How to jump car with drill battery

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Often I have to face this problem when my car is not starting due to a car battery problem. I tend to use this method using a drill battery because I have them in my toolbox every time. As a carpenter, I own a few drill batteries which power up my tools. So those can be used to power up (jumpstart) a car battery easily. So let me explain can a drill battery start a car? in-depth!

Normally, a drill battery can be used to jumpstart a car battery when it has discharged. The drill battery should be fully charged and the voltage should be equal or higher than the car battery. You can use 12V, 18V and 20V drill batteries to start a car.

More than that, you should know the steps and equipment for this process. So let’s see all in detail about this.

Steps to Start a Car Using Drill Battery

First Step

First, you need a fully charged drill battery (it is better if you have a higher voltage than a car battery). Here an uncharged vehicle battery cannot be recharged by an incompletely charged battery. A 12-18V battery is usually sufficient for this.

Second Step

The positive terminal of the drill battery and the positive terminal of the vehicle battery should be connected to each other (Do the same thing for negative-negative terminals).&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;You can connect the terminal tightly using alligator clips.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;span id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-173" data-inserter-version="2"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;h3&gt;Third Steps&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-142" class="ezoic-adpicker-ad"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span class="ezoic-ad ezoic-at-0 banner-1 banner-1142 adtester-container adtester-container-142" data-ez-name="drilladvice_com-banner-1"&gt;&lt;span id="div-gpt-ad-drilladvice_com-banner-1-0" ezaw="300" ezah="250" style="position:relative;z-index:0;display:inline-block;padding:0;min-height:250px;min-width:300px" class="ezoic-ad"&gt;&lt;script data-ezscrex="false" data-cfasync="false" style="display:none"&gt;if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'drilladvice_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',142,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-drilladvice_com-banner-1-0');Allow the vehicle battery to charge for 5 to 10 minutes before restarting the vehicle.</p><h3>Fourth Step</h3><p>Remove the connected wires and start the vehicle.</p><p>Using this method, you can <strong><a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">jumpstart a dead drill battery</a></strong> also.</p><figure class="wp-block-embed aligncenter is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"><iframe title="Dead car battery jumped by Dewalt 20v lithium ion" width="640" height="360" data-ezsrc="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen class="ezlazyload"></iframe></div></figure><h2>What is the Minimum Voltage for the Drill Battery to Jumpstart the Car?</h2><p>As mentioned earlier, this process is not a suitable procedure to try. One option is to restart your vehicle when you have no other option. Therefore, the voltage of your cordless drill battery and the voltage of your vehicle battery are some things you should know.</p><p>Those with experience in the field are of the opinion that this procedure is mostly easier to apply to vehicles that are relatively early in the market. Because modern vehicles are integrated with modern technology and operate on computerized data, special care should be taken when using this external charging method.</p><p><span id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-143" class="ezoic-adpicker-ad"></span>➤ A car battery has a normal voltage of 12V to 24V.</p><p>➤ If the voltage of a fully charged battery is measured with a multimeter, it will show 12.6V.</p><p><span id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-144" class="ezoic-adpicker-ad"></span>➤ If the multimeter shows 12.1V, the battery is considered partially charged.</p><p>➤ If the multimeter shows 11.7 V, then the battery is considered to be only 25% charged.</p><p>➤ The minimum voltage required to run the vehicle engine is 10V.</p><p>➤ According to previous tests and their experience, many people in the field say that it is best to use a drill battery with the same or higher voltage as the vehicle battery.</p><h3>Can I Jumpstart Car With 12V Drill Battery?</h3><p><span id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-146" class="ezoic-adpicker-ad"></span>You can use a fully charged 12V battery to jumpstart a car battery. Because its voltage is equal to car battery voltage. Just connect the same terminal together and keep 5-10mins.</p><h3>Can I Jumpstart Car With 18V Drill Battery?</h3><p>You can use 18V battery to jumpstart a car battery successfully. Because its voltage is higher than the battery voltage and it include more charges than car battery. This will take less time with comparing 12V battery</p><h3>Can I Jumpstart Car With 20V Drill Battery?</h3><p>You can use a 20V drill battery to jumpstart a car battery more quickly than the 12V and 18V batteries. Due to the higher voltage, it will charge the car battery well.</p><h2><span id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-145" class="ezoic-adpicker-ad"></span><span class="ezoic-ad ezoic-at-0 large-mobile-banner-1 large-mobile-banner-1145 adtester-container adtester-container-145" data-ez-name="drilladvice_com-large-mobile-banner-1"><span id="div-gpt-ad-drilladvice_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0" ezaw="250" ezah="250" style="position:relative;z-index:0;display:inline-block;padding:0;width:100%;max-width:1200px;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;min-height:90px;min-width:728px" class="ezoic-ad"><script data-ezscrex="false" data-cfasync="false" style="display:none">if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'drilladvice_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',145,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-drilladvice_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');I Don’t Know Drill Battery Terminals What Should I Do?

