Why is it important to know the following for basic communication principles?

Updated: December 9th, 2021 

Principles of communication is effectively is vital in the world of marketing. Whether it’s emails, blog posts, or client meetings, good communication skills are a necessity. Understanding how to express yourself clearly and effectively is critical for any business. 

Here are 10 simple principles to remember for effective communication.

1. Create A Goal

The first step is determining how you want to impact your audience. Are you positioning yourself as a thought leader, or are you persuading them to take action? Figuring out your ideal outcome at the start and intentionally crafting your communication to reach for that goal will make it much more effective. Deciding which KPIs can help you keep track of your goals is also important, whether it’s clicks, social shares, sign-ups, or purchases.

2. Listen to Feedback

Good communication is never a one-way street. This is why no one enjoys being stuck with someone constantly talking about themselves without giving you a chance to respond or even say a few words. A one-sided conversation can make anyone lose interest in the topic at hand. 

Likewise, if you never listen to what your audience is saying or give them a chance to engage, you’ll struggle to effectively connect with them. The better option is always to do your research, read what they’re writing, ask for their feedback, and incorporate what they’re looking for into what you’re trying to communicate.

3. Adjust To Your Medium

Understanding the context of your communication is vital to success. For example, you wouldn’t say certain things through written communication because the tone and inflection of the spoken word isn’t there. On the other hand, you would communicate much differently on the phone than face-to-face because the other person can’t see your face, hand gestures, or body language.

Once you decide on the most appealing format to reach your audience, make sure your content and messaging are both tailored for that medium. For example, if it’s for Twitter, you’ll want something that’s short, visually appealing, and will maybe even start a conversation. However, you’ll want to go into more detail on a mobile-optimized and easy-to-read page if you are writing a blog post.

Why is it important to know the following for basic communication principles?

4. Stay Organized

Staying organized isn’t easy for most people. One way to stay organized is to create a high-level outline before you attempt to communicate with your audience.

An outline includes:

  • Your goal.
  • Your main point(s) to get across.
  • The different ways you’re going to illustrate them for your audience. 

Breaking things down into small tasks will help you remain focused on this plan while being methodical in your research, and avoiding any scope creep.

5. Be Persuasive

One of the primary goals of effective communication is to remain persuasive. Of course, people are persuaded in different ways. Using relevant facts to back up your main argument is a great way to appeal to many people. 

However, it’s even more important to appeal to your audience’s emotional side, as research shows that our emotional brain processes information much faster than the logical side of our brain. In other words, using images or telling stories that bring happiness, hope, or humor can greatly impact how you communicate with your audience.

6. Be Clear

Writing concise sentences is essential to keeping things clear. On the other hand, writing large blocks of text with lengthy sentences is one of the quickest ways to lose the attention of your audience.

Replacing longer phrases with shorter ones, making things simple, and keeping most of your sentences below 30 words are all key aspects of communication. Usually, this entire process goes through a few rounds of editing to eliminate unnecessary content and improve readability.

7. Visuals Are Important

Variety can often go a long way while communicating with an audience. People can comprehend new information in numerous ways, but the vast majority are primarily visual people. In fact, people can understand visual data in as little as 13 milliseconds

Understanding how to use compelling visuals is a great way to draw in your audience, and you can use text to further demonstrate your point. Visuals are also a fantastic way to appeal to the emotional side of your audience.

8. Use Stories

Another way to connect with your audience and communicate your ideas is with powerful stories. People are natural storytellers and listeners. This inborn trait stretches across cultures and is especially evident with how kids are so quickly drawn to storybooks.

Stories are great ways to make ideas more tangible to people and can also humanize what you’re communicating. Stories are also more likely to be remembered than the other elements of what you communicate due to them appealing to your audience’s more emotional side. So, if you really want people to understand and remember your point, add in a story that illustrates it.

9. Less Is More

Your audience is likely busy. So don’t waste your (or their) time with irrelevant tidbits, repeated information, or details that don’t help you with your main communication goal. It will lead to disengagement, less information being retained, and take away from the effectiveness of your efforts. When in doubt, err on the side of clarity.

10. Be Curious

Finally, resolve to always be learning. While some things remain the same, the world of communication is constantly evolving. Continue to read, talk to mentors, and never assume you know everything when it comes to good communication. For your individual efforts, test different formats and styles to see what works best when connecting with your unique audience, and always be open to feedback.

Good Communication is Effective Communication

Communication is the cornerstone of our profession. These principles of communication will help you focus your thoughts, whether you are selling a product, trying to convince a group to act, or getting your team aligned to reach specific goals.

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Principles of communication are the definitive guideline used to make a communication process more effective and result-driven. Communication refers to different ways of expressing thoughts using verbal, written, or sign language, and communication principles make all these communications more effective,

Communication principles help in conveying messages in a more clear, precise, authentic, and effective to accomplish business or organizational objectives. The communication process may

What are the Principles of Communication?

Definition: The principles of communication are defined as the guidelines that should be followed to enable a communication process to accomplish its goals. These principles ensure a proper conveyance of the message to the receiver or the audience.

