Is Prototype Rancour good for Kaeya

For a permafreeze team (Kaeya (main) + Chong (to make AA ice damage) + XQ/Barb (apply water)), BL will probably be BiS unless you have some amazing artifacts. Kaeya gets so much free CR from the cryo set + resonance + C1 bonuses when enemies are frozen that you're biggest need will be CD in order to maintain an optimum 1 to 2 ratio of CR to CD.

Watch the Jinx video for a full explanation. Basically, the cryo set makes Kaeya with constellations around S-tier with the right team and content that rewards permafreeze. He won't ever beat the pyro Diluc/Klee teams but permafreeze means you get hit a lot less so the run becomes easier.

But there isn't a ton of content that favors an awesome permafreeze team. My understanding is that Abyss is still favors pyro with some geo buff so it's kind of moot right now, but I haven't gotten too deep into 9-12 so I could be wrong. If they keep on tweaking Abyss eventually Kaeya (or a new cryo 5-star probably) will get his/her moment.

Which is insane because he was a freebie.

So it's kinda weird. You can go get BL and farm artifacts to have a top-tier permafreeze team if you have Chong. But you don't really need an awesome permafreeze team right now since everything other than Abyss is easy. Since BL is purchased from the store, it's debatable whether it's worth the investment vs. saving for more constellations into a four-star.

Personally, I'm going to buy BL unless I get Fischl to C5 in the next couple of days from my remaining pulls. I'm slowly building a Kaeya main but he's lower priority than finishing up building my support, plus Fischl C6 > Kaeya permafreeze because I can slot her into a lot more team comps. But I'm at Fischl C4 so if I don't get C5 from this banner, I'll just buy the BL and wait for the next rate up to get Fischl to C6.

What weapon is best for Kaeya?

By far, the best weapon you can use with Kaeya is the Skyward Blade. This is a 5-star sword that is best used for Cryo DPS builds. This weapon increases your Critical Rate by up to 8 percent and gives you the ability to use Skypiercing Might when you initiate an Elemental Burst.

Who is Prototype Rancour good for?

The Prototype Rancour can be used by Bennett, Jean, Kaeya, Keqing, Qiqi, Xingqiu, and the Traveler. As it is a 4-star weapon, it has good stats, and it also has a passive ability called Smashed Stone: “On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks increase ATK and DEF by 4% for 6s. Max 4 stacks.

What is better for Kaeya Prototype Rancour or iron sting?

The best weapons for Kaeya in Genshin Impact Possibly the best choice is the Skyward Blade, a sword that increases CRIT Rate and buffs him significantly after using his Elemental Burst. A good budget alternative is the Iron Sting, which grants a buff when you deal Elemental DMG. Crit Rate increased by 4/5/6/7/8%.

Who is best for Prototype Rancour Genshin?

Best Characters to Use Prototype Rancour.