Reread lines 47-49 on page 4


Reread lines 47-49, on page 4. What does this
image describe?
"You all right?" my father asks, concerned by my quiet.
"I'm fine," I say. "But I think the bird is telling me it's time."
"For what?" he asks. "A walk," I say, and hurry outside.
The rain has stopped and on the sidewalk,
towering new neighbors wave to me, silent
tossing yellow.petals on the silvery path
The speaker observes the flowering trees on the
sidewalk dropping their blossoms.
The speaker's new neighborhood is full of
skyscrapers covered with yellow blossoms.
The speaker's new neighbors greet her with a local
custom that is unfamiliar but kind.
The speaker approaches a party that her new
neighborhood has organized to meet her family.
1 2 3


Reread lines 47-49, on page 4. What does this
image describe?
The speaker approaches a party that her new
neighborhood has organized to meet her family.
The speaker's new neighborhood is full of
skyscrapers covered with yellow blossoms.
The speaker observes the flowering trees on the
sidewalk dropping their blossoms.
The speaker's new neighbors greet her with a local
custom that is unfamiliar but kind.

Reread lines 47-49, on page 4. What does this
image describe?
“You all right?” my father asks, concerned by my quiet.
“I’m fine,” I say. “But I think the bird is telling me it’s time.”
“For what?” he asks. “A walk,” I say, and hurry outside.
The rain has stopped and on the sidewalk,
towering new neighbors wave to me, silent
tossing yellow.petals on the silvery path
The speaker observes the flowering trees on the
sidewalk dropping their blossoms.
The speaker’s new neighborhood is full of
skyscrapers covered with yellow blossoms.
The speaker’s new neighbors greet her with a local
custom that is unfamiliar but kind.
The speaker approaches a party that her new
neighborhood has organized to meet her family.
1 2 3

Reread lines 47-49, on page 4. What does this image describe? 45 “You all right?” my father asks, concerned by my quiet. “I’m fine,”

Reread lines 47-49, on page 4. What does this
image describe?
“You all right?” my father asks, concerned by my quiet.
“I’m fine,” I say. “But I think the bird is telling me it’s time.”
“For what?” he asks. “A walk,” I say, and hurry outside.
The rain has stopped and on the sidewalk,
towering new neighbors wave to me, silent
tossing yellow.petals on the silvery path
The speaker observes the flowering trees on the
sidewalk dropping their blossoms.
The speaker’s new neighborhood is full of
skyscrapers covered with yellow blossoms.
The speaker’s new neighbors greet her with a local
custom that is unfamiliar but kind.
The speaker approaches a party that her new
neighborhood has organized to meet her family.
1 2 3

A Stormy Welcome
Reread lines 47-49, on page 4. What does this
image describe?
The speaker approaches a party that her now
neighborhood has organized to meet her family
I woke this morning to pouring rain
and a bird belting out her fathery blues
Not rain like it rained in the place we just came from
that was only chilly, misty, Common rain
ospolite and vague as a ticket conductor
on the trains we used to take book there, back then
This is crashing, angry tropical Singaporean rain
more like a tomper tantrum thon mere weather
jump when the thunder bellowe,
and the lighting strikes the pre-dawn dark
like the furious flash of an eye
The speaker observes the flowering trees on the
sidewolk dropping their blossoms,
The speaker’s new neighbors groot her with a local
custom that is unfamiliar but kind,
The speaker’s new neighborhood is full of
skyscrapers covered with yellow blossoms

The image that is described in lines 47-49 is "The speaker observes the flowering trees on the sidewalk dropping their blossoms," stated in option A.

What is the image described in the lines?

In lines 47-49, the speaker uses figurative language to describe a certain image. For example, when he says "towering new neighbors," he is actually referring to the trees.

Therefore, what the speaker means when he says that those neighbors "wave to me, silent tossing yellow petals" is that the trees are dropping their blossoms on the sidewalk.

With the information above in mind, we can select option A as the correct answer.

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