How long does hair need to be for waxing

Whether you're a seasoned waxer or a complete newbie, removing body hair with wax can be tricky. When it comes to waxing best practices, hair length is key. So, here is the dilemma: If your hair is too short, there is a risk the wax may not be able to grasp onto the hair enough to remove it. If your hair is too long, it's easier to miss a spot, and the hair removal process can sometimes be more painful. To unveil some of the mystery surrounding waxing and hair length, we reached out to two waxing experts. Keep scrolling for their keen advice on exactly how long your hair should be before waxing.

Meet the Expert

  • Deidra Green is a licensed esthetician and the field training manager at European Wax Center.
  • Gina Petak is a licensed esthetician and the learning program manager at European Wax Center.

Lara Callahan / Refinery29 for Getty Images

For hair to successfully be removed by waxing, the rule of thumb is that the growth needs to be about 1/4-inch, no matter where it is on the body. Not sure what that looks like? It's about the size of a sprinkle. This length ensures there is enough hair for the wax to easily grab onto. Experts also recommend letting your hair grow for at least five days in between waxing sessions.

What to Do Between Waxes

The time between waxes can be stressful, especially when your hair gets a little longer than you're comfortable with. Do you pluck? Do you shave? Long story short, you definitely should not shave, pluck, or get rid of hair in this awkward in-between stage. This can not only prolong your time in between waxes, but may also irritate your skin. The best thing to do is exfoliate regularly — this helps keep your hair follicles clear of dead skin and debris, so it's easier to wax when the time comes around.

Petak recommends exfoliating and moisturizing skin between waxing visits to ensure hair follicles stay clear and the skin barrier remains healthy.

Why Does Hair Length Matter?

If your hair is too short, the wax may not be able to grab onto the hair enough to cleanly remove it from the root. When this happens, hairs break, making achieving a smooth finish close to impossible. Longer hair is less problematic when you visit a professional waxing center as the waxing specialists are expertly trained to work with guests who have not waxed or shaved in a while. According to our experts, the only downside to waxing longer hair is that it can sometimes be more painful. 

Other Factors to Consider Before Waxing

Caroline Tompkins / Refinery29 for Getty Images

Aside from hair length, there are a few other important factors to keep in mind before waxing. According to our experts, exfoliating your skin between waxing sessions is a key skincare step. Also, if you’re opting to book a waxing appointment, seek out someone who is licensed in waxing and expertly trained. It's also a good idea to make sure the waxing center you plan to visit upholds rigorous sanitation measures. Not sure what these standards are? Our experts outline what to look out for:

  • The wax specialist must use a set of new gloves for every guest.
  • All tools must be soaked in antibacterial disinfectant or disposed of after each guest.
  • Waxing beds must be sanitized with antibacterial wipes after each guest.
  • Fresh tissue paper must be placed on top of each waxing bed for every guest.
  • Waxing sticks must never be double-dipped.
  • The large waxing stir stick must be disposed of after each guest.

Caring for Your Skin After a Wax

To try to make sure your skin stays healthy after a wax, you'll want to avoid sweating, sunlight and/or heat, and wear loose clothing to let your skin "breathe" the 24 hours after your wax. After that, you're free to resume normal activities. To try to prevent ingrown hairs, you can start exfoliating a few days after your wax, or use a product specifically for ingrown hair, like the Fur Stubble Cream ($42).

The Bottom Line

If your hair is too short, reschedule your waxing appointment. If your hair is too long, you can either lightly trim the area yourself—if waxing from home—or a waxing specialist will take care of this for you during your appointment. 

It's also important to note that aftercare is essential when it comes to waxing. "It's not only about what happens [during the waxing session], it's also about how you take care of your skin after," Petak explains. Caring for your skin between waxes will make the hair removal process easier. Make sure to exfoliate between visits and ask a waxing specialist to recommend products to try to treat and prevent ingrown hairs. 

