How long does a pawpaw tree live

How long does a pawpaw tree live
Pawpaws are like a gift from the gods! Easily grown in home gardens, their delicious, sweet flesh can be enjoyed at the breakfast table for most of the year. Native to southern Mexico and central America, pawpaw flourishes in the tropics and subtropics where individual trees can be productive for up to 6 years.

Which sex to buy?

Pawpaw trees can be male, female or bisexual (meaning they produce flowers that have both male and female functioning parts). It’s important to be aware of this as male specimens won’t bear fruit and female trees will need a male tree somewhere nearby for fertilisation before they can set fruit. Trees can be easy to grow from seed, but this can make it difficult to achieve the best male – female tree combination for fruit production. Bisexual varieties, which are now readily available in garden centres, are self-pollinating which can make them an easier option.

How long does a pawpaw tree live

Soil preparation

Pawpaws grow best in soils rich in organic matter, but good drainage is important to prevent root rot. Two weeks before planting, mix plenty of 5IN1 Organic Fertiliser into the soil. Pawpaws don’t like very acid soils. The optimum soil pH is 6.0 to 6.5. If the soil is more acidic than this, after you’ve checked with a Soil pH Test Kit, dig lime or dolomite into the soil at the recommended rate and allow it to settle for two weeks before planting. 

Planting Pawpaw

Pawpaws are prolific fruiters in warm climates. Plant them in a warm, sunny position and keep them well protected from frost. When planting, allow enough space between the trees to encourage air flow which will reduce mildew attack and allow pollinating insects to roam freely around them. Mulch well after planting and water well.

Pawpaw Maintenance

For best fruiting, apply Searles Liquid Potash every 2 to 3 weeks, starting before the first formation of flower buds and continuing through to the end of fruit production. Pawpaws are heavy feeders, so for best fruit production apply Searles Fruit & Citrus Plant Food organic plant food as directed throughout the growing season. Water requirements depend on the weather, but watering pawpaws once weekly throughout the growing season or twice weekly during drier weather is a good guide.

How long does a pawpaw tree live


Some trees take 60–120 days to mature and others take up to 12 months before they start bearing fruit. A good strategy is to harvest the fruit just before it ripens so pick it when it’s about two-thirds golden in colour and allow it to finish ripening indoors. In the tropics, fruits will grow all year round and healthy trees can produce up to 30kg of fruit each growing season. In the subtropics, fruiting will usually cease during the winter months.

The Yum Factor

Green pawpaw can be cooked up in stir-fries and eaten as a vegetable. Fresh, ripe fruit can be enjoyed on its own or with a blob of ice cream, in smoothies, fruit salads or as a pavlova topping. Try our Green Pawpaw Salad recipe!

Pest and Disease Control

Control broad mites with a sulphur spray. Keep an eye out for aphidsand caterpillars, which can be hosed off and squashed if the infestation isn’t too severe. Get rid of fruit fly by hanging Searles Fruit Fly Traps around the trees. To reduce fruit rot and fungal problems, pick the fruit early and ripen it indoors, as described earlier. In humid weather watch for mildew, which can be discouraged with good airflow around the plants and can be controlled with Searles Mancozeb Plus.

How long does a pawpaw tree live

Growing Spices at Home How to Grow Fruit Trees in Pots

What is the lifespan of a pawpaw tree?

The bark of a pawpaw is greyish-brown, and is smooth until the tree begins to reach the end of its lifespan (around 40 years).

How long does it take for Paw Paw to fruit?

Pawpaws are available from online specialty nurseries as either grafted or seedling trees. Grafted trees produce fruit in two to three years, while seedling trees may take up to 10 years to bear fruit.

Where is the best place to plant a pawpaw tree?

Pawpaws thrive in moist, fertile, well-drained soils having a pH of 5.5 to 7.0. Although the pawpaw tolerates shade, it produces best in full sunlight, as long as it receives enough water and is protected from high winds.

How do you stop a paw paw tree from growing too tall?

By cutting back an established pawpaw tree when it becomes too tall encourages multiple trunks that will produce fruit at a more reachable height. Step 1: Prune the tall, heavy trunk in small, easy-to-handle sections. Make the first cut on the underside of the trunk (or opposite side if it's perfectly vertical).