Breast reduction near me covered by insurance

Our team believes the cost of a breast reduction should not outweigh the life-changing results the procedure can provide. Whether your overly large breasts are a cosmetic and/or medical problem, Richmond Aesthetic Surgery strives to make reduction surgery possible for all budgets.

Insurance Coverage

Depending on the details of your breast reduction, your insurance may cover part or all of your surgery cost. In fact, around 75% of patients who have a consultation for the procedure may qualify for insurance coverage. This is due to the medical need to reduce breast volume and weight.

Common problems women seek to alleviate with a breast reduction include neck and shoulder pain, back pain, skin rashes beneath the breasts, and grooves from bra straps. Whether insurance covers a breast reduction will depend upon the duration and severity of these symptoms. It will also depend upon the insurance carrier, such as Aetna®, Cigna®, UnitedHealthcare®, or Blue Cross® Blue Shield®.

If you are considering breast reduction, you should first read your insurance policy. For some, a “reduction mammoplasty” (breast reduction) may be a policy exclusion, which means the surgery is not covered despite being medically necessary.

Before a breast reduction surgery is scheduled, most insurance providers require the surgeon to write a letter detailing the patient’s symptoms, physical assessment, and the approximate amount of excess breast weight, as well as a request for coverage. If insurance coverage is denied due to the procedure being considered cosmetic in nature, your surgeon can inform the insurer of your medical need and how reduction differs from a lift, which is considered cosmetic.

If you receive a denial but feel a reduction is necessary for your day-to-day living and overall health, you have the legal right to send an appeal. How you can go about this appeal process should be explained in your denial letter. It can be helpful for you to write your own letter describing the side-effects of your overly large breasts and how they prevent you from normal daily function, emphasizing your chronic physical symptoms. Also helpful, you should obtain a letter from other health professionals, such as a family doctor, physical therapist, chiropractor, or orthopedist, to further support your appeal. You can ask your doctor to submit these letters as well as the latest scientific findings and medical publications about the permanent treatment of breast reduction to create a strong argument against your denied coverage.

Financing Options

After you have had the chance to consult with our plastic surgeon, you will be provided with a quote of how much you can expect to pay. Should the estimated cost of your breast reduction be outside of your budget, our staff can work with you to find a way to make the procedure more affordable.

Our practice offers financing through Prosper Healthcare Lending™ and CareCredit® to make your breast reduction a reality. Each of these companies provides a variety of low monthly payment plans and different interest rate options to help you find the best financing for your situation.

Breast reduction near me covered by insurance

Breast reduction near me covered by insurance

Applying for Prosper Healthcare Lending™ or CareCredit® is typically a fast, simple process, and you can do so over the phone, online, or by fax. If you have any difficulty applying, our knowledgeable staff can help guide you through the process.

Contact Richmond Aesthetic Surgery

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us, and one of our team members will be happy to assist you.

If you are reading this article, you are likely considering breast reduction. It has become more and more common to consider a breast reduction procedure. There are many reasons that women consider breast reduction which can include post-childbirth changes or that your breasts have become so large that they are hindering everyday activities such as exercising. A breast reduction procedure that can benefit you in many ways.

Many women wonder if your insurance benefits cover a breast reduction surgery. If you are asking yourself, “does insurance cover breast reduction?” you are not alone. Our office is asked this question frequently and we work hard to ensure that our patients know all of their options and exactly what their insurance company will provide and what they will not cover.

There are Many Reasons You May Be Considering Getting Your Breast Reduction Covered by Insurance

Unlike many places on our body, it is often very difficult to lose weight in the breasts. It has become a bit of a catch 22. For example, many women seeking to lose weight can perform all the cardio exercise that they can, while still not losing weight in their breasts. However, having extremely large breasts can also lead to pain when performing cardio exercise such as running, leading to a hindrance to do so, hence the catch 22.

If you are considering breast reduction surgery cost may be an issue when considering the procedure. However, what many women don’t know is that there are important factors that are considered when you are trying to get a breast reduction surgery through your insurance company. This is ideal for women who truly struggle with having breasts that are interfering with their everyday life and activities.

If you are considering having your breast reduction covered by insurance, here are a few different important points that can help make your case for a breast reduction covered by insurance.

See a Chiropractor or Physical Therapist for Neck and Back Pain

For many women, one of the reasons they are considering having breast reduction surgery in the first place is due to back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or just general stress on the back area. The first step is typically to visit a physical therapist or chiropractor in order to have your specific pain looked at. During your visit make sure you mention that you are considering a breast reduction surgery to alleviate your pain. Ask them to make a specific note on your patient file documenting your symptoms of pain and discomfort. These visits will show them that your symptoms are truly causing you pain and that you have made additional attempts to remedy them prior to going the route of surgery.

Meet with Your Primary Care Physician

When looking to get a breast reduction covered by insurance, it is important to meet with your primary care physician to discuss your symptoms from dense heavy breast tissue. A primary care physician will document the pain you are having and go over the long-term effects of neck and back pain. Don’t forget to include minor pains like being uncomfortable due to pain from bra straps digging in deeply. This will give you another example to show that you have a real physical problem and are not just seeking a cosmetic breast reduction surgery.

Meet with a Plastic Surgeon

Meet with a plastic surgeon, specifically one that specializes in breast reduction surgeries. A consultation will demonstrate that you are being proactive in gathering information to help make the best informed decision regarding a surgical procedure. A plastic surgeon will be able to write a letter of medical necessity which will highlight the important history of neck and back pain along with the treatments and recommendations of your other doctors. A plastic surgeon will include as part of that letter the number of grams to be removed from each breast that is an important parameter for the insurance company to review as part of the pre operative authorization process.


Insurance companies may require pre operative photographs as part of the pre authorization process for a breast reduction procedure. As part of the insurance pre authorization each insurance company will let the physicians office know if photographs are required.

Note Specific Activities That Are Affected by Your Breast Size and Pain Caused

These can also include physical symptoms, such as being uncomfortable sitting at work all day with your bra straps digging sharply into your shoulders. While these are not medical proof you need back pain, it gives insurance company a better idea of why you should have breast reduction surgery insurance covered.

A breast reduction surgery can have many great benefits and help you live a more confident, active lifestyle. A plastic surgeon who performs breast reduction surgery on a regular basis will work diligently with you to get your insurance company to cover the procedure. As long as your insurance company receives all of the medical necessity and pre operative information regarding your case they will likely approve the procedure. Most insurance companies just want to make sure your surgery is not being performed for cosmetic reasons.

Our insurance experts will obtain preauthorization prior to your procedure and make sure you get the maximum possible coverage for your breast reduction procedure.

Contact our office today for a no charge verification for your breast reduction procedure. 310-550-7747

Are breast reductions covered by insurance?

Breast reduction surgery may be funded by the health insurance companies. Exclusion periods apply, so if a patient has recently changed policy or insurer, they may not be covered.

What makes a breast reduction medically necessary?

Breast reduction surgery is meant for people who have large breasts that cause the following: Chronic back, neck and shoulder pain. Shoulder grooves from bra straps. Chronic rash or skin irritation under the breasts.

What is the weight requirement for breast reduction?

The beast candidate for breast reduction has fully developed breasts. Your weight should be stable. If you plan on losing weight it is better to do so before surgery. Your BMI is 35 (based on your height and weight) it is considered best practice to operate on a patient that has a BMI of less than 30.

How much is breast reduction in Pennsylvania?

The typical cost for Breast Reduction near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ranges from $6,500 – $10,000.