December 26, 2018

How long does hair need to be for waxing
If it's your first time getting waxed, you will have a few concerns. Getting a good answer to all your queries can make the difference between a wonderful waxing experience and a disappointing one that will make you never want to step in the wax bar again. Here are some of the questions probably floating around in your mind right now: what's the technique for waxing? how bad does it hurt? Is it better to use hard or soft body waxes? How do you prepare for it? When it comes to preparation hair length is one of the most important factors since it can determine how effective waxing can be, so you ask: how long does hair have to be to wax? This time we will take a closer look at hair length to help you understand why it's necessary to mind this detail before your appointment.

Hair Growth Is Related to Cycles and Rates

Hair growth is not uniform throughout the body, otherwise we would lose all hair and then grow it back at the same time. Instead, nature is wise, so the body regulates each hair in a different growth cycle out of the three phases there are (growing, resting and shedding), so that at any given time a percentage of our hair is growing, another portion is resting, and yet another one is being shed. Body hair has a shorter anagen phase than head hair (4-6 months vs. 3-7 years). In other words, your body hair is actively growing in a period of 4 to 6 months, during which it can reach around 0.5 inches (1,25 cm) each month.

The hair growth cycle also explains why once hair starts growing in, some of them are longer than others. The good news is that waxing regularly will help even out hair growth (anagen hair will start coming out at the same time).

How long does hair need to be for waxing

Why You Need a Minimum Hair Length Before Waxing

The headline already implies an answer to the question: you do need to let your hair grow to a minimum length before your waxing appointment. The reason for reaching a particular length is that it makes hair easier to pull out from the root. If you are using hard wax, it is easier for it to shrink-wrap around the hair too. Hair that is too short won't stick to the wax properly, which means it won't come off from the root but rather break. The result will be an ineffective wax with hair that will grow back in sooner.

The most advisable length is � of an inch, not too long or too short. The usual time it takes to reach this length is 3 to 4 weeks, but it actually depends on individual hair growth rate � some people might take a little less or a little longer. People who wax regularly might take up to 6 weeks to get the aforementioned hair growth measurement.

You might believe that your hair is ready for waxing if you see a little growth and you're just not used to letting it grow but you should resist the temptation to wax right away. Waxing very short hair is counterproductive! If you are confused about the length you need, you don't need to complicate yourself with measurements. If you can grab a hair between your fingernails, it is long enough to be waxed off. Anything shorter than that most likely won't stick to wax properly; therefore, won't be removed by the root.

How long does hair need to be for waxing
You might notice that not all hairs seem to be the right length; this is normal, as long as most of the hairs are at least � inch long, you can go ahead with your waxing. Bottom line: for flawless waxing, make sure your hair length is correct before you book your waxing appointment!

How long does hair need to be for waxing

Can Hair Grow Faster? I Need to Wax Soon!

Hair growth is genetically determined, which means that everyone's growth rate is personal. You might take longer to reach � inch than other people, while some others find that their hair grows extremely fast and might have visible � and waxable � growth as soon as two weeks after they had hair removal.

As you may know, shaving between waxing appointments is not recommended, but you might find that it "accelerates" hair growth if you need to wax soon and don't have much time to wait until reaching the proper length.

The best advice we can give you is to wait it over so that your hair growth cycle follows its natural course. Your hair will be ready for waxing again before you know it. Either way, few people feel the need to rush; after all, you just want to be smooth and fuzz-free for as long as possible!

Hair Length Is Not the Only Important Factor to Consider Before Waxing

You also have to consider your skin's health status and the hair removal products to use. Make sure your skin is free of irritations and take care of it before your waxing session. Last but not least, ask your esthetician to use professional waxes; they will leave your skin velvety smooth, hydrated, and regenerated. Beauty Image has a wide variety of waxes and waxing products for flawless hair removal. Call TOLL FREE 888-513-8815 or fill out the contact form below to reach us. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to get our latest news right in your inbox.

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How long does pubic hair need to be to wax?

How long is long enough for my hair to get a bikini wax? You'll get the best wax if you let the hair grow to about ¼ inch so the wax can fully adhere.

How hairy Should you be for a wax?

Be hairy. Your hair should be at least 1/4 inch in length (which makes it long enough to lay flat on your skin). Please don't shave for at least 3 weeks prior to your appointment to ensure that your hair is long enough! Also, if you've “let it go” down there and it seems out of control, don't worry!

Can pubic hair be too long wax?

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