40 meter sprint average time by 12 years old

Use these speed and power tests before you begin your training program and then at 6-8 week intervals.

Click here for details on how to put together a battery of physical fitness tests.

40 Yard Sprint – Short Term Power Test

This test measures your ability to accelerate to full speed quickly, as well as reaction time:

  1. Set out two markers 40 yards apart.
  2. On a signal of “Marks – Set – GO” sprint from one cone to the other as quickly as possible.
  3. Have a training partner record your time with a stop watch.
  4. Perform 2 trials and take the average time to the nearest 0.1 seconds.

Compare your results with the table below:

40 meter sprint average time by 12 years old

30m Sprint Fatigue – Power Maintenance Test

In many multi-sprint sports such basketball, hockey, rugby, soccer and so on, players often have to reproduce sprints in quick succession. The ability to recover between sprints and produce the same level of power over and over is a measure of sprint fatigue.

For this test you require 12 cones or markers and a stopwatch. Look at the diagram below to see how to set the cones out:

40 meter sprint average time by 12 years old

  1. Sprint from A to b between the cones deviating 5m sideways in the middle of the sprint. Have a training partner start you off and time your sprint from A to B.
  2. Jog slowly for 10 meters after point B and then back to the start taking 30 seconds to do so.
  3. As soon as you reach the start repeat the sprint.
  4. Complete a total of 10 sprints and have your training partner note down all the times.
  5. Subtract your fastest time from your slowest time. This is your sprint fatigue. For example if your slowest sprint was 7.8 seconds and your fastest sprint was 6.9 seconds your sprint fatigue is 0.9 (7.8 – 6.9).

Another useful tool to use with your results is to find the average speed of the first three trials and divide it by the average speed of the last three trials. So if your times were:

7.1s, 6.9s, 6.9s, 7.0s, 7.2s, 7.1s, 7.3s, 7.3s, 7.4s, 7.5s

The average of the first 3 times is 6.97s, the average of the last 3 times is 7.40s.

6.97 ; 7.40 = 0.94 X 100 = 94%

Compare you score with the table below:

Power MaintenanceLevelCategory% Top Speed Maintained1Excellent+90%2Good85-89%3Average80-84%4Poor<79%

Illinois Test – Agility

This test measures your ability to change direction quickly, or an athlete’s agility

You will require 8 cones and a stop watch. Look at the diagram below to see how to set the cones out:

40 meter sprint average time by 12 years old

  1. Sprint the course from start to finish and have your training partner record your time.
  2. Rest fully and repeat the test for a total of 3 trials. Take your quickest time and compare to the chart below:
Power MaintenanceClassificationMalesFemalesExcellent<15.9 secs<17.5 secsGood15.9 – 16.7 secs17.5 – 18.6 secsAverage16.8 – 17.6 secs18.7 – 22.4 secsbelow Average17.7 – 18.8 secs22.5 – 23.4 secsPoor>18.8 secs>23.4 secs

T-Test – Agility

40 meter sprint average time by 12 years old

The T-test is the standard test used to measure agility.

  1. Set out 4 cones according to the diagram below.
  2. Starting on cone A sprint to cone B touching the base.
  3. Turn left and shuffle to cone C also touching its base. Face forwards when shuffling (i.e. so the left foot leads) and do not cross your feet over one another.
  4. Shuffle right to cone D facing the same way (i.e. leading with right foot) and touch the base.
  5. Shuffle back to cone B (still facing the same way) and touch the base.
  6. Finally, run backwards to cone A and stop the clock.

Take the best time of two trials to the nearest 0.1 seconds. Compare your results to the chart below:

40 meter sprint average time by 12 years old

Standing Long Jump – Explosive Power

Along with the vertical jump, this power test is used to measure explosive power.

  1. Stand at a mark with your feet slightly apart.
  2. Taking off and landing with both feet, swing your arms and bend the knees to jump forward as far as possible.
  3. Measure the distance, rest fully and repeat a total of 3 times. Take the longest of the 3 trials as your score. Compare your results with the table below:
Standing Long Jump TestPoorbelow averageAverageGoodExcellentMales<2.0m2.3m2.5m2.7m>3.0mFemales<1.7m1.9m2.2m2.5m>2.8m

Standing Vertical Jump – Explosive Power

This is a classic test for short-term explosive power and is particularly useful for any athlete that is required to jump.

  1. Chalk your hand and stand next to a wall. Reach up with your hand closest to the wall and make a mark. Remember to keep your feet flat on the floor.
  2. From a standing start dip down quickly until your thighs are roughly parallel to the ground and then jump up as high as possible. Make a mark on the wall with your hand at the highest point. When dipping down prior to the jump, do NOT pause in a bent knee position. This reduces the amount power generated reducing the overall score. 3. Measure the distance between the two chalk marks. This is your score. 4. Complete three trials and take the best score to the nearest o.5 inches (1cm).

Compare your results to the tables below:

40 meter sprint average time by 12 years old

Vertical Jump TestPoorBelow averageAverageGoodExcellentMales<46cm50cm55cm60cm>65cmFemales<36cm40cm45cm50cm>55cm

Jump height can be converted into a power using the following formula:

Power = body mass(kg) x (4.9 x height jumped in meters)2

So for example if you weigh 80kg and jumped 50cm (0.5m) your score would be…

80 x (4.9 x 0.5)2

= 80 x 2.45 x 2.45

= 480kg-m

Hexagon Drill – Quickness

This drill was developed by the US Tennis Association as part of their player assessment program. It is useful for all kinds of athletes to measure their agility, quickness and co-ordination.

What is the normal time for 40 meter sprint?

Average 40m sprint results from Newcastle Knights squad (n=78) was 5.33 seconds (range 4.90 - 5.81 sec) (personal communication, Lee Clark).

What is a good 40 meter dash time?

Administering the 40-yard Dash.

What is a good time for a 12 year old to run 100m?

A very good time for a 12 year old is about 14 seconds. A national leading time would be to break 13 seconds and run a 12.999 when I was 14 I was 97 percentile or so and ran a 12.5 average with a 12.2 best time and my favorite time being 12.45; in rain and hail.

How fast is the average 12 year old in mph?

The average 12 year old, without any training, should be able to run 9-15 mph.