Does the Tesla Y lock itself?

When you walk away with your authenticated phone or associated key fob doors and trunks can automatically lock (if ordered after about October 1, 2019)

To enable/disable this feature, touch Controls > Locks > Walk-Away Door Lock.

The external lights flash once when the doors are locked, and the mirrors fold (if Fold Mirrors is turned on). To activate the confirmation sound when the Model Y locks, press Controls > Locks > Lock Confirmation Sound > ON.

Model Y won't automatically lock if:

  • Inside the Model Y, an authenticated phone or associated key fob is detected.
  • The driver doesn't have an authenticated phone/linked key fob, so you walk away with a key card or unpaired key fob (see Passive Key Fob).
  • When using the key card, touch the key card against the door pillar to manually lock the Model Y. You must manually lock Model Y while using an unpaired key fob (sold as an accessory) by pushing the lock button.
  • A door or trunk isn't completely shut.

Note: Walk-away locking is momentarily suspended for one minute if all doors are closed and Model Y was automatically unlocked by your authenticated phone or associated key fob. If you open a door within this minute, it will not relock until all the doors are closed and the authenticated phone or paired key fob has been removed.


Tesla, Inc. was not involved in the development of this document and did not provide any input or otherwise edit, review or authorize it.

Authenticated Phone
Using your phone is the most convenient way to access your Model 3. As you approach, your phone's Bluetooth signal is detected and doors unlock when you press a door handle. Likewise, when you exit and walk away with the phone, doors automatically lock (provided the Walk-Away Door Lock feature is turned on, as described in Walk-Away Door Lock on page 13).

Before you can use a phone to access Model 3, follow these steps to authenticate it:

  1. Download the Tesla mobile app to your phone.
  2. Log into the Tesla mobile app using your Tesla Account user name and password.
    Note: You must remain logged in to your Tesla Account to use your phone to access Model 3.
  3. Ensure that your phone's Bluetooth setting is turned on.
    Note: Model 3 communicates with your phone using Bluetooth. To authenticate your phone or use it as a key, the phone must be powered on and Bluetooth must be enabled. Keep in mind that your phone must have enough battery power to run Bluetooth and that many phones disable Bluetooth when the battery is low.
  4. Ensure that Allow Mobile Access (Controls > Safety & Security > Allow Mobile Access) is enabled.
  5. In the Tesla mobile app, touch PHONE KEY then touch START to search for your Model 3. When your Model 3 is detected, the mobile app asks you to tap your key card.
  6. Tap the key card against the Model 3 card reader on the door pillar or center console (see Key Card on page 8).

When Model 3 detects your key card, the mobile app confirms that your phone has been successfully authenticated. Touch DONE.

If the key card is not successfully scanned within approximately 30 seconds, the mobile app displays an error message. Touch PHONE KEY on the app again to retry. To view a list of keys that can currently access Model 3, or to remove a phone, touch Controls > Locks (see Managing Keys on page 10).

Note: Authenticating your phone allows you to use it as a key to access Model 3. To use the phone hands-free, access your phone's contacts, play media from it, etc., you must also pair and connect to it using the Bluetooth settings (see Phone on page 116).

Note: Model 3 can connect to three phones simultaneously. Therefore, if more than one phone is detected and you want to use, or authenticate, a different phone, move the other connected phone(s) out of range or turn off its Bluetooth setting.

Note: Unlike the mobile app, once a phone has been authenticated, it no longer requires an internet connection to communicate with Model 3. Authenticated phones communicate with Model 3 using Bluetooth. Keys Opening and Closing 7

Note: Although Bluetooth typically communicates over distances of up to approximately 30 feet (9 meters), performance can vary based on the phone you are using, environmental interference, etc.

Note: If multiple vehicles are linked to the Tesla Account, you must switch the mobile app to the Model 3 that you want to access before you can use the phone as a key.

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Does the Tesla Y lock itself?

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How do I know if my Tesla is locked?

Enable mobile app access from your vehicle touchscreen by tapping 'Controls' > 'Safety' > 'Mobile Access. ' From the Tesla app home screen, you can view the status of your vehicle, lock or unlock your vehicle, manage climate control and more.

Does a Tesla lock if you leave the key inside?

If the fob is left in the car and the handles retract, the car is not "locked". Just tap the door handle and it will open.

Does Tesla automatically unlock?

So, you can keep your key fob in your pocket or purse and Model S detects it as you approach. When you walk up to Model S carrying your key fob, the doors automatically unlock if Passive Entry is on (Controls > Safety > Passive Entry). If a door handle is retracted, press it and it extends.