How much is 8 miles in minutes?

Please enter the speed and distance values to calculate the travel time in hours, minutes and seconds.


Time format HH:MM:SS

About Speed Distance Time Calculator

This online calculator tool can be a great help for calculating time basing on such physical concepts as speed and distance. Therefore, in order to calculate the time, both distance and speed parameters must be entered. For the speed, you need to enter its value and select speed unit by using the scroll down menu in the calculator. For distance, you should enter its value and also select the proper length measurement unit from the scroll down menu. You'll receive the result in standard time format (HH:MM:SS).

Time Speed Distance Formula

Distance is equal to speed × time. Time is equal Distance/Speed.

Distance = Speed × Time
Speed = Distance / Time
Time = Distance / Speed

Calculate Time from Distance and Speed Examples

Example 1:
Speed: 50 mile per hour (km/h)
Distance: 70 miles

Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 70 km / (50 km/h)
Time = 1.4 h

1 hour = 60 minutes
0.4 h = 0.4 × 60
0.4 h = 24 minutes

Time = 1 hour 24 minutes
Time = 01:24:00 (HH:MM:SS)

Example 2:
Speed: 40 kilometer per hour (km/h)
Distance: 60 miles

Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 60 miles / (40 km/h)

1 mile = 1.609344 km

Time = 60 × 1.609344 km / (40 km/h)
Time = 96.56064 km (40 km/h)
Time = 2.414016 h

Hours = 2 h

1 hour = 60 minutes
0.414016 h = 0.414016 × 60
0.414016 h = 24.84096 minutes
Minutes = 24 min

1 minute = 60 second
0.84096 min = 0.84096 × 60 sec
0.84096 min = 50 sec (approximately)
Seconds = 50 sec

Time = 2 hours 24 minutes 50 seconds
Time = 02:24:50 (HH:MM:SS)

How long would it take to drive 8 miles at 30 miles per hour? Use the calculator below to find how much time it will take to drive, sail, run or walk a given distance at the speed you choose.

Speed to Time Calculator

To calculate, just change the field values below (fractions allowed):

Short Answer:

Detailed Answer:

See also:

  • Speed Units Converter

Similar Questions Answered by This Calculator

How much time to cover 8 miles at a speed of 30 miles per hour?

At 30 miles per hour, how long does it take to travel 8 miles?

How long is 8 mi in time?


While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, neither this website nor its authors are responsible for any errors or omissions. Therefore, the contents of this site are not suitable for any use involving risk to health, finances or property.

Calculator Use

Find your running pace per mile, kilometer, yard or meter. Calculate the distance you can run in a given amount of time, time required to run a specific distance, or your running speed. Use this calculator to find average pace for running, biking, swimming or walking.

How to calculate running pace

  • Divide your run time by your distance
  • If you ran 3 miles in 30 minutes:
    30 min ÷ 3 mi = 10 minutes per mile pace

How to calculate run distance

  • Divide your running time by your pace
  • If your pace is 8 minutes per mile and you ran for 32 minutes:
    32 min ÷ 8 min per mi = 4 miles

How to calculate run time

  • Multiply your pace by your distance
  • If your pace is 9.5 minutes per mile and you ran 3 miles:
    9.5 min per mi × 3 mi = 28.5 minutes = 28 minutes, 30 seconds

How to calculate running speed

  • Divide your run distance by your run time
  • If you ran 2.5 miles and you ran for 20 minutes:
    2.5 mi ÷ 20 min = 0.125 miles per minute

You can use this calculator to find your ideal pace to run an event like a marathon or half marathon.

Example Calculation 1: What is my average pace if I want to finish a marathon in 4 hours?

  • Choose "Calculate Pace" in the calculator above
  • Enter 4 hours, 00 min, 00 sec for your time
  • Enter 26.2 miles for your distance
  • Click "Calculate"

In order to finish a marathon in 4 hours, your average pace needs to be 9 min, 9.62 sec per mile, or 9:9.62 minutes per mile.

Example Calculation 2: How long will it take me to run a half marathon if my average pace is 10 minutes, 30 seconds per mile?

  • Choose "Calculate Time" in the calculator above
  • Enter 13.1 miles for your distance
  • Enter 10 min 30 sec per mile for your pace
  • Click "Calculate"

If you run consistently at your 10:30 pace, you can expect to finish a half marathon in 2 hours, 17 minutes and 33 seconds. Your average speed will be 5.71 miles per hour.

Common Running Events

Half Marathon



See also IAAF Running Disciplines.

Time, Distance, Pace, Speed formulas and relationships

  • time = pace × distance
    time = pace time per unit distance × distance
  • distance = time / pace
    distance = time / pace time per unit distance
  • pace = time / distance
    pace time per unit distance = time / distance
  • speed = distance / time
    speed distance per unit time = distance / time

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How much is 8 miles in minutes?
How much is 8 miles in minutes?

How many minutes away is 8 miles?

To answer your question, 8 miles driving will typically take somewhere between 10 to 20 minutes since you're driving in the city. However, the length of time necessary to go 8 miles depends on several factors: Traffic and construction zones. How fast you're going.

How long does 8 miles take to walk?

Speedy walkers who can maintain a very brisk walking speed of 4.0 miles per hour (15 minutes per mile pace), will need to walk two hours to walk 8 miles. Walkers who move at a more leisurely speed of 3.0 miles per hour (20 minutes per mile pace) will need to walk 2 hours and 40 minutes to cover 8 miles.

How many miles is 5 minute?

Running a five-minute mile is the equivalent of 12 mph (19.4 kph) on the treadmill.

How many minutes is 9 miles?

On average, nine miles driving should take between 10 to 15 minutes. Of course, the actual time depends on several factors. If you and your friend live right off the freeway, the whole drive should only take about 10 minutes. That's because freeways typically have a speed limit of 65 mph.