How to iclude ceo on mail

Whether you are the head of a growing multinational or running your own small startup from your spare room, you need a proper CEO email signature.

How to iclude ceo on mail

Create your own professional email signature – Free

That is because as CEO you must position yourself as the head honcho of a business that is going places and there’s very little wiggle room when it comes to your branding – it must be powerful, it must be consistent, and it must be maximized across all channels of communication – including email.

You must position yourself as the head honcho… your email signature must be powerful, consistent and maximize across all channels.

Here at WiseStamp, we see hundreds of thousands of email signatures, so we’ve seen professional email signature examples that really maximize that blank space at the bottom of an email, and we’ve also seen email signatures that are somewhat less effective.

A good place to start is to think about what your email signature will do for you and how it’s going to look on Gmail or Outlook.

Your email signature is what every one of your recipients will see before closing your email message. Last impressions make for lasting impressions, so take time to put thought into your signature content and design.

Most of us would put thought into the best sign off to use to end an email, because it’s the closest thing we have to an “email goodbye”. In much the same way, your signature is the closest thing to giving your business card just before you turn to leave.

Your email signature can also function as a low cost marketing channel. This is done by adding some form of call to action to your email signature to help people get on track from prospect to customer. Many people and organizations get significant business through email signature marketing, simply by creating email signatures that convert.

The perfect email signature will tick these boxes:

  • Make it easy for people to reach you
  • Make it clear who you are
  • Make it clear what your company does
  • Be memorable

Made with WiseStamp

An effective CEO email signature will always contain the following:

  • All your basic personal information- including your name, your position, and contact details
  • All your company’s basic information- your company website, company blog, physical address if relevant
  • Company’s social media channels. Your email signature is a great place to promote them.
  • Your photo, or company logo – a logo is a great way to show off your company branding, but a photo is an effective way to increase email open rates and build a connection with your email contacts. See which one works for you.
  • The same branding as other employees at your company. Having consistent branding across all employee emails shows your company means business. You can set this up in seconds with the WiseStamp email signature manager.

Check out more email signature templates >

  • Too many links – too many links can make your signature look over-crowded and unprofessional. Your email signature reflects your company, so keep it streamlined.
  • A wacky quote – Feel free to go creative with your signature, but it might be best to keep anything too out-there for personal emails.
  • An inappropriate photo – Make sure any photo you include lives up to your professional reputation.

How to iclude ceo on mail

Now that we covered the do’s and don’ts, it’s time to get started. Start with a free signature maker, and once you’ve gathered some feedback, you can add advanced features to incorporate marketing offers, so you literally promote your company with every email you send. 

How to create an effective CEO email signature easily and quickly:

Let’s make your email signature

“So sorry I didn’t get back to you, I have been crazed,” is the most eye-roll inducing response ever. What that statement really says is that I saw your email, but I prioritized other people over you. I shut down when I hear people say that they didn’t respond to an email because they are busy. Breaking news, we’re all busy. Being busy is not an excuse. Being busy means you to have to work harder to manage all the various forms of communication that come at you throughout the day.

Most of us fluctuate between email, iMessage, G-chat, Slack, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook every few seconds for hours on end. The amount of reading that we do is more than ever before, but when it comes to business one thing is for sure: The more senior you are, the faster your response time. CEO’s tend to respond faster than the majority of their employees. If you ever email a CEO, no matter what level you are, you can expect a response in under five minutes. If you don’t get one, I can assure you that they immediately forwarded your email to someone else to respond to it. Either way, it has been read.

So how do busy CEO’s communicate better than the rest of their workforce? They know that reliable communication is the key to their business. They value their network, and they know that as leaders people depend on their direction. If they are not responsive, it’s a chain reaction of paralysis that leads to unproductive teams and poor performance.

On the flip-side of CEO’s is the middle to senior management who are absolutely horrible at email. We all have people we work with who have hefty titles and who at the same time as collecting their beautiful paycheck, can’t be bothered to respond to emails ever. These people require you to keep a checklist of all the emails you sent to them, so you can spend hours chasing those people in an attempt to get a response. Some might use the tactic of bcc to alleviate this. But, if you bcc yourself on the emails to these communication offenders all that really does is clog up your own inbox. It’s truly infuriating and makes it difficult to do your job.

Nothing is worse than being held in standstill from moving forward because a co-worker can’t be bothered to respond. If I had a dollar for every email I have sent that says, “Hi, just following up on this” or “Hi, just want to make sure you received this” or “Hi, I’m sure you’re swamped, but can you please advise on the below” I would actually not need to work. Seriously, cue retirement because I would be rich. I know I am not alone.

No one is perfect at communication, and of course, there are days when you’re in back to back meetings and it takes hours to catch up, but if everyone would try and employ the following tips, we would all be a lot better off.

The Top 12 Tips for Emailing Like A CEO:

  1. THE 12 HOUR RULE: It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: Try not to get behind. If you do get behind, make a pact with yourself that no matter what you will try and respond within the day. Jump back on email at night and clear your inbox.
  2. BE EFFICIENT: Set your inbox to thread conversations so that you’re not responding late to conversations or issues that are already resolved.
  3. DON’T CHERRY PICK: Aside from emails from your boss which you should respond to first, try not to cherry pick emails. Responding out of order to certain emails and not others creates a messy inbox and will cause you to miss emails.
  4. BE QUICK & DIRTY: Respond to easy emails immediately and then trash (or archive) them.
  5. DON’T BE RADIO SILENT: Don’t open an email, read it, and close it ever. If you open it and it’s too involved to solve in that second, write the sender something like, “Hi, got your email. I have to do some digging into this, and that might take some time, but rest assure I am on it!” Don’t be radio silent. Re-mark this email as “unread” and pin it to the top of your inbox.
  6. BE BRIEF: No one has the patience or time to read a novel. Be brief and to the point and try and write in a bullet point format versus in long paragraph form.
  7. THINK GLOBALLY: Be mindful of colleagues in different time zones. If you want a productive working relationship, you have to be considerate as to when you are responding. I will try and respond to these emails late at night or first thing when I wake up so that I can catch my colleagues while they are still in their workday.
  8. DON’T DISCRIMINATE: Be an equal opportunity emailer. Treat everyone with the same importance no matter what their title is or their job function.
  9. DON’T EXPOSE EMAIL ADDRESSES: Do not send big group emails with people in the “To” section. People are very protective of their email address and if you do need to email a big group, put everyone in bcc. Please refer to point 10.
  10. BEWARE OF BBC-ING: BCC colleagues with caution. People don’t immediately realize they are in bcc and could accidentally reveal themselves in a reply all to the group.
  11. BE CRYSTAL CLEAR: Include deadlines in your emails so that you’re setting clear expectations for response time.
  12. BE AN EARLY BIRD: You don’t have to set your alarm for 3:45 am as Tim Cook does, but waking up an hour earlier to review emails will improve your productivity. It’s also a nicer way start to your day and walk into the office ahead of the game.