How many calories are in Peters low fat ice cream?

Please note that some foods may not be suitable for some people and you are urged to seek the advice of a physician before beginning any weight loss effort or diet regimen. Although the information provided on this site is presented in good faith and believed to be correct, FatSecret makes no representations or warranties as to its completeness or accuracy and all information, including nutritional values, is used by you at your own risk. All trademarks, copyright and other forms of intellectual property are property of their respective owners.

How many calories are in Peters low fat ice cream?

How many calories are in Peters low fat ice cream?

How many calories are in Peters low fat ice cream?

How many calories are in Peters low fat ice cream?

How many calories are in Peters low fat ice cream?

No Sugar Added Low Fat Ice Cream Salted Caramel

Please note that some foods may not be suitable for some people and you are urged to seek the advice of a physician before beginning any weight loss effort or diet regimen. Although the information provided on this site is presented in good faith and believed to be correct, FatSecret makes no representations or warranties as to its completeness or accuracy and all information, including nutritional values, is used by you at your own risk. All trademarks, copyright and other forms of intellectual property are property of their respective owners.

100 grams of Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream has 155 calories (650 kilojoules). There are 29 grams of carbs per 100g of Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream. See the Nutrition Facts panel below:


Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Selected Weight

  • Calories 155

  • Total Fat (g) 3
  • Saturated Fat (g) 2
  • Kilojoules 650
  • Sodium (mg) 75
  • Alcohol (g) 0
  • Cholesterol (mg) 0
  • Total Carbohydrate (g) 29
  • Dietary Fibre (g) 0
  • Sugars (g) 20
  • Protein (g) 4

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About This Food

This Nutrition Information is for Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream. Were you looking for Peters Light & Creamy Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream, Peters Light and Creamy Choc, Caramel and Vanilla Swirl Tub, or Peters Light and Creamy Classic Chocolate Tub instead? You can easily search for different foods with calcount’s search box.

Made in Australia. Reconstituted Low Fat Milk (56%), Glucose Syrup (Wheat), Water, Sugar, Milk Solids, Cream, Maltodextrin, Vegetable Origin Emulsifiers [477, 471 (Soy)], Vegetable Gums (412), Flavours, Colours (160b). French style low fat vanilla ice cream with a subtle caramel under. Tone.


To see calories and other nutrition information for different weight quantities, simply drag the slider to change the food weight. Accurate measurement of food weight requires the use of a food scale. However, you can estimate the weight of the food by comparing your hand to the food quantity. An amount equivalent to your thumb is about 30 grams, a flat palm is approximately 120 grams, and a bunched fist is roughly 240 grams.

To search for more food nutrition information, use our Food Search Box.

Food Energy in Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream

If you were to add 80 grams of Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream to your meal, your calorie count would increase by 124, equivalent to 520 kilojoules. Use the slider to adjust the food serving size to suit your specific requirements.

Protein and Fat in Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream

There are 4g of protein and 3g of fat (including 2g saturated fat) per 100 grams of Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream.

Carbs, Sugar, and Sodium

100 grams of Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream contains 29g carbohydrates, 20g sugar, and 75mg of sodium.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

These are some frequently asked questions related to this food:

How many Calories are there in Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream?

There are 155 calories in Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream per 100 grams.

How much Protein is in Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream?

There are 4 grams of protein in Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream per 100 grams.

How much Fat is there in Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream?

There are 3 grams of fat in Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream per 100 grams.

See Other, Similar Foods

You might also be interested to see nutrition information for these other foods. Just click the picture above the food title to see its Nutrition Facts panel and calorie content:

calcount Disclaimer

We hope you enjoyed finding out about the calories in Peters Light & Creamy French Vanilla Ice Cream. The calcount team does its best to ensure the accuracy of all of the information published in the Calorie Counter Australia website. However, we do not guarantee that all of the published information is accurate and complete. Please remember to consult your medical professional before you take any action in respect to anything you read on this site. Our information includes copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property such as brand names and descriptions which belongs to the respective owners of said property.

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How many calories are in Peters ice cream?

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How many calories are in Peters light and creamy ice cream?

Nutritional Table.