How to calm a scared hedgehog

A good tip to remember is that hedgehogs take time to bond and trust you, due to their shy, timid and defensive nature. Depending on the hedgehog as they are all very different, it may take days, weeks or even a few months for him to come to fully trust you, but in the end when they do, you get that feeling like you've really accomplished something. So don't be put off by them huffing, hissing or balling up on you, especially when you go to wake them up, most if not all are not fans of being woken up, but once you've build that bond and trust, they'll become very relaxed with you. If you've watched the videos on youtube, those guys are well socialized and bonded hedgehogs which have had time and work put into them.

If this is the first few days you've had him, let him chill out for a couple of days in his new cage, and then start taking him out. Sit and do homework or watch tv with him on your lap, cover him up with a blanket or something which will make him feel more safe and just let him be. Many times they'll chill under the blanket for a few days to a week, but sooner or later he'll poke his head out and possibly start exploring, or he might just enjoy sleeping on you.

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How to calm a scared hedgehog

When you have a hedgehog that is scared or grumpy it’s important to remember that they rely heavily on scent. They do not see as well as most other animals, so they rely on scent more to accommodate for this. Hedgehogs can smell the difference between people, so to get him comfortable with you, you want to get him used to your smell.

To get a hedgehog used to your smell, you want to try to avoid having your smell change much. For example, if you are in the habit of rotating through different types of lotion, body wash, laundry soap, etc it would be best not to do that while you are socializing your hedgehog. Don’t use any strongly scented soaps before spending time with your hedgehog.

Hedgehogs are also sensitive to light and dark because of their poor vision. If you have a lamp in the room with the cage, and you step between the light and the cage, you will cast a big shadow over your hedgehog which will probably frighten him. Try to be aware of your shadows and avoid putting your hedgehog in a large shadow when picking him up.

Hedgehogs are also sensitive to sudden or jerky movements. If you are really scared when handling your hedgehog and move suddenly this will make your hedgehog scared too. Getting poked isn’t the end of the world and doesn’t hurt that badly. Focus on having smooth, calm movements to help relax your hedgehog.

To begin, focus on “cuddling” with your hedgehog even if he stays balled up. It’s not as fun to spend time with your hedgehog if he’s in a ball, but that is often your only option with a grumpy hedgehog at first. Try to take time (half an hour or so, perhaps) to hang out with your hedgehog. Early on, I would wear a hoodie and put my hedgehog in the pouch of my hoodie! Spending this time together, even if he isn’t walking around, will get him used to the smell of your clothes, hands, etc. You can also take an old shirt or other clothing item that you’ve worn and leave it in their cage so they can get used to your scent while they are in their cage. Be sure to carefully check over the clothing piece for any loose strings before doing this, so they don’t get tangled.

If your hedgehog is staying balled up, it’s okay to use a blanket, gloves, or something similar to protect your hands when you first pick him up. However, I’ve heard of people who *always* wear thick gloves when handling their hedgehog out of fear of being poked. If you keep your hands inside of the gloves that puts a barrier between your scent and your hedgehog so he won’t ever adapt to your scent. Part of owning a hedgehog is coping with the risk of getting poked a little from time to time so work on getting past that fear.

Keep cuddling with your hedgehog until he starts to uncurl while out of his cage. Once he begins to uncurl a bit, you can introduce treats. Many people purchase mealworms as treats for hedgehogs. You can also look up hedgehog-safe foods. My hedgehog went nuts for tiny pieces of banana! He also liked pieces of cooked chicken quite a bit. Once you find a treat that is safe for your hedgehog and that he enjoys, use it once he uncurls. This will help him to associate uncurling and spending time with you as a fun and enjoyable experience.

Once your hedgehog begins to uncurl more quickly during cuddle time, keep holding him regularly. If you stop holding him regularly he will ‘forget’ and get scared of you again.

What do hedgehogs do when they are scared?

Hedgehogs are covered with sharp spines. When frightened, they curl up in a prickly ball. During the day, they sleep like this so they are safe. They come out at night to hunt.

How do I make my hedgehog less stressed?

Simply hold your hedgehog in your hands out away from your body (explore mode) and wait. Don't attempt to pet your hedgie, but simply allow it to come out of its ball and begin to explore on its own. Once your hedgehog relaxes it will begin to lay down its quills and move around on your hands.

How do I make my hedgehog not scared of me?

Place your t-shirt in his cage. Hedgehogs have a strong sense of smell. Your hedgehog must be able to smell you and associate your scent with safety. This will help him become more outgoing and comfortable with you handling him. Place a t-shirt that you have worn for the whole day in your hedgehog's cage.