How warm is San Diego in October?

Is it warm enough to swim in San Diego in October? Average water temperature in San Diego in October is 67.1°F and therefore is not suitable for comfortable swimming. The warmest sea in San Diego in October is 73.8°F, and the coldest is 62.6°F. Average high air temperature in San Diego in October is 73°F, and average low temperature is 61°F. To find out the sea temperature today and in the coming days, go to Current sea temperature in San Diego

Changes water temperature in San Diego in October 2022, 2021

To get an accurate forecast for the water temperature in San Diego for any chosen month, compare two years within a 10 year range using the chart below. In addition to the sea water temperature in San Diego, the selected years in the table also show the values of the maximum and minimum temperatures on each of the days of October.

You can choose any other years:

Day20222021MinMaxOctober 168°F66.6°F64.6°F73.8°FOctober 267.5°F66.7°F64.9°F73.4°FOctober 366.9°F66.4°F65.1°F73°FOctober 466.4°F67.5°F64.9°F72.7°FOctober 566.7°F68.4°F64.6°F72.3°FOctober 667.1°F68.5°F64°F72.1°FOctober 767.3°F68.2°F64°F72.1°FOctober 868°F68°F63.9°F72.1°FOctober 968.5°F67.8°F63.7°F72.1°FOctober 1068.5°F67.6°F63.3°F72.5°FOctober 1168.7°F67.3°F63.1°F73.2°FOctober 1268.5°F65.1°F63°F73.2°FOctober 1368.5°F65.1°F62.8°F73.8°FOctober 1468.2°F65.3°F63°F73.6°FOctober 1567.8°F65.8°F63.1°F73.8°F

Day20222021MinMaxOctober 1668°F66°F62.8°F73.8°FOctober 1767.8°F65.8°F62.6°F73.4°FOctober 1867.1°F66°F62.6°F73.2°FOctober 1967.8°F65.7°F62.6°F72.7°FOctober 2068.4°F65.5°F62.8°F72.3°FOctober 2168.7°F64.9°F62.6°F72°FOctober 2267.8°F64.9°F62.6°F72.3°FOctober 2367.8°F63.9°F63.3°F72°FOctober 2468.2°F63.3°F63.3°F72.1°FOctober 2567.3°F63.3°F63.3°F71.4°FOctober 2666.7°F63.7°F63.3°F71.8°FOctober 2766.6°F64°F63.3°F71.8°FOctober 2866.6°F63.9°F62.6°F71.6°FOctober 2966.4°F64.6°F63°F70.7°FOctober 3066.6°F65.8°F63°F70.3°FOctober 3166.4°F66°F62.6°F70.3°F

How warm is San Diego in October?

Average water temperature in San Diego in October over a decade



Weather and climate in San Diego in October

This data display average monthly climate indicators in San Diego in October based on our historical weather readings over a period of ten years. In addition to temperature, we include data on the number of rainy and sunny days so you can have all the information about your destination before your trip

  • Average HIGH temperature73°F
  • Average LOW temperature61°F
  • Average humidity
  • Average rainfall days3 days
  • Average rainfall8mm/0.3''
  • Average daylight11h
  • Average sunshine7.9h
  • Average UV index6

San Diego water temperature during other months:

You can also view information about water temperature for other months by clicking on the month button below

Where is the warm sea water in October?

Want to know where the water temperature in October is good for swimming? Select the continent of interest, the day of the month and the required water temperature

  • Region:
  • Date (day and month):
  • Water temperature:

 Average temperature   Maximum temperature

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Our report for San Diego is compiled using satellite data together with in-situ observations to get the most reliable daily data of sea surface temperatures, surf forecasts, current temperatures and weather forecasts.

October is nearly picture-perfect in San Diego. The weather is just the beginning, with clear skies and moderate temperatures. In the tourism off season, you can enjoy all the sights without elbowing your way through the crowds.

Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos in San Diego

How warm is San Diego in October?
How warm is San Diego in October?

 Julie Thurston/Getty Images

If you are in San Diego in October, you can celebrate Halloween Sea World San Diego. You can wear a costume, go trick-or-treating, enjoy silly spooky shows, boogie on their interactive dance floor and get your photo taken with some wacky characters.

The San Diego Zoo and other tourist spots may also have Halloween parties.

Also in October, you can honor your lost loved ones and culturally immerse yourself in traditional and authentic Mexican Dia de Los Muertos. (Day of the Dead) celebrations throughout San Diego.

San Diego Weather in October

Good weather winds down in October, but you'll still have warm days with little chance of rain.

  • Average High Temperature: 73 F (23 C)
  • Average Low Temperature: 61 F (16 C)
  • Water Temperature: 65 F (18 C)
  • Rain: 0.57 in (1.5 cm)
  • Sunshine: 68 percent

If you want to compare these weather conditions to what San Diego is like the rest of the year, you can find that all in one place in the guide to typical San Diego weather. You can also explore the season in the guide to San Diego in the Fall.

The weather information we've given above is best used as a general idea of what things may be like. The only rain all summer could fall on your perfect picnic, or a winter day could be so warm you'll wish you packed your shorts.

Averages are helpful for planning ahead, but don't count on your trip being "average." Check the San Diego weather forecast before you leave home.

What to Pack

Pack a mid-weight jacket, especially for the evening near the water. Bring short-sleeved shirts and lightweight pants, with a sweater for layering. Bring shorts, but they may stay in the suitcase.

If you’re going to the beach, you may want to wiggle those ten fine toes in the sand. But getting that sand off your feet and out of everything else you own can be hard. To make it easier, pack a little bit of baby powder or cornstarch to put into your day pack. Sprinkle it on your skin, and the sand will brush off much easier.

San Diego Events in October

How warm is San Diego in October?
How warm is San Diego in October?

Bengt Nyman/Flickr/CC BY 2.0
  • Fleet Week San Diego: Held annually in September and October, this celebration of San Diego's military servicemen and women includes concerts, parades, and a big air show.
  • Adams Avenue Street Fair: Get a local feel at Southern California's largest free two-day music festival, held the last weekend in September. You'll find six music stages, beer gardens and beer tastings, giant carnival rides, festival foods and lots of arts and crafts booths.

Things to Do in October

How warm is San Diego in October?
How warm is San Diego in October?

Stephen Simpson / Getty Images

Humphreys by the Bay Concerts: A fun outdoor summer concert series held on Shelter Island from June through October.

You won't find much to make you think it's autumn in San Diego, but up in the little town of Julian, it's apple harvest time.

San Diego's best surf season is August through November. June through October is the tuna sport-fishing season.

The annual events listed above happen every year, but they're not all that's going on in San Diego in October. If you're looking for a fun concert, sporting event, or theatrical performance, try these resources:

Is October a good time to visit San Diego?

Fall is the best time to visit San Diego and La Jolla; specifically October and early November. Fall in San Diego and La Jolla is my absolute favorite. The weather is ideal hovering in the 70s, the sun is shining, and the crowds start to decrease the further you go into autumn.

Is it beach weather in San Diego in October?

Swimming in october on the beaches of San Diego is possible but the sea water is cool. So even though the sea temperature sometimes climbs to 68°F, it can also be as low as 63°F! Note that the average is 65°F.

How cold does it get in San Diego in October?

Daily high temperatures decrease by 3°F, from 75°F to 72°F, rarely falling below 66°F or exceeding 83°F. Daily low temperatures decrease by 6°F, from 64°F to 59°F, rarely falling below 54°F or exceeding 69°F.

What is the best month to visit San Diego?

The best times to visit San Diego are March through May and September through November. You can find some great deals on travel rates during the low seasons in comparison to the peak summer season.