Hot Springs sd to Keystone sd

These are approximate driving times in a radius from Hot Springs, South Dakota. Search for vacation spots within driving distance for a day trip or weekend getaway. There are many towns within the total area, so if you're looking for closer places, try a smaller radius. If you're willing to drive farther, try 1½ hours.

Not sure where to go? Take a day trip from Hot Springs, or if you have more time you can explore weekend trips from Hot Springs, but make sure you also check road conditions around Hot Springs. Looking for small towns or communities around Hot Springs, South Dakota? Get a full list of up to 500 cities nearby Hot Springs.

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RV campgrounds 1 hour from Hot Springs, SD

State parks 1 hour from Hot Springs, SD

More cities around 1 hour away by plane

Here are more cities based on a flight circle radius of 1 hour. These cities are much further than the ones above since now we're looking at a 1 hour flight.

Those living or visiting the Mount Rushmore State are lucky enough to have local hot springs to soak in. There are several resorts to choose from, among a few towns. The most popular destination, like a few other states, happens to be a town called Hot Springs, SD. You can visit its mineral water year-round.

Hot Springs sd to Keystone sd

Cascade Falls (Warm Springs) – Cascade Springs, South Dakota

Located eight miles south of Hot Springs, South Dakota, Cascade Falls boasts a stunning crystal-clear swimming hole. Dubbed “the Old Swimming Hole”, the Cascade Falls draws crowds from across the globe, especially during summer months when visitors are looking to escape more intense temperatures. The town of Cascade, SD, was discovered in the 1880s and …

Cascade Falls (Warm Springs) – Cascade Springs, South DakotaRead More

List of Warm and Hot Springs in SD

The county seat of Fall River County, Hot Springs, SD showcases several soaking options in the southeast corner of the state. This makes it a reasonable road trip from a variety of nearby states, including Wyoming, Nebraska, and Colorado. Moccasin Springs Natural Mineral Spa is one of the top picks, with lovely cabins, bungalows, and tent camping on-site.

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Cascade Falls (Warm Springs) – Cascade Springs, South Dakota

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Evans Plunge Mineral Springs – Hot Springs, South Dakota

Hot Springs sd to Keystone sd

Moccasin Springs Natural Mineral Spa – Hot Springs, South Dakota

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Stroppel Hotel & Mineral Baths – Midland, South Dakota

Map of Warm and Hot Springs in SD

Other Attractions in South Dakota

South Dakota has ample tourist attractions, from the manmade heights of Mount Rushmore to the natural spectacular of the badlands. Find a unique activity to pair with your hot springs holiday and make the most of your time in the northern U.S. Consider venturing out to Pierre, to check out Lake Oahe and its variety of water sports.

Hot Springs sd to Keystone sd

Spring Creek Recreation Area – Pierre, South Dakota

Local SD Hot Springs

Hot Springs sd to Keystone sd

3 Best Hot Springs near Rapid City, South Dakota

Even if you’re going to South Dakota to see the famous Mount Rushmore or Crazy Horse…

3 Best Hot Springs near Rapid City, South DakotaRead More

Guide to South Dakota’s Natural Mineral Springs

Hot Springs sd to Keystone sd
Guests Enjoying the Pools at Moccasin Springs Natural Mineral Spa in Hot Spring, SD. Photo by: Scobi Kombucha

Hot springs abound in South Dakota, many of which came to be widely used during the mineral bathing boom of the late 1800s. There are both springs that have stayed exactly as nature made them and those that have been built up over time to better accommodate visitors and vacationers. South Dakota is known for its mountains but the hot springs there are nothing to sneeze at.

Developed Hot Springs

There’s actually a town named Hot Springs just south of Black Hills National Forest. Cutting through the town and attracting waders and bathers of all ages is the Fall River, a body of water fed by underground thermal vents. The deeper the water in the river, the warmer it is. It’s not uncommon to find blankets spread out on the shores of the river and families with children splashing therein.

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Looking south on the path along the Fall River, from near Kidney Springs, SD. Photo by: Don Barrett

Also in Hot Springs, South Dakota is Evans Plunge, a water park with jet slides, water volleyball, and a sauna all made possible by the thermal springs. It’s been there since the 1890s and is still bringing in tourists from around the United States today.

Mocassin Springs is another hot springs venue in Hot Springs the town. It’s a wellness spa with spacious outdoor mineral bathing pools. Indoors, the staff at the Springs keeps a fire going so visitors can stay toasty even after toweling off. Onsite is a restaurant, yoga studio, sauna, and rooms to rent if guests would like to stay overnight.

The Stroppel Hotel and Mineral Baths are located in Midland, South Dakota, off Highway 14. Here they call their basins in the bathhouse “plunges.” Plunges are available to hotel patrons and the general public as well. These hot springs are just that, quite hot. The temperature is kept around 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

Uncultivated Warm and Cool Springs

Cascade Falls is just south of Hot Springs, South Dakota. There are no bathhouses here, and the locals often refer to the warm mineral waters as “the old swimming hole.” The water is beautifully clear and stays around 67 degrees Fahrenheit year-round. Just be aware when hiking to the falls, since it’s a breeding ground for snakes.

In Pierre, South Dakota, northeast of Midland, sits the Spring Creek State Recreation Area. The clear blue water here is cool instead of hot, but divers and fishermen alike utilize its waters. There’s a privately run resort featuring a marina there, along with a restaurant.

Visiting Hot Springs, South Dakota should certainly be on your hot springs checklist. There’s something there for any type of traveler: families, couples, or singletons looking for a unique experience. This is Louis and Clark country, and the views of the mountainous terrain and access to good hiking make this a lovely vacation destination.

Is Hot Springs South Dakota worth visiting?

Nestled in the Southern Black Hills, Hot Springs, South Dakota is a great place for a weekend getaway or stop-over when visiting South Dakota. If you are looking at visiting Mount Rushmore or Custer State Park, you should consider a night or two in Hot Springs, SD.

What is Hot Springs SD known for?

A: The town of 3,700 boasts the Mammoth Site, mineral water health spas, Evans Plunge, Wind Cave National Park, Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, lake resorts, history museums, the award-winning Southern Hills Golf Course and unique accommodations, shops and restaurants.

How far is keystone from Rushmore?

Keystone, South dakota Keystone is the Black Hills' closest city to Mount Rushmore National Memorial, located just three miles from these famous faces.

How far is Badlands National Park from Keystone?

The direct drive from Keystone to Badlands National Park is 92.6 mi (149 km), and should have a drive time of 1 hr 58 mins in normal traffic.