Communication principles refer to a well-defined process of two or more individuals exchanging information, ideas, sentiments, and so on in a professional, organizational, or business setting. A successful communication process is finished when one person receives the message, comprehends it, and sends the acknowledgment.

Types of Communication Governed by Principles

All types of communications are governed by these principles such as-

1. Verbal Communication

Verbal or oral communication is when the thoughts or ideas are expressed orally without using any written matter. In this kind of communication, both the orator and the listener arere involved equally as proper attention is required to understand. It uses different speech modulation to express and emphasize various aspects of the conversation.

2. Written Communication

Written communication involves the usage o written material to express ideas. It uses different writing styles, creative content, clear handwriting to attract the reader and make the content more enjoyable. Written communication is loved by people who are introverts.

3. Non-verbal communications

Nonverbal communication is a type of communication in which no formal channel or written material is used to communicate. It involves eye contact, body postures, or gestures made by hands or lips to communicate without saying a word. It is loved by introverts as well as extroverts.

Just like every game has a rule, there are certain principles in communication too for following.

The principles that govern the whole process are-

7 Basic Principles of Communications

Why is it important to know the following for basic communication principles?

To optimize your communication skills, it is important to follow these seven principles of good communication-

1. Clarity

This is the foremost important principle of clarity. When the speaker or the orator is well informed of the content, the receiver or the audience will clearly understand the content. The communication message must be clear so that there is no misconception. Communication may be verbal or written

2. Attention

The principle of Attention is the second most crucial element of conversation. It is essential to have a conversation in which the listener feels well attended to and unique.

The audience should not feel neglected and feel at ease. The speaker should try to draw attention to his conversation by involving all the articles of speech.

3. Feedback

It is crucial to get the review from the clients, friends, family, etc. after you have communicated with them so that you are aware of their point of view.

4. Informality

The principle of informality means to have informal discussions with your employees, colleagues, especially at your workplace, to address their concerns and issues. Apart from formal communication, informal communication is very much needed to make the employees feel at ease.

5. Consistency

The principle of consistency means to be consistent with the speech. It should be compatible as well as pertinent in delivery.

6. Timeliness

Any communication should not be lengthy because it affects the time of both listeners as well as the speaker. It should be kept short and simple.

7. Completeness

The principle of adequacy implies that the communication should have adequate information, and not a single detail should be missed. It should have all the information but in a limited manner.

Principles of Business Communication Process

Why is it important to know the following for basic communication principles?

In addition to the aforementioned principles, some additional principles that are crucial for effective business communications are-

 1. Objective oriented

The main goal and the purpose of the conversation should be crystal clear. The intention of the speaker should be understandable to the audience or the listener.

2. Brevity

The briefness of the speech should be kept in mind so that the compilation of the words is easy. It will reduce the time of delivery through different communication channels.

3. Completeness

The expression should be complete of all the information intended to convey. It makes it easy for the listener to gather all the information at once.

4. Consistency

The speech should cover all the aspects of communication. The message should be consistent as well as it should be well-drafted.

5. Explanation of message

As a listener, one is dependent on the speaker for a good explanation of the message. The delivery of the message is equally important as to how the listener perceives it.

6. Cleanliness and correctness

The message of the speech should be clean and focused. In a written message, the handwriting, as well as the idea, should be clear.

7. Use of simple language

A conversation with simple language and common words makes a conversation engaging.

8. Adequate information

Every conversation should not be inadequate. It should have a proper structure with all the information ensured. A piece of complete information is always required to convey your message.

9. Attention

Proper attention should be given to every sentence of the speech. It should not sound rude and monotonous.

10. Use of informal channels

There are different delivery modes of communication. Casual modes like text messages, social media, online platforms, etc., can make the communication a little ineffective. Try including formal means like emails to communicate.

11. Mutual feeling

The article should meet the expectation of both speakers as well as the listener. A conversation is termed bad if it fails to impress the listener.

12. Self Confidence

When delivered orally or in writing, any speech should be conveyed with utmost confidence as it helps bring out the best of the conversation.

13. Reasonability

Both parties shouldn’t be pressured to accept all the ideas and information conveyed. There can be a difference in thoughts, and that’s completely acceptable. A good orator or a writer gives liberty of thought to their audience.

14. Following Feedback Process

It’s essential to know the feedback from the audience whether they liked the content or not. An engaged audience would always like to give a review in the end.


The principles of communications are essential to follow as they will help in ensuring all the parameters are met while communicating. A perfect conversation is a conversation in which all the principles are followed so that the message is easy to understand and comprehend.

Both the listener as well as the speaker should be able to keep their points before each other. There should be proper engagement from both sides. No one should feel neglected. A well-researched and scripted speech conveys clarity to the audience.

It is easy to communicate but difficult to communicate effectively. A lot of us miss the effectiveness of speech and its quality. Particular emphasis has to be made, and there is a lot of improvement needed in our daily life to follow as it can help in communicating our ideas well.

Why is it important to know the following for basic communication principles?
Why is it important to know the following for basic communication principles?