Dragon Age: Inquisition in the elements

In the Elements is a side quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Apostate mages have supply caches hidden in the area. The supplies could help protect refugees from the elements.


Speak to Recruit Whittle at the Crossroads.


Note: This quest is one part of a larger, unmarked side quest to help the people of the Hinterlands; see Corporal Vale's character page for further information.

Recruit Whittle will ask the Herald to assist the refugees by tracking down five supply caches in the Hinterlands. There caches will be highlighted on the World map close to the Dwarfson's Pass Inquisition Camp. Most will be easy to find. However, the cache with the quest marker on the hill northeast of Dwarfson's Pass Camp can be found inside Smuggler's Cave which is located east of The Outskirts, the entrance to the cave is northwest of the quest marker.

Dragon Age: Inquisition in the elements

The cursor shows the location of the Winterwatch Tower cache.

The cache located near Winterwatch Tower can be found under a tree, just southwest of where Scout Ritts is encountered (the quest marker on the map indicates an area to search that is unreachable, see image).

Return to Recruit Whittle to complete the quest.


  • 177 XP
  • Influence 80
  • Power 1



  • A body of a dwarf can be found further into the cave down the right, looting the corpse will yield the
    Dragon Age: Inquisition in the elements
    Bianca Arms I (Enhanced) Schematic.
  • It is entirely possible while claiming the cache located in Ash Warrior's Refuge (the cave located furthest southeast on the World map) to have ventured there for one of the side quests Open a Vein, Stone Dreams or Seeing Red, and have already killed all the enemies within.

See also[]

Dragon Age: Inquisition in the elements
A Healing Hand
Dragon Age: Inquisition in the elements
A Common Treatment
Dragon Age: Inquisition in the elements
An Advanced Treatment
Dragon Age: Inquisition in the elements
A Rare Treatment
Dragon Age: Inquisition in the elements
East Road Bandits
Dragon Age: Inquisition in the elements
Hunger Pangs
Dragon Age: Inquisition in the elements
Apostates in Witchwood
Dragon Age: Inquisition in the elements
Templars to the West

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Dragon Age: Inquisition (PlayStation 4)

How do I solve (In the Elements)?

  1. Having trouble getting to the most southern apostate cache. It looks like its atop a hill but i cant climb up to it. Can anyone help?

Top Voted Answer

  1. It's not in the center of the purple circle as the marker indicates. Instead, it is nearer to the outer edge of the purple circle. It's at the base of a tree, on the hillside, about halfway between the entrance to Winterwatch Tower and the gateway that exits the region.

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