I should have known that game questions and answers

I should have known that game questions and answers

2.0 out of 5 stars Simple trivia game with poor instructions & design
Reviewed in the United States on May 21, 2020

This is a very bare bones trivia game. It's ok in that it's easy to get started and can be just a basic Q&A game for a group. It's not worth more than $10 though since all it comes with is a set of cards (literally they could save money on packaging by packing it like a deck of cards with the mostly worthless instructions printed on the box).On the cards, the question is on one side and the answer is on the other which is poorly designed since the answers would be facing the people who are supposed to answer it. So you'll have to be very careful about how you hold the card to hide the answers.Instructions say to keep score, but with no indication of HOW to keep score or any materials to do so. Cards say to subtract points if you get answers wrong- subtract them from what?? Do you start off with a certain number of points, are you supposed to get a certain number of points if you get an answer right? I guess you're supposed to make that up on your own? If you deduct varying amounts of points based on the question, shouldn't the amount of points you would get if you answer right vary? The creators apparently forgot that part.So if you just want some trivia questions this is fine; if you want something more involved, skip it.

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Reviewed in the United States on August 28, 2022

If you're reading this, it is likely that you share a like of trivia questions that I do along with my friends and family. You probably have played similar games before. What I like about this game is that the questions are good, and the scoring is a bit unique. Each question is "weighted." If your answer is incorrect for a question most people would consider easy, then you will lose more points, for example 9 points; yet, if you can't answer a less commonly known question, then you might only be deducted 2 points. While this is a bit subjective, it is generally fair. For the questions and game-play, I rate this game a 5+, but sadly, I feel 440 questions is not a lot, and I wish it was 1/3 more questions or 1/3 less expensive. Give me either some 600 questions for the price, or drop the price about $5.

Reviewed in the United States on August 24, 2022

So every Friday, my completely remote work team gets together on a Zoom call to do nothing but hang out and laugh for a while. I'm our "hostess," and it's up to me to facilitate the fun. I was scrolling through and saw these one day and decided to give it a shot and we've had some absolutely great meetings with these. The directions with it are really weird and I said forget all that noise and we just give you a point if you get an answer right, lol. BUT back to the cards - there are some that are very easy, so if you've got a trivia junky this probably ain't the game for you, but for random, off-the-wall but still work-appropriate questions, this will do it. The only downside is there aren't that many cards.

Reviewed in the United States on August 13, 2022

I bought this for vacation with my family, husband, 3 sons 33,22,and 21.Daughter in law, son's girlfriend and granddaughter who is 4 so obviously not for her. My sons girlfriend opened it as we were all "chilling" after a day at the beach. Without reading directions she began to ask questions from the cards and we all began shouting out answers. And yes "I should've known that" was uttered more than once. Don't know whether we played correctly and didn't officially keep score but the shout outs were amusing and we played for almost an hour. Definitely a good time and wasn't complicated it we just made it easy. Questions were on everything from soup to nuts. Great party game! Worth having, we'll play again at next gathering.

Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2022

Played it in vacation with adult siblings and everyone enjoyed it. Can be played while sitting around socializing.

Reviewed in the United States on August 28, 2022

We forgot to play this at our family event but since we had an 11hr car ride home we ended up taking turns reading the cards in the car to each other. It was fun and killed some time.

Reviewed in the United States on September 6, 2022

The rules on the box just don’t make sense to me.
We do our own point system.

Reviewed in the United States on September 16, 2022

Fun game though confusing. At times.

Reviewed in the United States on September 7, 2022

This game worked great as a quick and fun game that I used for team building in an office environment.

How do you score the game I should have known that?

In this game, you don't get points for correct answers, instead points are subtracted for every incorrect answer. So the pressure is on to get those questions right, but most likely you'll find yourself saying, "I Should Have Known That!" For 2 or more players, ages 14 and up.

Can u name 5 game?

The player calls a number from 1-5 aloud. The reader then reads the Name 5 challenge from the card next to the number called. The player then has 30 seconds (use a watch or smart-phone to time) to NAME 5 answers within the given category. If the player is successful, he/she WINS that card.

What is the game where you ask questions?

Questions is a game that is played by participants maintaining a dialogue of asking questions back and forth for as long as possible, without making any declarative statements. Play begins when the first player serves by asking a question (often "Would you like to play questions?").