Is an isosceles triangle the base angles are equal the vertex angle is 40 degree What are the base angles of the triangle?

Solve the following:

In an isosceles triangle, the base angles are equal. The vertex angle is 40°. What are the base angles of the triangle? (Remember, the sum of three angles of a triangle is 180°).

Let the base angles be equal to b.

The sum of all interior angles of a triangle is 180°.

b + b + 40° = 180°

2b + 40° = 180°

2b = 180º - 40º = 140º (Transposing 40º to R.H.S.)

Dividing both sides by 2,

`(2b)/2 = 140^@/2`

b = `70^@`

Therefore, the base angles of the triangle are of 70º measure.

Concept: Applications of Simple Equations to Practical Situations

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