time for a walk, time to potty, or to tell you that he’s hungry. It’s just one of his clever, yet charming ways to get you to fulfill his doggie desires.     

05. Just An Itch

It could be as simple as having an itchy face. All he wants to do is to relieve that irritating itch he has on his face. Since you’re his special human, he’s either asking you to help him with the scratchin or using you to soothe the itch. 

04. Seeking attention

Pawing, jumping, licking, sitting, and pressing on you are all forms of attention-seeking strategies your furry friend uses to hopefully get you to interact with him. Dogs are highly social animals so naturally they need and want attention. 

03. You are rewarding the behavior

You may not know, but you might actually be the one that is encouraging this behavior. If your pooch presses his head on you, do you ever stroke or give him a nice rub? Offer him treats? If so, your smart dog knows the reaction he’ll get out of the behavior and will continue to do so knowing all the attention he’ll get as a result.  

02. Asserting Dominance And Testing His Limits 

Your pooch may be testing out his limits to see how much he can get away with. If your pooch doesn’t stop when you say so or continues to jump on you, acting dominantly, there may be some behavioral issues. He’s basically telling you, “Hey hooman! I is boss!”. The best solution to this is to establish or re-establish dominance and make clear to your dog who is the boss the appropriate way. If not corrected, it could lead to further behavioral problems down the road.

However, if you have a submissive dog, it more likely pertains to other reasons listed. If you are unsure whether you have a dominant or submissive dog, here’s an awesome article to help you find out. Some dogs just have a lot of energy to spare so don’t get mixed up with them being dominant. Below is a helpful video on obedience training if you have ruled out other possible reasons as to why he presses his head on you.     

01. Affection 

Contrary to the above reason, the most likely and common motive behind this behavior is affection. Simply put, your precious pup is just trying to show how much he appreciates you and loves you. Perhaps, he is just giving you the doggie version of a hug. This loving gesture sure does act as a reminder of the strong bond the two of you share! Make sure to love him back and let the profound bond last fur-ever!  

Should You Allow This Behavior?

When a dog is head pressing on you, it generally causes no concern if you have ruled out the dominance behavior. As mentioned earlier, it is best to train your dog to respect and obey you if you suspect he has dominance issues. Head pressing on you is one of the many ways your dog communicates, but don’t get it confused with when a dog is pressing his head against a wall, furniture, or other objects. This known behavior, called ‘head pressing’ can be an indication of neurological diseases. Again, this is different from when he does it to you as opposed to on the wall. When in doubt, check with your veterinarian. 

Another helpful tip is when your dog is up close, pressing his head against yours, try to avoid direct eye contact. Eye contact in the canine world is a sign of establishing or challenging dominance which can make him feel uneasy. Although some dogs absolutely love eye contact with their humans because it releases love hormones such as Oxytocin, always be cautious. Once you know your pooch and yourself feels comfortable, then go ahead.

Final Thoughts

Whether you like the behavior or not, one thing is for certain, your precious pooch loves you! If you find it bothersome, you can always train using positive reinforcements to curb the behavior. If you are absolutely fine with getting a furry head pressed on you, show him some love back. He would most certainly appreciate your head rubs!

Why does my dog nudge me with his head