If you don’t know the positive-negative terminals of the drill battery, you should check it using a multimeter or any other method. Because connecting the wrong way can cause many problems. You can see (+) sign and (-) sign in the car battery. So it can identify easily.

A drill battery has 4 terminals. There are several reasons for a battery with 4 terminals like that.

Reasons Description
To control the flow of electrons  In any type of battery, two terminals are essential. Those two terminals are important for the flow of charge. 
To prevent damage from overheating.  One more terminal is required to connect to the thermistor. The thermistor is a device used to control the temperature of the battery by preventing it from overheating. It is a necessary component of using the drill safely. 
For communication between the battery and the charger  The terminal is called an ID terminal. It is useful to identify the specific requirements to charger. Although some of the drill brands have one terminal for this purpose and to prevent damage from overheating.
For battery balancing  Some drill batteries look like a single unit but are actually a combination of several batteries. Not all batteries charge or discharge the same amount of charge. So, this tip helps to balance it. 

According to the short details about four terminals, the terminals that are useful to control the flow of electrons might also be used for jumpstarting purposes.

How to test the Positive and Negative Ends of a Battery?

Do I Need a Jumpstart Cable to Use With Drill Battery?

How to jump car with drill battery

The Jumpstart cable consists of two insulated wires, colored red and black in appearance, and four colored alligator clips at each end. This cable is also known as a jumper cable, booster cable or jump lead.

The cable is an essential component to carry the charges of the charged drill battery to the uncharged battery of the vehicle as an electric current. There can be no damage. If any damage is touched to the body, the charges will travel through the body to the ground. That is, an electric charge passes through the body. It is dangerous. 

But generally, a wire with a diameter as high as the jumpstart cable is not needed here. Even an undamaged wire with a thickness of 1mm is sufficient to carry a small current.

Generally, if you need this in an emergency situation like when you are camping in the wild without many facilities and equipment, you should know all the facts.

How Much Time Will It Take to Jumpstart a Car Using Drill Battery?

You’ll know that the charge is moving fast in an instant. Therefore, you can observe that the battery of the vehicle is charging as fast as the charge of the charged battery decreases.

  • But this process requires the vehicle to be idle for at least 5 to 10 minutes.
  • And you should avoid hanging around it during that time. Because there is a possibility of things like minor explosions in some cases.
  • It should be checked whether the vehicle starts after the previously mentioned time.
  • If imposed, transfer of charge between the two batteries should be avoided immediately.

If the voltage of your drill battery is high, it will take less time to charge the vehicle battery. If it is a drill battery with the same voltage as the vehicle battery, it will take a little time.

If your car won’t start with a jump-start, then the problems you might have to check are;

  1. The problem of starter,
  2. Alternator or another component of the electrical system.

Related Topics

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  • Are Drill Batteries Interchangeable? – How I Did It!
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Can I charge a car battery with a drill charger?

A car battery needs about 14V-14.6V for a full charge. A very few 12V drill chargers will provide that voltage and will trickle charge the car battery, but a proper charger is not very expensive at will do a better job.