The need for students to act out to get attention is virtually eliminated when teachers:

Select an example where a student is exhibiting consequential, inappropriate behavior: -Sharpening a pencil while the teacher is talking. -Tapping a pencil on the desk or drumming fingers. -Answering a question without raising a hand.

Is ripping up a test inconsequential behavior?

After distributing tests left by the permanent teacher, one student rips up his test in front of you. ... -Ignore it and continue with the test since the behavior is inconsequential.

What is the most appropriate response to a student who is refusing to work on an assignment?

What is the most appropriate response to a student who is refusing to work on an assignment? Individually acknowledge those students who are on task. The need for students to act out to get attention is virtually eliminated when teachers: Provide reinforcement for appropriate behavior.

What is consequential inappropriate behavior?

Consequential behaviors are those that have a significant negative effect on the learning environment and interfere with the rights of other students to learn. These are only about six percent of the inappropriate behaviors that happen in the classroom. Coercion is when a teacher forces a student to do something.

Why do children struggle to concentrate?

a lack of sleep or a poor routine. a diet high in sugar and fat with no sustaining nutrition to assist concentration in the classroom. excessive screen-time, especially prior to going to bed. difficulties at home, such as a recent separation of parents or a family trauma.

How do you fix attention issues?

15 Strategies for Managing Attention Problems

  1. Take the Mystery Away. ...
  2. Understand Consistent Inconsistency. ...
  3. Explore the Option of Medication. ...
  4. Allow for Movement and Breaks. ...
  5. Vary Instructional Strategies. ...
  6. Use Signals. ...
  7. Leverage Interests. ...
  8. Minimize Noise and Other Distractions.

How do I help my child focus and pay attention?

How to Improve Concentration in Children with ADHD

  1. Get the medication right. ...
  2. Establish eye contact. ...
  3. Practice skills step by step. ...
  4. Play attention-boosting games. ...
  5. Fit the task to the child. ...
  6. Make a suitable work space. ...
  7. Make learning active. ...
  8. Take frequent breaks.

Is ADHD genetic?

Genetics. ADHD tends to run in families and, in most cases, it's thought the genes you inherit from your parents are a significant factor in developing the condition. Research shows that parents and siblings of a child with ADHD are more likely to have ADHD themselves.

What is child ADHD?

Overview. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.

What are 3 types of ADHD?

Three major types of ADHD include the following:

  • ADHD, combined type. This, the most common type of ADHD, is characterized by impulsive and hyperactive behaviors as well as inattention and distractibility.
  • ADHD, impulsive/hyperactive type. ...
  • ADHD, inattentive and distractible type.

How does a child with ADHD behave?

How ADHD Affects Kids. ADHD causes kids to be more distractible, hyperactive, and impulsive than is normal for their age. ADHD makes it harder for kids to develop the skills that control attention, behavior, emotions, and activity. As a result, they often act in ways that are difficult for parents manage.

What triggers ADHD behavior?

Common triggers include: stress, poor sleep, certain foods and additives, overstimulation, and technology. Once you recognize what triggers your ADHD symptoms, you can make the necessary lifestyle changes to better control episodes.

Can ADHD cause anger?

ADHD can make anger more intense, and it can impair your ability to respond to angry feelings in healthy ways. Medication and psychotherapy can help you manage anger more effectively.

Can ADHD make you suicidal?

Children, adolescents, and adults who are diagnosed with ADHD also engage in more high-risk, impulsive behaviors, including substance abuse, self-injury, and suicide attempts (7, 8). These outcomes are often observed even among those who received evidence-based treatment for ADHD in childhood (9, 10).

Does ADHD cause emotional problems?

Trouble managing emotions is a common ADHD symptom. Emotions can feel more intense with ADHD and get in the way of everyday life. There are ways to help get control of and manage emotions.

subqizanswers.docx - The need for students to act out to get attention is virtually eliminated when teachers: Provides reinforcement for appropriate

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SubAssessment Final Test

The students in class are working well except for three students socializing in the back of the room. How do you get these students on task?

Wander over to the students in the back and quietly ask what is expected of them.

A student intentionally gives a silly answer. The teacher decides the behavior is inconsequential, asks a second student the same question, and another silly answer is given. Now the teacher should:

Ask a third student. If the correct answer is given, have the two original students repeat the answer.

Permanent teachers, school administrators, and district personnel unanimously praise and value substitute teachers who are:

Professional in dress, attitude, and presentation.

Pausing after asking a question causes students to:

All of the answers are correct (ask their own questions, give higher quality answers, feel more confident in their answers)

When a behavior is consequential and must be curtailed, you should:

Acknowledge and restate class expectations.

The need for students to act out to get attention is virtually eliminated when teachers:

Provide reinforcement for appropriate behavior.

When a student persists in disruptive behavior, it is considered:

A student may be excused from the building if they:

Have permission from the office

Which of the following from your SubPack or Resource Kit will contribute MOST to your personal safety and well being?

All of the answers are correct. (Require time for students to formulate an answer, promote higher-level thinking, encourage students to ask their own questions)

Questioning students about inappropriate behavior is not suggested unless:

You really need information to redirect behavior.

After distributing tests left by the permanent teacher, one student rips up his test in front of you. You should:-Explain that you will be recording names of uncooperative students for the permanent teacher.

-Look at the student as you continue with the

Cesar is not paying attention while you are reading aloud to the class. The best response would be:

I've noticed that Adriana is following along in her book and is paying attention. Thank you, Adriana!

The most effective way for you to start the school day is to:

Introduce a learning activity that engages the students, allowing you to take roll.

The definition of bullying includes behavior that:

All of the answers are correct (is repeated, is aggressive, is unwanted)

When working with a paraprofessional, remember to:

Respect the paraprofessional's knowledge and expertise.

Research has proven that the best way to get students, including students with special needs, to behave well, is to:

All of the answers are correct (Create a risk-free environment, set clear expectations, praise appropriate behavior)

To ensure that school district policy regarding the use of videos is followed, you should:

Read district policy concerning the use of videos for classroom instruction.

Select an example where a student is exhibiting consequential, inappropriate behavior:

Socializing with other students.

As students work on a written assignment you should:

Move about the room to monitor student progress.

The number one common trait of successful substitute teachers is:

S/he has a SubPack or a resource kit.

When addressing students, say their name first to get their attention.

What is the most appropriate response to a student who is refusing to work on an assignment?

Individually acknowledge those students who are on task.

Which of the following is an effective way to respond non-coercively to inconsequential behavior?

The teacher ignores the behavior.

Your students have returned to class after participating in a highly energetic pep rally. The energy created in the rally has accompanied the students back to class. You should:

Involve students in a brainteaser or riddle activity.

Which "rule of thumb" is appropriate regarding confidentiality of students?

Persistent, inappropriate behavior by a student will stop when:

The student is not getting the desired attention for the behavior.

When using reinforcement to manage student behavior in the classroom, you should:

Respond positively to appropriate behavior.

The best way to handle a student who is not on task or deliberately rude is to:-Point out to the other students that this is not the appropriate way to behave in your class.-Talk to the student privately to stop and redirect behavior.

-Let the student k

The "I understand" strategy:

Is usually accompanied by "however" to bring the dialogue back to the expected behavior.

Coercion is an appropriate response to a student's consequential behavior.

When reporting to the school site you should:

Arrive 20 minutes early and check in at the office.

In special education you will often be working with students who need structure and consistency. This means you should:

Follow the schedule and lesson plans as outlined by the permanent teacher. You are the one responsible for continued learning.