A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter

  • #3

Is that a made up rhyme, old wives tale, or truth?

I've obviusly never weighed a pint of water, but it might explain my recent gain

It is true. But it would only explain a weight gain if you drank a lot of water and didn't go to the loo before the weigh-in!

A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter


Gold Member

S: 33st5.5lb C: 19st11lb G: 16st9lb BMI: 33.7 Loss: 13st8.5lb(40.75%)

  • #4

that would be an interesting experiment.. measure input and "output" during a day and see if it tallies up

A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter


Gold Member

S: 17st7lb C: 10st10lb G: 10st5lb BMI: 24.2 Loss: 6st11lb(38.78%)

  • #5

Having consulted google, apparently 1pt of water is 1.04 lb

I find water a great appetite suppressant, A couple of pints on WI night to last me until after group will not be repeated.

To be honest I had assumed I had lost sufficient to cover the extra "water" - that will teach me to take SW for granted:cry:

A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter


Gold Member

S: 33st5.5lb C: 19st11lb G: 16st9lb BMI: 33.7 Loss: 13st8.5lb(40.75%)

  • #6

your googling is wrong...
you may have found a site refering to US pints..

a pint is 20 fluid ounces in the UK.. the US is 16 fluid ounces..
so a uk pint is 1 1/4 US pints... hence is a US pint is 1lbs ( 16 ounces to a lb ) then a UK pint is 1.25lbs....
this of course depends on things like temperature and so on which would affect the density of the water and therefore how much water is in the glass...

A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter


Gold Member

S: 17st7lb C: 10st10lb G: 10st5lb BMI: 24.2 Loss: 6st11lb(38.78%)

  • #7

Thanks Jack!

Perhaps it was the US Google. So the old adage is not merely a wives tale.

An Imperial pint weighs 20 Imperial fluid ounces, or about 568 grams.


Water is 1 kilogram per litre at sea level, at 25 degrees celcius, and the water has to be pure. Don't forget to add this into the equation.

We'll just say a pound and a quarter then lol.

Incidentally, 2 US pints would have a mass of almost 1 kilogram (actually 0.94636 kg), by virtue of approximating 1 litre: "One litre of liquid water has a mass of almost exactly one kilogram, due to the gram being defined in 1795 as one cubic centimetre of water at the temperature of melting ice. Subsequent redefinitions of the metre and kilogram mean that this relationship is no longer exact by definition."

A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter

"L =US pt lqd / 2.1134"

A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter

The SI weight (a force) would be expressed in Newtons (N), found by multiplying the mass (in kg) by the acceleration of Earth's gravity (9.8 m/s/s) -see

A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter

Thus one US pint of water has a mass of 0.47318 kg, and weighs 9.8 x 0.47318 = 4.637164 N (or 1.04 pounds).

An Imperial pint is a bit larger, equivalent to 1.2 US pints, giving it a mass of 0.567816 kg and a weight of 5.5645968 N (or 1.25 pounds).

Does 1 pint weigh 1 pound?

No, a pint is not equal to a pound, but it can be easily converted. In case of water: An imperial pint is equal to 1.2582 pounds. So, to convert a number from pints to pounds in the imperial system, multiply the number by 1.2582 and you have your number in pounds.

Does a pint of water weigh one pound?

There is an old saying, "A pint's a pound, the world around." This number will get you in the ballpark, implying that one pint of water weighs one pound. This number is quite close to a gallon of water's exact weight of 8.336 pounds at 62 degrees Fahrenheit. (One pint weighs 1.04375 pounds.)

How much does a pint of water weigh in pounds and ounces?

1 US pint = 16 US fl. oz and weighs about 16.69 oz. (about 1.043 lb) because the US fl.

How much does a quarter of water weigh?

About two pounds. A quart is equal to a quarter of a gallon, hence, 1 quart of water is about 8.34 / 4 = 2.085 lb .